查不到任何資料,請修改查詢條件再查! select main.chinesef, COALESCE( unv.chap) as chap,COALESCE( unv.sec) as sec,COALESCE( unv.id) as rid,main.engs,unv.txt,ispar(main.engs,unv.chap,unv.sec),main.id from unv,main where main.engs=COALESCE( unv.engs) and main.chineses='%E7%8E%8B%E4%B8%8A%20' and COALESCE( unv.chap)=8 and ( COALESCE( unv.sec)=1 or COALESCE( unv.sec)=6 or (COALESCE( unv.sec)>=10 and COALESCE( unv.sec)<=11) or (COALESCE( unv.sec)>=22 and COALESCE( unv.sec)<=30) or (COALESCE( unv.sec)>=41 and COALESCE( unv.sec)<=43) ) order by main.id asc, chap asc, sec asc