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3:1 「{<0518>}人<01931>獻供物<07133>為平安<08002><02077>(平安:或譯酬恩;下同),若<0518>是從<04480>牛群<01241>中獻<07126>(8688),無論<0518>是公的<02145><0518>母的<05347>,必用沒有殘疾的<08549><07126>(8686)在耶和華<03068>面前<09001><06440>
And if his oblation<07133> be a sacrifice<02077> of peace offering<08002>, if he offer<07126>(8688) it of the herd<01241>; whether it be a male<02145> or female<05347>, he shall offer<07126>(8686) it without blemish<08549> before<06440> the LORD<03068>.
3:2 他要按<05564>(8804)<03027><05921>供物<07133>的頭<07218>上,宰<07819>(8804)於會<04150><0168>門口<06607>。亞倫<0175>子孫<01121>作祭司<03548>的,要把<0853><01818><02236>(8804)<05921><04196>的周圍<05439>
And he shall lay<05564>(8804) his hand<03027> upon the head<07218> of his offering<07133>, and kill<07819>(8804) it at the door<06607> of the tabernacle<0168> of the congregation<04150>: and Aaron's<0175> sons<01121> the priests<03548> shall sprinkle<02236>(8804) the blood<01818> upon the altar<04196> round about<05439>.
3:3 從平安<08002><04480><02077>中,將火祭<0801><07126>(8689)給耶和華<09001><03068>,也要把<0853><03680>(8764){<0853>}臟<07130>的脂油<02459><0853><07130><05921>{<0834>}所有的<03605>脂油<02459>
And he shall offer<07126>(8689) of the sacrifice<02077> of the peace offering<08002> an offering made by fire<0801> unto the LORD<03068>; the fat<02459> that covereth<03680>(8764) the inwards<07130>, and all the fat<02459> that is upon the inwards<07130>, {fat: or, suet}
And the two<08147> kidneys<03629>, and the fat<02459> that is on them, which is by the flanks<03689>, and the caul<03508> above the liver<03516>, with the kidneys<03629>, it shall he take away<05493>(8686). {caul...: or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys}
3:5 亞倫<0175>的子孫<01121>要把這些<0853><06999>(8689)<05921><04196>的燔祭<05930>上,就是<0834><05921><0784><0834><06086><05921>,是獻與耶和華<09001><03068>為馨香<07381><05207>的火祭<0801>
And Aaron's<0175> sons<01121> shall burn<06999>(8689) it on the altar<04196> upon the burnt sacrifice<05930>, which is upon the wood<06086> that is on the fire<0784>: it is an offering made by fire<0801>, of a sweet<05207> savour<07381> unto the LORD<03068>.
3:6 「人向耶和華<09001><03068>獻供物<07133>為平安<08002><09001><02077>,若<0518>是從<04480>羊群<06629>中獻<07126>(8686),無論是公的<02145><0176>母的<05347>,必用沒有殘疾的<08549>
And if his offering<07133> for a sacrifice<02077> of peace offering<08002> unto the LORD<03068> be of the flock<06629>; male<02145> or female<05347>, he shall offer<07126>(8686) it without blemish<08549>.
3:7 {<01931>}若<0518><07126>(8688)一隻羊羔<03775><0853>供物<07133>,必在耶和華<03068>面前<09001><06440><07126>(8689)上{<0853>},
If he offer<07126>(8688) a lamb<03775> for his offering<07133>, then shall he offer<07126>(8689) it before<06440> the LORD<03068>.
3:8 並要按<05564>(8804){<0853>}手<03027><05921>供物<07133>的頭<07218>上,宰<07819>(8804){<0853>}於會<04150><0168><09001><06440>。亞倫<0175>的子孫<01121>要把<0853><01818><02236>(8804)<05921><04196>的周圍<05439>
And he shall lay<05564>(8804) his hand<03027> upon the head<07218> of his offering<07133>, and kill<07819>(8804) it before<06440> the tabernacle<0168> of the congregation<04150>: and Aaron's<0175> sons<01121> shall sprinkle<02236>(8804) the blood<01818> thereof round about<05439> upon the altar<04196>.
3:9 從平安<08002><04480><02077>中,將火祭<0801><07126>(8689)給耶和華<09001><03068>,其中的脂油<02459>和整<08549>肥尾巴<0451>都要在靠近<09001><05980>脊骨<06096>處取下<05493>(8686),並要把<0853><03680>(8764)<07130>的脂油<02459><0853>{<0834>}臟<07130><05921>所有的<03605>{<0853>}脂油<02459>
And he shall offer<07126>(8689) of the sacrifice<02077> of the peace offering<08002> an offering made by fire<0801> unto the LORD<03068>; the fat<02459> thereof, and the whole<08549> rump<0451>, it shall he take off<05493>(8686) hard<05980> by the backbone<06096>; and the fat<02459> that covereth<03680>(8764) the inwards<07130>, and all the fat<02459> that is upon the inwards<07130>,
3:10 {<0853>}兩個<08147>腰子<03629><0853>腰子<0834><05921>的脂油<02459>,就是<0834><05921><03689>兩旁的脂油,並<0853><03516><05921>的網子<03508>和{<05921>}腰子<03629>,一概取下<05493>(8686)
And the two<08147> kidneys<03629>, and the fat<02459> that is upon them, which is by the flanks<03689>, and the caul<03508> above the liver<03516>, with the kidneys<03629>, it shall he take away<05493>(8686).
3:11 祭司<03548>要在壇上<04196>焚燒<06999>(8689),是獻給耶和華<09001><03068>為食物<03899>的火祭<0801>
And the priest<03548> shall burn<06999>(8689) it upon the altar<04196>: it is the food<03899> of the offering made by fire<0801> unto the LORD<03068>.
3:12 「人的供物<07133><0518>是山羊<05795>,必在耶和華<03068>面前<09001><06440><07126>(8689)上。
And if his offering<07133> be a goat<05795>, then he shall offer<07126>(8689) it before<06440> the LORD<03068>.
3:13 要按<05564>(8804){<0853>}手<03027><05921>山羊頭<07218>上,宰<07819>(8804){<0853>}於會<04150><0168><09001><06440>。亞倫<0175>的子孫<01121>要把<0853><01818><02236>(8804)<05921><04196>的周圍<05439>
And he shall lay<05564>(8804) his hand<03027> upon the head<07218> of it, and kill<07819>(8804) it before<06440> the tabernacle<0168> of the congregation<04150>: and the sons<01121> of Aaron<0175> shall sprinkle<02236>(8804) the blood<01818> thereof upon the altar<04196> round about<05439>.
3:14 又把<0853><03680>(8764){<0853>}臟<07130>的脂油<02459><0853>{<0834>}臟<07130><05921>所有的<03605>脂油<02459>,{<0853>}兩個<08147>腰子<03629><0853>腰子上<05921>的脂油<02459>,就是<0834><05921><03689>兩旁的脂油,並<0853><03516><05921>的網子<03508>和{<05921>}腰子<03629>,一概取下<05493>(8686),獻<07126>(8689){<04480>}{<07133>}給耶和華<09001><03068>為火祭<0801>
And he shall offer<07126>(8689) thereof his offering<07133>, even an offering made by fire<0801> unto the LORD<03068>; the fat<02459> that covereth<03680>(8764) the inwards<07130>, and all the fat<02459> that is upon the inwards<07130>,
3:15 【併於上節】
And the two<08147> kidneys<03629>, and the fat<02459> that is upon them, which is by the flanks<03689>, and the caul<03508> above the liver<03516>, with the kidneys<03629>, it shall he take away<05493>(8686).
3:16 祭司<03548>要在壇<04196>上焚燒<06999>(8689),作為馨香<09001><07381><05207>火祭<0801>的食物<03899>。脂油<02459>都是<03605>耶和華的<09001><03068>
And the priest<03548> shall burn<06999>(8689) them upon the altar<04196>: it is the food<03899> of the offering made by fire<0801> for a sweet<05207> savour<07381>: all the fat<02459> is the LORD'S<03068>.
3:17 在你們一切的<09002><03605>住處<04186>,{<03605>}脂油<02459><03605><01818>都不可<03808><0398>(8799);這要成為你們世世代代<09001><01755>永遠的<05769>定例<02708>。」
It shall be a perpetual<05769> statute<02708> for your generations<01755> throughout all your dwellings<04186>, that ye eat<0398>(8799) neither fat<02459> nor blood<01818>.

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