主題Tyre (推羅 )
 - 歷史悠久
      賽 23:7  書 19:29 

 - 稱為
   . 西頓的居民 (女兒)
        賽 23:12 

   . 他施的居民 (女兒)
        賽 23:10 

   . 歡樂的城
        賽 23:7 

   . 賜冠冕的城
        賽 23:8 

   . 有名之城
        結 26:17 

 - 位居海島
      結 26:17  27:4,25 

 - 防禦堅固
      書 19:29  撒下 24:7  結 26:17  亞 9:3 

 - 由君王統治
      王上 5:1  耶 25:22 

 - 以下列事項知名
   . 華美
        結 27:3,4 

   . 貿易
        賽 23:2,3  結 27:3,12-25 

   . 財富
        結 27:33  28:4,5  亞 9:3 

   . 所造的船堅固而華麗
        結 27:5-7 

 - 推羅的士兵來自波斯等國
      結 27:10,11 

 - 推羅的居民
   . 是靠海吃飯的人
        結 26:17 

   . 是商人
        賽 23:8 

   . 心高氣傲
        賽 23:9  結 28:2,17 

   . 驕傲自滿
        結 28:3-5 

   . 很迷信
        耶 27:2,3,9 

   . 罪惡的
        結 28:18 

 - 往往與他國聯合對付猶太人, 見他們遭難就歡喜
      詩 83:7  結 26:2  摩 1:9 

 - 大衛和所羅門都跟推羅結盟
      王上 5:1  代下 2:3 

 - 供應
   . 水手, 以協助所羅門的船隊
        王上 9:27  代下 8:18 

   . 建築師, 以建聖殿
        代下 2:7,13 

   . 石頭和木材, 以建聖殿
        王上 5:6,9  代下 2:8,9,16 

   . 木材, 以重建聖殿和聖城
        拉 3:7 

 - 猶太人因為在安息日向推羅人買東西而受責備
      尼 13:16 

 - 基督
   . 間接提及推羅是邪惡的
        太 11:21,22 

   . 到過推羅沿海地區
        太 15:21  可 7:24 

   . 有許多推羅人跟隨祂
        可 3:8  路 6:17 

 - 保羅在推羅找到門徒
      徒 21:3,4 

 - 仰賴加利利供給糧食
      徒 12:20 

 - 討好希律
      徒 12:20 

 - 關於推羅的預言
   . 毀滅是因為妒忌猶太人
        結 26:2 

   . 毀滅是因為驕傲
        結 28:2-6 

   . 將來要被巴比倫王毀滅
        賽 23:13,14  耶 27:3,6  結 26:7-13 

   . 推羅的民會移居其他國家
        賽 23:6,12 

   . 要被刮淨, 如同淨光的磐石, 也要成為曬網的地方
        結 26:3-5,14 

   . 巴比倫王會因為效勞攻打推羅, 而得到埃及作為酬謝的擄物
        結 29:18-20 

   . 要成為荒場, 遭人遺忘七十年
        賽 23:15 

   . 過了七十年, 會恢復過去的貿易盛況
        賽 23:16,17 

   . 遭馬其頓人攻打, 二度滅亡
        結 27:32  28:7,8,18  亞 9:2-4 

   . 首城的斷垣殘壁要用來為推羅海島的滅亡鋪路
        結 26:12 

   . 再也無法恢復盛況
        結 26:21 

   . 推羅的民要被賣為奴隸, 是先前賣猶太人的報應
        珥 3:4-8 

   . 萬國見推羅滅亡就驚駭
        結 26:15-18  27:29-36  亞 9:5 

   . 成為福音給人的賜福
        詩 45:12  賽 23:18 
 - Antiquity of
      Isa 23:7  Jos 19:29 

   . The daughter of Zidon
        Isa 23:12 

   . The daughter of Tarshish
        Isa 23:10 

   . The joyous city
        Isa 23:7 

   . The crowning city
        Isa 23:8 

   . The renowned city
        Eze 26:17 

 - Insular position of
      Eze 26:17  27:4,25 

 - Strongly fortified
      Jos 19:29  2Sa 24:7  Eze 26:17  Zec 9:3 

 - Governed by kings
      1Ki 5:1  Jer 25:22 

   . Its beauty
        Eze 27:3,4 

   . Its commerce
        Isa 23:2,3  Eze 27:3,12-25 

   . Its wealth
        Eze 27:33  28:4,5  Zec 9:3 

   . Strength and beauty of its ships
        Eze 27:5-7 

 - Soldiers of, supplied by Persia, &c
      Eze 27:10,11 

   . Sea-faring men
        Eze 26:17 

   . Mercantile men
        Isa 23:8 

   . Proud and haughty
        Isa 23:9  Eze 28:2,17 

   . Self-conceited
        Eze 28:3-5 

   . Superstitious
        Jer 27:2,3,9 

   . Wicked
        Eze 28:18 

 - Often confederated against the Jews and rejoiced in their
      Ps 83:7  Eze 26:2  Am 1:9 

 - David and Solomon formed alliances with
      1Ki 5:1  2Ch 2:3 

   . Seamen for Solomon's navy
        1Ki 9:27  2Ch 8:18 

   . A master-builder for the temple
        2Ch 2:7,13 

   . Stones and timber for building the temple
        1Ki 5:6,9  2Ch 2:8,9,16 

   . Timber for rebuilding the temple and city
        Ezr 3:7 

 - The Jews condemned for purchasing from the people of, on the
      Ne 13:16 

   . Alluded to the depravity of
        Mt 11:21,22 

   . Visited the coasts of
        Mt 15:21  Mr 7:24 

   . Was followed by many from
        Mr 3:8  Lu 6:17 

   . Paul found disciples at
        Ac 21:3,4 

   . Depended for provision upon Galilee
        Ac 12:20 

 - Propitiated the favour of Herod
      Ac 12:20 

   . Envy against the Jews a cause of its destruction
        Eze 26:2 

   . Pride a cause of its destruction
        Eze 28:2-6 

   . To be destroyed by the king of Babylon
        Isa 23:13,14  Jer 27:3,6  Eze 26:7-13 

   . Inhabitants of, to emigrated to other countries
        Isa 23:6,12 

   . To be scraped as the top of a rock, and to be a place for
     the spreading nets
        Eze 26:3-5,14 

   . The king of Babylon to be rewarded with the spoil of Egypt
     for his service against
        Eze 29:18-20 

   . To lie waste and be forgotten for seventy years
        Isa 23:15 

   . Its restoration to commercial greatness after seventy years
        Isa 23:16,17 

   . Its second destruction by the Macedonians
        Eze 27:32  28:7,8,18  Zec 9:2-4 

   . The ruins of the first city to be employed in making a
     causeway to effect the destruction of insular Tyre
        Eze 26:12 

   . Never to recover its greatness
        Eze 26:21 

   . Its inhabitants to be sold as slaves, as a recompence for
     their selling the Jews
        Joe 3:4-8 

   . All nations to be terrified at its destruction
        Eze 26:15-18  27:29-36  Zec 9:5 

   . To participated in the blessings of the gospel
        Ps 45:12  Isa 23:18 
