主題TITHES (十一奉獻 )
     創 14:20  來 7:2-6 

     創 28:22 

     利 27:30-33  民 18:21-24  申 12:6,7,17-19  14:22-29 
     申 26:12-15 

     尼 10:37,38  摩 4:4  來 7:5-9 

     民 18:26  尼 10:38 

     尼 10:38,39  12:44  13:5,12  代下 31:11,12  瑪 3:10 

     代下 31:5-10 

     尼 13:12 

     尼 13:10  瑪 3:8 

     太 23:23  路 11:42  18:12 

     摩 4:4,5 


 -Paid by Abraham to Melchizedek
     Ge 14:20  Heb 7:2-6 

 -Jacob vows a tenth of all his property to God
     Ge 28:22 

 -Mosaic laws instituting
     Le 27:30-33  Nu 18:21-24  De 12:6,7,17-19  14:22-29  26:12-15 

 -Customs relating to
     Ne 10:37,38  Am 4:4  Heb 7:5-9 

 -A tithe of tithes for the priests
     Nu 18:26  Ne 10:38 

 -Stored in the temple
     Ne 10:38,39  12:44  13:5,12  2Ch 31:11,12  Mal 3:10 

 -Payment of, resumed in Hezekiah's reign
     2Ch 31:5-10 

 -Under Nehemiah
     Ne 13:12 

     Ne 13:10  Mal 3:8 

 -Customary in later times
     Mt 23:23  Lu 11:42  18:12 

 -Observed by idolaters
     Am 4:4,5 

 -See TAX
