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108:1 (大衛的<09001><01732><04210><07892>。)神<0430>啊,我心<03820>堅定<03559>(8737);{<0637>}我口(原文是榮耀<03519>)要唱詩<07891>(8799)歌頌<02167>(8762)
[FO][FO]A Song<07892> or Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] O God<0430>, my heart<03820> is fixed<03559>(8737); I will sing<07891>(8799) and give praise<02167>(8762), even with my glory<03519>.
Awake<05782>(8798), psaltery<05035> and harp<03658>: I myself will awake<05782>(8686) early<07837>.
108:3 耶和華<03068>啊,我要在萬民中<09002><05971>稱謝你<02167>(8762),在列邦中<09002><03816>歌頌你<03034>(8686)
I will praise<03034>(8686) thee, O LORD<03068>, among the people<05971>: and I will sing praises<02167>(8762) unto thee among the nations<03816>.
108:4 因為<03588>,你的慈愛<02617><01419><04480><05921>諸天<08064>;你的誠實<0571>達到<05704>穹蒼<07834>
For thy mercy<02617> is great<01419> above the heavens<08064>: and thy truth<0571> reacheth unto the clouds<07834>. {clouds: or, skies}
Be thou exalted<07311>(8798), O God<0430>, above the heavens<08064>: and thy glory<03519> above all the earth<0776>;
108:6 求你應允我們<06030>(8798),用右手<03225>拯救<03467>(8685)我們,好叫<09001><04616>你所親愛的人<03039>得救<02502>(8735)
That thy beloved<03039> may be delivered<02502>(8735): save<03467>(8685) with thy right hand<03225>, and answer<06030>(8798) me.
God<0430> hath spoken<01696>(8765) in his holiness<06944>; I will rejoice<05937>(8799), I will divide<02505>(8762) Shechem<07927>, and mete out<04058>(8762) the valley<06010> of Succoth<05523>.
108:8 基列<01568>是我的<09001>;瑪拿西<04519>是我的<09001>;以法蓮<0669>是護衛<04581>我頭<07218>的;猶大<03063>是我的杖<02710>(8781)
Gilead<01568> is mine; Manasseh<04519> is mine; Ephraim<0669> also is the strength<04581> of mine head<07218>; Judah<03063> is my lawgiver<02710>(8781);
108:9 摩押<04124>是我的沐浴<07366><05518>;我要向<05921>以東<0123><07993>(8686)<05275>;我必因勝<05921>非利士<06429>呼喊<07321>(8709)
Moab<04124> is my washpot<07366><05518>; over Edom<0123> will I cast out<07993>(8686) my shoe<05275>; over Philistia<06429> will I triumph<07321>(8709).
Who will bring<02986>(8686) me into the strong<04013> city<05892>? who will lead<05148>(8804) me into Edom<0123>?
Wilt not thou , O God<0430>, who hast cast us off<02186>(8804)? and wilt not thou, O God<0430>, go forth<03318>(8799) with our hosts<06635>?
108:12 求你{<03051>}{(8798)}幫助<05833>我們<09001>攻擊敵人<04480><06862>,因為人<0120>的幫助<08668>是枉然<07723>的。
Give<03051>(8798) us help<05833> from trouble<06862>: for vain<07723> is the help<08668> of man<0120>.
108:13 我們倚靠神<09002><0430>才得施展<06213>(8799)大能<02428>,因為踐踏<0947>(8799)我們敵人<06862>的就是他<01931>
Through God<0430> we shall do<06213>(8799) valiantly<02428>: for he it is that shall tread down<0947>(8799) our enemies<06862>.

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