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14:1 <02009>耶和華的<09001><03068>日子<03117>臨近<0935>(8804),你的財物必被搶掠<07998>,在你中間<09002><07130>分散<02505>(8795)
Behold, the day<03117> of the LORD<03068> cometh<0935>(8804), and thy spoil<07998> shall be divided<02505>(8795) in the midst<07130> of thee.
14:2 因為我必聚集<0622>(8804){<0853>}萬<03605><01471><0413>耶路撒冷<03389>爭戰<09001><04421>,城<05892>必被攻取<03920>(8738),房屋<01004>被搶奪<08155>(8738),婦女<0802>被玷污<07901>(8735)(8675)<07693>(8735),城<05892>中的民一半<02677>被擄<09002><01473><03318>(8804);剩下的<03499><05971>仍在<04480><05892>中,不致<03808>剪除<03772>(8735)
For I will gather<0622>(8804) all nations<01471> against Jerusalem<03389> to battle<04421>; and the city<05892> shall be taken<03920>(8738), and the houses<01004> rifled<08155>(8738), and the women<0802> ravished<07901>(8735)(8675)<07693>(8735); and half<02677> of the city<05892> shall go forth<03318>(8804) into captivity<01473>, and the residue<03499> of the people<05971> shall not be cut off<03772>(8735) from the city<05892>.
14:3 那時<09002><03117>,耶和華<03068>必出去<03318>(8804)與那些<01992><09002><01471>爭戰<03898>(8738),好像從前<09003><03117>爭戰<03898>(8736)一樣{<07128>}。
Then shall the LORD<03068> go forth<03318>(8804), and fight<03898>(8738) against those nations<01471>, as when<03117> he fought<03898>(8736) in the day<03117> of battle<07128>.
And his feet<07272> shall stand<05975>(8804) in that day<03117> upon the mount<02022> of Olives<02132>, which is before<06440> Jerusalem<03389> on the east<06924>, and the mount<02022> of Olives<02132> shall cleave<01234>(8738) in the midst<02677> thereof toward the east<04217> and toward the west<03220>, and there shall be a very<03966> great<01419> valley<01516>; and half<02677> of the mountain<02022> shall remove<04185>(8804) toward the north<06828>, and half<02677> of it toward the south<05045>.
14:5 你們要從我山<02022>的谷<01516>中逃跑<05127>(8804),因為<03588><02022><01516>必延<05060>(8686)<0413>亞薩<0682>。你們逃跑<05127>(8804),必如<09003><0834>猶大<03063><04428>烏西雅<05818>年間<09002><03117>的人逃避<05127>(8804){<04480>}{<06440>}大地震<07494>一樣。耶和華<03068>─我的神<0430>必降臨<0935>(8804),有一切<03605>聖者<06918><05973>來。
And ye shall flee<05127>(8804) to the valley<01516> of the mountains<02022>; for the valley<01516> of the mountains<02022> shall reach<05060>(8686) unto Azal<0682>: yea, ye shall flee<05127>(8804), like as ye fled<05127>(8804) from before<06440> the earthquake<07494> in the days<03117> of Uzziah<05818> king<04428> of Judah<03063>: and the LORD<03068> my God<0430> shall come<0935>(8804), and all the saints<06918> with thee. {the mountains: or, my mountains} {for the...: or, when he shall touch the valley of the mountains to the place he separated}
14:6 {<01961>}那<01931><09002><03117>,必沒<03808><01961><0216>,三光必退縮<07087><03368>(8675)<07087>(8799)
And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, that the light<0216> shall not be clear<03368>, nor dark<07087>(8675)<07087>(8799): {that the...: that is, it shall not be clear in some places, and dark in other places of the world} {clear: Heb. precious} {dark: Heb. thickness}
But it shall be one<0259> day<03117> which shall be known<03045>(8735) to the LORD<03068>, not day<03117>, nor night<03915>: but it shall come to pass, that at evening<06153> time<06256> it shall be light<0216>. {it shall be...: or, the day shall be one}
14:8 {<01961>}那<01931><09002><03117>,必有活<02416><04325>從耶路撒冷<04480><03389>出來<03318>(8799),一半<02677><0413><06931><03220>流,一半<02677><0413>西<0314><03220>流;冬<09002><02779><09002><07019>都是如此<01961>
And it shall be in that day<03117>, that living<02416> waters<04325> shall go out<03318>(8799) from Jerusalem<03389>; half<02677> of them toward the former<06931> sea<03220>, and half<02677> of them toward the hinder<0314> sea<03220>: in summer<07019> and in winter<02779> shall it be. {former: or, eastern}
14:9 耶和華<03068>必作<01961>{<05921>}全<03605><0776>的王<09001><04428>。那<01931><09002><03117>耶和華<03068>必為<01961>獨一無二<0259>的,他的名<08034>也是獨一無二<0259>的。
And the LORD<03068> shall be king<04428> over all the earth<0776>: in that day<03117> shall there be one<0259> LORD<03068>, and his name<08034> one<0259>.
All the land<0776> shall be turned<05437>(8735) as a plain<06160> from Geba<01387> to Rimmon<07417> south<05045> of Jerusalem<03389>: and it shall be lifted up<07213>(8804), and inhabited<03427>(8804) in her place, from Benjamin's<01144> gate<08179> unto the place<04725> of the first<07223> gate<08179>, unto the corner<06434> gate<08179>, and from the tower<04026> of Hananeel<02606> unto the king's<04428> winepresses<03342>. {turned: or, compassed} {inhabited: or, shall abide}
14:11 人必住在<03427>(8804)其中<09002>,不<03808><05750><01961>咒詛<02764>。耶路撒冷人<03389>必安然<09001><0983>居住<03427>(8804)
And men shall dwell<03427>(8804) in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction<02764>; but Jerusalem<03389> shall be safely<0983> inhabited<03427>(8804). {shall be: or, shall abide}
14:12 耶和華<03068>用災殃<04046>攻擊<05062>(8799)<0853><05921>耶路撒冷<03389>爭戰<06633>(8804)<0834><03605>國人<05971>,必是<01961>這樣<02063>:{<0834>}他們<01931>{<05921>}兩腳<07272>站立<05975>(8802)的時候,肉<01320>必消沒<04743>(8687),眼<05869>在眶<09002><02356>中乾癟<04743>(8735),舌<03956>在口<09002><06310>中潰爛<04743>(8735)
And this shall be the plague<04046> wherewith the LORD<03068> will smite<05062>(8799) all the people<05971> that have fought<06633>(8804) against Jerusalem<03389>; Their flesh<01320> shall consume away<04743>(8687) while they stand<05975>(8802) upon their feet<07272>, and their eyes<05869> shall consume away<04743>(8735) in their holes<02356>, and their tongue<03956> shall consume away<04743>(8735) in their mouth<06310>.
14:13 {<01961>}那<01931><09002><03117>,耶和華<03068>必使<01961>他們<09002>大大<07227>擾亂<04103>。他們各人<0376>彼此<07453>揪住<02388>(8689){<03027>},舉<05927>(8804)<03027>攻擊<05921>{<03027>}{<07453>}。
And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, that a great<07227> tumult<04103> from the LORD<03068> shall be among them; and they shall lay hold<02388>(8689) every one<0376> on the hand<03027> of his neighbour<07453>, and his hand<03027> shall rise up<05927>(8804) against the hand<03027> of his neighbour<07453>.
14:14 猶大<03063><01571>必在耶路撒冷<09002><03389>爭戰<03898>(8735)。那時四圍<05439><03605><01471>的財物<02428>,就是許<03966><09001><07230><02091><03701>衣服<0899>,必被收聚<0622>(8795)
And Judah<03063> also shall fight<03898>(8735) at Jerusalem<03389>; and the wealth<02428> of all the heathen<01471> round about<05439> shall be gathered together<0622>(8795), gold<02091>, and silver<03701>, and apparel<0899>, in great<03966> abundance<07230>. {Judah...: or, thou also, O Judah shalt} {at: or, against}
And so shall be the plague<04046> of the horse<05483>, of the mule<06505>, of the camel<01581>, and of the ass<02543>, and of all the beasts<0929> that shall be in these<01992> tents<04264>, as this plague<04046>.
14:16 {<01961>}所有<03605><0935>(8802)攻擊<05921>耶路撒冷<03389><04480><03605><01471>中剩下的人<03498>(8737),必{<04480>}{<01767>}年<08141><09002><08141>上來<05927>(8804)敬拜<09001><07812>(8692)大君王<09001><04428>─萬軍<06635>之耶和華<03068>,並守<09001><02287>(8800){<0853>}住棚<05521><02282>
And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left<03498>(8737) of all the nations<01471> which came<0935>(8802) against Jerusalem<03389> shall even go up<05927>(8804) from<01767> year<08141> to year<08141> to worship<07812>(8692) the King<04428>, the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, and to keep<02287>(8800) the feast<02282> of tabernacles<05521>.
14:17 {<01961>}地上<0776><04480><0854><04940>中,凡<0834><03808><05927>(8799){<0413>}耶路撒冷<03389>敬拜<09001><07812>(8692)大君王<09001><04428>─萬軍<06635>之耶和華<03068>的,必無<03808><01653><01961>在他們<05921>的地上。
And it shall be, that whoso will not come up<05927>(8799) of all the families<04940> of the earth<0776> unto Jerusalem<03389> to worship<07812>(8692) the King<04428>, the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, even upon them shall be no rain<01653>.
14:18 埃及<04714><04940><0518><03808>上來<05927>(8799),雨也不<03808><0935>(8804)在他們<05921>的地上;凡<0834><03808>上來<05927>(8799)<09001><02287>(8800){<0853>}住棚<05521><02282>的列國人<01471>,耶和華<03068>也必用<01961><0834><04046>攻擊<05062>(8799)他們<0853>
And if the family<04940> of Egypt<04714> go not up<05927>(8799), and come<0935>(8804) not, that have no rain ; there shall be the plague<04046>, wherewith the LORD<03068> will smite<05062>(8799) the heathen<01471> that come not up<05927>(8799) to keep<02287>(8800) the feast<02282> of tabernacles<05521>. {that have no: Heb. upon whom there is not}
This shall be the punishment<02403> of Egypt<04714>, and the punishment<02403> of all nations<01471> that come not up<05927>(8799) to keep<02287>(8800) the feast<02282> of tabernacles<05521>. {punishment: or, sin}
14:20 當那<01931><09002><03117>,{<05921>}馬<05483>的鈴鐺<04698>上必有<01961>歸耶和華<09001><03068>為聖<06944>的這句話。耶和華<03068>殿<09002><01004>內的鍋<05518>必如祭壇<04196><09001><06440>的碗<09003><04219>一樣。
In that day<03117> shall there be upon the bells<04698> of the horses<05483>, HOLINESS<06944> UNTO THE LORD<03068>; and the pots<05518> in the LORD'S<03068> house<01004> shall be like the bowls<04219> before<06440> the altar<04196>. {bells: or, bridles}
Yea, every pot<05518> in Jerusalem<03389> and in Judah<03063> shall be holiness<06944> unto the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>: and all they that sacrifice<02076>(8802) shall come<0935>(8804) and take<03947>(8804) of them, and seethe<01310>(8765) therein: and in that day<03117> there shall be no more the Canaanite<03669> in the house<01004> of the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>.

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