主題BURIAL (埋葬 )
     耶 34:5 

     申 21:23  書 8:29  約 19:38-42  徒 5:9,10 

     代下 16:14  可 16:1  路 23:56 

     撒下 3:31  路 7:14 

       創 50:5-9 
       撒下 3:31 
       王上 14:13 
       路 7:12,13 
       徒 8:2 

     王下 9:10  箴 30:17  耶 16:4  22:19  結 39:15 

       創 49:29,30 
       創 50:25 

     結 39:12,13 

       創 23  25:9 
         創 50:5 
         代下 16:14 
         太 27:60 
       王下 23:16  書 24:33 
       耶 7:32 
       創 47:30  49:29  徒 7:16 
       王上 2:10  代下 32:33 
       代下 24:16,25  21:20 
       耶 26:23  太 27:7 
         撒上 25:1  王上 2:34 
         王下 21:18,26  約 19:41 
         創 23:9 
         創 35:8 
         撒上 31:13 
       太 27:60,66  約 11:38  20:1 
       創 35:20 
       太 23:27,29 
       太 8:28 
       民 19:16,18  賽 65:4 
       啟 11:9 
       耶 8:1 
   .見 火葬 
   .見 死人 
   .見 死亡
   .見 輓歌/哀歌 
   .見 死亡/墓穴 
   .見 哀悼/悲慟 

     賽 22:16  羅 6:4  西 2:12 
 -Rites of
     Jer 34:5 

 -Soon after death
     De 21:23  Jos 8:29  Joh 19:38-42  Ac 5:9,10 

 -With spices
     2Ch 16:14  Mr 16:1  Lu 23:56 

 -Bier (coffin) used at
     2Sa 3:31  Lu 7:14 

 -Attended by relatives and friends
   .Of Jacob
       Ge 50:5-9 
       2Sa 3:31 
   .Child of Jeroboam
       1Ki 14:13 
   .The son of the widow of Nain
       Lu 7:12,13 
       Ac 8:2 

 -Lack of, a disgrace
     2Ki 9:10  Pr 30:17  Jer 16:4  22:19  Eze 39:15 

 -Directions given about, before death
   .By Jacob
       Ge 49:29,30 
   .By Joseph
       Ge 50:25 

 -Burial of Gog (multitude) requiring seven months
     Eze 39:12,13 

   .Bought by Abraham
       Ge 23  25:9 
   .Prepared by
         Ge 50:5 
         2Ch 16:14 
         Mt 27:60 
   .On hills
       2Ki 23:16  Jos 24:33 
   .In valleys
       Jer 7:32 
       Ge 47:30  49:29  Ac 7:16 
   .Of kings
       1Ki 2:10  2Ch 32:33 
   .A place of honor
       2Ch 24:16,25  21:20 
   .For poor and strangers
       Jer 26:23  Mt 27:7 
     .In houses
         1Sa 25:1  1Ki 2:34 
     .In gardens
         2Ki 21:18,26  Joh 19:41 
     .In caves
         Ge 23:9 
     .Under trees, Deborah's
         Ge 35:8 
     .King Saul's
         1Sa 31:13 
   .Closed with stones
       Mt 27:60,66  Joh 11:38  20:1 
       Mt 27:66 
   .Marked with pillars, Rachel's
       Ge 35:20 
   .And inscriptions
       2Ki 23:17 
   .Painted and garnished
       Mt 23:27,29 
   .With shelves
       Isa 14:15 
   .Demoniacs lived in
       Mt 8:28 
   .Anyone who touched, were unclean
       Nu 19:16,18  Isa 65:4 
   .Refused to the dead
       Re 11:9 
       Jer 8:1 
   .See DEAD, THE
   .See DEATH
   .See ELEGY
   .See GRAVE

     Isa 22:16  Ro 6:4  Col 2:12 
