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137:1 我們曾在<05921>巴比倫<0894>的河<05104><08033>坐下<03427>(8804),一追想<09002><02142>(8800){<0853>}錫安<06726><01571>哭了<01058>(8804)
By the rivers<05104> of Babylon<0894>, there we sat down<03427>(8804), yea, we wept<01058>(8804), when we remembered<02142>(8800) Zion<06726>.
137:2 我們把琴<03658><08518>(8804)<05921>那裡<09002><08432>的柳樹<06155>上;
We hanged<08518>(8804) our harps<03658> upon the willows<06155> in the midst<08432> thereof.
137:3 因為<03588>在那裡<08033>,擄掠我們的<07617>(8802)要我們<07592>(8804)唱歌<01697><07892>,搶奪我們的<08437>要我們作樂<08057>,說:給我們<09001><07891>(8798)一首錫安<06726><04480><07892>吧!
For there they that carried us away captive<07617>(8802) required<07592>(8804) of us a song<01697><07892>; and they that wasted<08437> us required of us mirth<08057>, saying , Sing<07891>(8798) us one of the songs<07892> of Zion<06726>. {a song: Heb. the words of a song} {wasted...: Heb. laid us on heaps}
137:4 我們怎能<0349><05921>外邦<05236><0127><07891>(8799){<0853>}耶和華<03068>的歌<07892>呢?
How shall we sing<07891>(8799) the LORD'S<03068> song<07892> in a strange<05236> land<0127>? {strange...: Heb. land of a stranger?}
137:5 耶路撒冷<03389>啊,我若<0518>忘記你<07911>(8799),情願我的右手<03225>忘記<07911>(8799)技巧!
If I forget<07911>(8799) thee, O Jerusalem<03389>, let my right hand<03225> forget<07911>(8799) her cunning .
137:6 我若<0518><03808>記念你<02142>(8799),若<0518><03808><05927>(8686){<0853>}耶路撒冷<03389>過於<05921>我所最<07218>喜樂的<08057>,情願我的舌頭<03956><01692>(8799)於上膛<09001><02441>
If I do not remember<02142>(8799) thee, let my tongue<03956> cleave<01692>(8799) to the roof of my mouth<02441>; if I prefer<05927>(8686) not Jerusalem<03389> above my chief<07218> joy<08057>. {my chief...: Heb. the head of my joy}
137:7 {<0853>}耶路撒冷<03389>遭難的日子<03117>,以東<0123><09001><01121><0559>(8802):拆毀<06168>(8761)!拆毀<06168>(8761)!直<05704>拆到{<09002>}根基<03247>!耶和華<03068>啊,求你記念<02142>(8798)這仇!
Remember<02142>(8798), O LORD<03068>, the children<01121> of Edom<0123> in the day<03117> of Jerusalem<03389>; who said<0559>(8802), Rase<06168>(8761) it , rase<06168>(8761) it, even to the foundation<03247> thereof. {Rase it: Heb. Make bare}
137:8 將要被滅<07703>(8803)的巴比倫<0894>城啊(城:原文是女子<01323>),報復<07945><07999>(8762)<09001>像{<0853>}{<01576>}你待<07945><01580>(8804)我們<09001>的,那人便為有福<0835>
O daughter<01323> of Babylon<0894>, who art to be destroyed<07703>(8803); happy<0835> shall he be , that rewardeth<07999>(8762) thee as thou hast served<01580>(8804)<01576> us. {destroyed: Heb. wasted} {rewardeth...: Heb. recompenseth unto thee thy deed which thou didst to us}
Happy<0835> shall he be , that taketh<0270>(8799) and dasheth<05310>(8765) thy little ones<05768> against the stones<05553>. {the stones: Heb. the rock}

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