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總共 392 筆資料,目前由第 251 筆開始印

代上16:29Ka7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 mia5 sou2 eng-kai tit tio̍h e5 eng5-kng kui hou7 Siong7-chu2, toa3 le2-mih8 lai5-kau3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 bin7-cheng5; tioh8 eng7 seng3-kiat e5 taN2-pan7 keng3-pai3 Siong7-chu2. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上16:33Hit si5, chhiu7-na5 lai7 e5 chhiu7-bak8 e7 ti7 Siong7-chu2 e5 bin7-cheng5 chhut hoann-hi2 e5 siann, in-ui7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> lai5 beh sim2-phoaN3 choan5 te7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上16:34Lin2 tioh8 kam2-sia7 Siong7-chu2; in-ui7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> si7 ho2, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 chu5-ai3 eng2-oan2 ti7-.leh. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上16:36Tioh8 oló Siong7-chu2, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el e5 Siong7-te3, tui3 eng2-oan2 kau3 eng2-oan2. Jin5-bin5 long2 kong2: A-men! Koh oló Siong7-chu2. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上16:40thang ti7 sio-che3 e5 toaN5 teng2, tak8 jit8 cha2-am3 hian3 sio-che3 hou7 Siong7-chu2, chiau3 Siong7-chu2 beng7-leng7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e5 lut8-hoat it-chhe3 sou2 ki3-chai3 e5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上16:41kah in cho3-tin7 e5 u7 He-man2, E-to-tong3 kah ki5-tha siu7 keng2-soan2 ki3 mia5 e5, thang kam2-sia7 Siong7-chu2, in-ui7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 chu5-ai3 eng2-oan2 ti7-.leh. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:5in-ui7 tui3 Goa2 chhoa7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el khi2-.lai5 e5 jit8 kau3 kin-a2-jit8, Goa2 m̄ bat toa3 ti7 chhu3 lai7, si7 tui3 chit-e5 pou3-penn5 kau3 hit-e5 pou3-penn5, tui3 chit-e5 tiuN3-pang5 kau3 hit-e5 tiuN3-pang5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:6Kian3-na7 Goa2 kah ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 sou2 kau3 e5 sou2-chai7, ti7 Goa2 sou2 hoan-hu3 chiau3-kou3 Goa2 e5 jin5-bin5 e5 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el e5 su7-su tiong, Goa2 kam2 bat tui3 in chit8-e5 lang5 kong2, ' Li2 na2 e7 bo5 ka7 Goa2 khi2 pek-hiuN chha5 e5 chhu3? '串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:7" TaN li2 tioh8 khi3 ka7 Goa2 e5 lou5-pok8 — Ta-bit8 kong2: Ban7-kun e5 Siong7-chu2 ánne kong2, ' Goa2 bat ti7 iuN5-tiau5, tui3 teh kou3 iuN5 lai5 tiau3 li2, cho3 Goa2 e5 chu2-bin5ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e5 kun-ong5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:9Ji5-chhiann2 Goa2 e7 ka7 Goa2 e5 chu2-bin5ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 tiaN7 tio̍h chit8-e5 sou2-chai7, lai5 chai-poe5 in, hou7 in toa3 kakī e5 sou2-chai7, bo5 koh chhian-soa2; hiong-ok e5 lang5 ma7 bo5 chhin-chhiunn7 khi2-thau5 ánne ka7 in ham7-hai7, 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:10ma7 bo5 chhin-chhiunn7 Goa2 beng7-leng7 su7-su ti7-li2 Goa2 e5 chu2-bin5ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e5 si5. Goa2 e7 hou7 li2 e5 tui3-tek8 long2 khut-hok8. Goa2 koh ka7 li2 kong2, Siong7-chu2 e7 ka7 li2 kian3-lip8 chit8-e5 ke. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:18Ta-bit8 iau2 u7 siaN2-mih8 oe7 thang tui3 Li2 kong2-kau3 Li2 e5 lou5-pok8 sou2 tit tio̍h e5 chun-kui3? ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">n-ui7 Li2 chin liau2-kai2 Li2 e5 lou5-pok8. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:21Te7 chiuN7 u7 to2 chit8 kok chhin-chhiunn7 Li2 e5 chu2-bin5ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5, toh8-si7 Siong7-chu2 cha2-cheng5 khi3 kiu3-siok8 in lai5 cho3 kakī e5 jin5-bin5, hou7 Li2 tui3 kek8 toa7 koh thang kiaN e5 tāichì tit tio̍h mia5, in-ui7 koaN2-tiok8 liat8 kok li7-khui Li2 e5 chu2-bin5, toh8-si7 Li2 sou2 kiu3-siok8 chhut Ai-gip8 hiahê jin5-bin5 e5 bin7-cheng5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:22ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">n-ui7 Li2 hou7 Li2 e5 chu2-bin5ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 cho3 Li2 e5 chu2-bin5, it-tit8 kau3 eng2-oan2; Siong7-chu2 ah, Li2 ma7 cho3 in e5 Siong7-te3. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上17:24Goan7 Li2 e5 mia5 eng2-oan2 kian-kou3, siu7 chun cho3 toa7, kong2, ' Ban7-kun e5 Siong7-chu2 si7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el e5 Siong7-te3, si7 cho3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el e5 Siong7-te3. ' Li2 e5 lou5-pok8 — Ta-bit8 e5 ke e7 ti7 Li2 e5 bin7-cheng5 kian-kou3. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上18:13ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> ti7 E-tom2 te7 siat-lip8 hong5-siu2 e5 peng-iaN5, E-tom2 lang5 chiu7 long2 khut-hok8 Ta-bit8. Ta-bit8 bo5-lun7 khi3-kau3 to2-ui7, Siong7-chu2 long2 hou7 i tek-seng3. 串珠 註釋 原文

Ta-bit8 e5 Tai7-sin5

( SMH 8:15-18)

Ta-bit8 cho3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el choan5 kok e5 ong5, koh ti7 cheng3 lang5 e5 tiong-kan peng2-kong kiaN5-gi7.
串珠 註釋 原文
代上18:15Che-lu2-iah e5 kiaN2 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap cho3 goan5-soe3, A-hi-lut8 e5 kiaN2 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o5-sa-hoat cho3 su2-koaN. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上18:17ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ho-ia2-tah e5 kiaN2 Be-na2-iah koan2-hat Ke-le-thih lang5 kah Be-le-thi lang5. Ta-bit8 e5 cheng3 kiaN2 long2 ti7 ong5 e5 sin piN cho3 thau5-lang5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:3Chong2-.si7, Am-mong2 lang5 e5 kui3-chok8 tui3 Ha-nun kong2, " Ta-bit8 chhe lang5 lai5 an-ui3 li2, siuN7 kong2 i si7 teh chun-keng3 li2 e5 lau7-pe7? ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 jin5-sin5 lai5 kinn3 li2, kam2 m7-si7 beh siong5-se3 cha-khoaN3, tham3-thiaN chit-e5 te7, beh lai5 ka7 i hui2-biat8? "串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:5U7 lang5 ka7 chiahê lang5 sou2 tu2-.tioh8 e5 khi3 ka7 Ta-bit8 kong2, i chiu7 chhe lang5 khi3 chiap in, in-ui7 hiahê lang5 chin kian3-siau3; ong5 hoan-hu3 kong2, " Tioh8 chhiann2 toa3 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-e2-li7-kho siaN5, theng3-hau7 chhui3-chhiu hoat tng5 chiah thang tng2-.lai5. "串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:10ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap khoaN3 tio̍h tui3-tek8 ti7 i e5 cheng5-au7 pai5 tin7, chiu7 tui3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el kun tiong keng2-soan2 cheng-peng, hou7 in pai5 tin7 lai5 tui3-hu3 A-lam5 lang5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:13Tioh8 ho2-tann2, lan2 tioh8 ui7 lan2 e5 jin5-bin5 kah lan2 e5 Siong7-te3 chiahê siaN5, cho3 tai7-tiong7-hu, goan7 Siong7-chu2 chiau3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> sou2 khoaN3-cho3 ho2 e5 lai5 kiaN5. "串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:15Am-mong2 lang5 khoaN3 tio̍h A-lam5 lang5 to5-chau2, in ma7 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap e5 sio2-ti7 A-bi-sai e5 bin7-cheng5 to5-chau2 jip8 siaN5. ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap chiu7 to3 tng2-khi3 E5-lu2-sa-lem3. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:16A-lam5 lang5 khoaN3 tio̍h in thai5-su ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5, chiu7 chhe su3-chia2 chu7-chip8 toa7 ho5 hit peng5 e5 A-lam5 lang5, Ha-ta-te-chel e5 chiong-kun Sok-hoat chhoa7 in lai5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:17U7 lang5 thong-ti Ta-bit8, i chiu7 chu7-chip8 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el jin5-bin5, koe3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">ol-tan3 ho5, lai5-kau3 A-lam5 lang5 hia, pai5 tin7 ka7 in ti2-tek8. Ta-bit8 i2-keng pai5 tin7 kong-kek A-lam5 lang5, in chiu7 kah i kau-chian3. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:18A-lam5 lang5 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e5 bin7-cheng5 to5-chau2. Ta-bit8 thai5 A-lam5 lang5, chhit chheng tai5 chhia e5 peng, koh thai5 pou7-peng si3 ban7, ma7 thai5-si2 chiong-kun Sok-hoat. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上19:19Ha-ta-te-chel chiahê jin5-sin5, khoaN3 tio̍h in thai5-su ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5, chiu7 kah Ta-bit8 kong2-ho5, lai5 ka7 i hok8-sai7. Chiu7 ánne, A-lam5 lang5 bo5 koh pang-chan7 Am-mong2 lang5. 串珠 註釋 原文

Ta-bit8 Cheng-hok8 Lap-bah SiaN5

( SMH 12: 26-31)

Ni5-thau5, liat8 ong5 chhut-lai5 kau-chian3 e5 si5, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap chhoa7 kun-peng hui2-hoai7 Am-mong2 lang5 e5 te7, ka7 Lap-bah ui5-khun3; Ta-bit8 iu5-goan5 toa3 ti7 E5-lu2-sa-lem3. ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap phah Lah8-pa e5 siaN5, ka7 i cheng-hok8.
串珠 註釋 原文
代上20:5Koh kah Hui-li7-su7 lang5 kau-chian3, hit si5, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">a-il e5 kiaN2 El-ha-nan thai5-si2 Gat lang5, Go-li7-at e5 hiann-ti7 La-mih. Chit-e5 lang5 e5 chhiuN-peN3 toa7 kah chhin-chhiunn7 pou3-ki e5 tek8-sim. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上20:7Chit-e5 lang5 bu2-ban7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e5 si5, Ta-bit8 e5 a-hiaN Si-me-ah e5 kiaN2 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-na2-than lai5 ka7 i thai5-si2. 串珠 註釋 原文

Ta-bit8 Tiam2-sng3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el Lang5 e5 Sou3-giah8

( SMH 24: 1-25)

Sa-tan2 khi2-lai5 ai3 hai7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el, in2-iu2 Ta-bit8 sng3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e5 sou3-giah8.
串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:2Ta-bit8 ka7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap kah jin5-bin5 tiong-kan e5 siu2-leng2 kong2, " Lin2 khi3 sng3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5, tui3 Bel-si2-bah kau3 Tan3, tng2-lai5 ka7 goa2 kong2, hou7 goa2 chai in e5 sou3-giah8. "串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:3ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap kong2, " Goan7 Siong7-chu2 hou7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 chu2-bin5 pi2 hian7-kim ke-thinn pah poe7, goa2 e5 chu2 — goa2 e5 ong5, in kam2 bo5 long2 si7 goa2 e5 chu2 e5 jin5-bin5? Goa2 e5 chu2 an2-choaN2 beng7-leng7 chit-e5 tāichì? An2-choaN2 hou7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el hoan7 choe7? "串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:4Chong2-.si7, ong5 e5 oe7 iaN5-koe3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap. ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap chiu7 chhut-khi3 pian3 kiaN5 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el te7, koh tng2-lai5 E5-lu2-sa-lem3. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:5ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap chiu7 ka7 sou2 sng3 jin5-bin5 e5 chong2-giah8 po3-ko3 Ta-bit8, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 e7 giah8 to e5 u7 chit8-pah chap8-ban7, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o5-tah lang5 e7 giah8 to e5 si3-chap8 chhit ban7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:6Tok8-tok8 Le7-bi7 lang5 kah Bian7-ia2-min2 lang5 i bo5 sng3 chai7-lai7, in-ui7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">o-ap tho2-ia3 ong5 chit-e5 beng7-leng7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:7Chit-e5 tāichì Siong7-te3 khoaN3-cho3 m7-ho2, chiu7 phah ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:12khoann3 si7 sann ni5 e5 ki-hng, a2-.si7 saN goeh8-jit8 ti7 li2 e5 tui3-tek8 e5 bin7-cheng5 tu2 tio̍h sun2-hai7, hou7 siu5-tek8 e5 to-kiam3 jiok tio̍h li2, a2-.si7 saN jit8 Siong7-chu2 e5 kiam3, toh8-si7 un-ek8 ti7 li2 e5 kok lai7, Siong7-chu2 e5 su3-chia2 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el e5 choan5 keng2 teh hui2-biat8. ' TaN li2 tioh8 siuN7 khoaN3, goa2 thang eng7 siaN2-mih8 oe7 hoe5-hok chhe goa2 e5. "串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:14Chiu7 ánne, Siong7-chu2 chiu7 kang3 un-ek8 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el, ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el lang5 si2 e5 u7 chhit ban7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:15Siong7-chu2 chhe chit8-e5 su3-chia2 lai5-kau3 E5-lu2-sa-lem3 beh ka7 i biat8-tiau7, teh beh ka7 i biat8-tiau7 e5 si5, Siong7-chu2 khoaN3-.tioh8, chiu7 kai2-pian3 chu2-i3, ka7 hui2-biat8 e5 su3-chia2 kong2, " Kau3-giah8 a3, taN thang theng5 li2 e5 chhiu2. " Hit si5, Siong7-chu2 e5 su3-chia2 khia7 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-e2-bu2-suh lang5 Ol-nan5 e5 tiuN7-tiaN5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:18Hit tong-si5, Siong7-chu2 e5 su3-chia2 beng7-leng7 Gat8 khi3 ka7 Ta-bit8 kong2, Ta-bit8 tioh8 chiuN7-.khi3, ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-e2-bu2-suh lang5 Ol-nan5 e5 tiuN7-tiaN5, ka7 Siong7-chu2 khi2 chit8 cho7 toaN5. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:28Hit si5, Ta-bit8 khoaN3 tio̍h Siong7-chu2 ti7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-e2-bu2-suh lang5 Ol-nan5 e5 tiuN7-tiaN5 ka7 i in3-tap, chiu7 ti7 hia hian3 che3. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:29ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">n-ui7 Mou5-se ti7 khong3-ia2 sou2 cho7 Siong7-chu2 e5 hoe7-bou7 kah sio-che3 e5 toaN5, hit si5 long2 ti7 Gi-bong2 koan5 e5 sou2-chai7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上21:30Chong2-.si7, Ta-bit8 be7 tang3 chiuN7-kau3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 bin7-cheng5 lai5 mng7 Siong7-te3, in-ui7 i kiaN Siong7-chu2 e5 su3-chia2 e5 to. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上22:1Ta-bit8 kong2, " Che si7 Siong7-chu2 — Siong7-te3 e5 chhu3, chit-e5 si7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el hian3 sio-che3 e5 toaN5. "串珠 註釋 原文

Chun2-pi7 Khi2-cho7 Seng3-tian7

Ta-bit8 beng7-leng7 chu7-chip8 toa3 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el te7 e5 chhut-goa7 lang5, koh phai3 phah chioh8 e5 sai-hu7 phah chioh8, ai3 beh khi2 Siong7-chu2 e5 tian7.
串珠 註釋 原文
代上22:5Ta-bit8 kong2, " Goa2 e5 kiaN2 Sou2-lo5-mong2 iáu koh se3-han3 koh nng2-chiaN2, beh ka7 Siong7-chu2 khi2 e5 tian7 tioh8 chin sui2 kau3-kek8, hou7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 mia5-siaN eng5-kng kau3 ti7 ban7-kok, sou2-i2, goa2 taN tioh8 ka7 i chun2-pi7. " Ta-bit8 chiu7 ti7 iau2-boe7 si2 e5 chin3-cheng5, chun2-pi7 chin che7 chai5-liau7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上22:6Ta-bit8 chiu7 kio3 i e5 kiaN2 Sou2-lo5-mong2-lai5, hoan-hu3 i tioh8 ka7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el e5 Siong7-te3 khi2 tian7. 串珠 註釋 原文
代上22:9Li2 khoaN3, li2 e7 seN chit8-e5 kiaN2, i e7 cho3 thai3-peng5 e5 lang5, Goa2 e7 hou7 i thai3-peng5, hou7 si3-khou-ui5 chiahê tui3-tek8 bo5 koh kiau2-jiau2 i. ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000"> e5 mia5 beh kio3-cho3 Sou2-lo5-mong2. Ti7 i che7-ui7 e5 jit8, Goa2 e7 siuN2-su3 an-cheng7 ho5-peng5 hou7 ont>ont color="#FF0000">Iont>ont color="#000000">-su-la-el. 串珠 註釋 原文
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