05068 輸入者:hardy 原翻譯義工:ruth 出現經文
05068 nadab {na:-dav'}

字根型; TWOT - 1299; 動詞

欽定本 - offered willingly 6, willingly offered 5, willing 2, offered 1,
     willing 1, offered freely 1, give willingly 1; 17

1) 煽動, 驅使, 情願
   1a) (Qal) 煽動, 驅使
   1b) (Hithpael)
       1b1) 自願
       1b2) 自發性的奉獻
05068 nadab {naw-dab'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 1299; v

AV - offered willingly 6, willingly offered 5, willing 2, offered 1,
     willing 1, offered freely 1, give willingly 1; 17

1) to incite, impel, make willing
   1a) (Qal) to incite, impel
   1b) (Hithpael)
       1b1) to volunteer
       1b2) to offer free-will offerings