主題Shoes (鞋子 )
 - 早期穿鞋的記載
      創 14:23 

 - 稱為帶子鞋
      可 6:9  徒 12:8 

 - 鞋底有時鍍了銅或鐵
      申 33:25 

 - 鞋帶繫在鞋上, 把腳包住
      約 1:27  徒 12:8 

 - 貴婦的鞋子
   . 往往用海狗皮製成
        結 16:10 

   . 往往裝飾華麗
        歌 7:1 

   . 可能往往綴上叮噹響的飾品
        賽 3:18 

 - 為別人解鞋帶是降格的職務
      可 1:7  約 1:27 

 - 為別人提鞋是降格的職務, 只有奴僕才會這麼做
      太 3:11 

 - 猶太人
   . 踏上旅途之前要先穿鞋
        出 12:11 

   . 哀悼時從不穿鞋
        撒下 15:30  賽 20:2,3  結 24:17,23 

   . 踏上聖地時要脫鞋
        出 3:5  書 5:15 

 - 長途跋涉, 鞋就破舊
      書 9:5,13 

 - 以色列人在曠野旅行時, 上帝保守他們鞋子四十年不壞
      申 29:5 

 - 往往用鞋子行賄
      摩 2:6  8:6 

 - 跟鞋子有關的習俗
   . 脫了不肯娶守寡嫂子的人腳上的鞋, 以示恥辱
        申 25:9,10 

   . 人把一隻鞋子交給近親, 表示放棄買贖某物的權利
        得 4:7,8 

 - 耶穌不許使徒在旅途中除了腳上穿的鞋子之外還攜帶其他鞋子
      太 10:10  可 6:9  路 10:4 

 - 用來說明
   . 預備傳福音
        弗 6:15 

   . 賦予聖徒的榮美
        歌 7:1  路 15:22 

   . (鞋上沾了血,) 參與戰爭、屠殺
        王上 2:5 

   . (把鞋脫下,) 可恥而奴顏婢膝的情況
        賽 47:2  耶 2:25 

   . (把鞋丟在某地,) 征服
        詩 60:8  108:9 
 - Early use of
      Ge 14:23 

 - Called sandals
      Mr 6:9  Ac 12:8 

 - Soles of, sometimes plated with brass or iron
      De 33:25 

 - Bound round the feet with latchets or strings
      Joh 1:27  Ac 12:8 

   . Often made of badgers' skins
        Eze 16:10 

   . Often highly ornamental
        So 7:1 

   . Probably often adorned with tinkling ornaments
        Isa 3:18 

 - Loosing of, for another a degrading office
      Mr 1:17  Joh 1:27 

 - Bearing, for another a degrading office, only performed by
      Mt 3:11 

   . Put on, before beginning a journey
        Ex 12:11 

   . Never wore, in mourning
        2Sa 15:30  Isa 20:2,3  Eze 24:17,23 

   . Put off, when they entered sacred places
        Ex 3:5  Jos 5:15 

 - Worn out by a long journey
      Jos 9:5,13 

 - Of Israel preserved for forty years, while journeying in the
      De 29:5 

 - Often given as bribes
      Am 2:6  8:6 

   . A man who refused to marry a deceased brother's wife
     disgraced by pulling off his shoes
        De 25:9,10 

   . The right of redemption resigned by a man's giving one of
     his shoes to the next of kin
        Ru 4:7,8 

 - The Apostles prohibited from taking for their journey more,
   than the pair they had on
      Mt 10:10  Mr 6:9  Lu 10:4 

   . Of the preparation of the gospel
        Eph 6:15 

   . Of the beauty conferred on saints
        So 7:1  Lu 15:22 

   . (Having blood on,) of being engaged in war and slaughter
        1Ki 2:5 

   . (Taken off,) of an ignominious and servile condition
        Isa 47:2  Jer 2:25 

   . (Thrown over a place,) of subjection
        Ps 60:8  108:9 
