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39:1 (大衛的<09001><01732><04210>,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)耶杜頓<09001><03038>。)我曾說<0559>(8804):我要謹慎<08104>(8799)我的言行<01870>,免得我舌頭<09002><03956>犯罪<04480><02398>(8800);惡人<07563>在我面前<09001><05048>的時候<09002><05750>,我要用嚼環<04269>勒住<08104>(8799)我的口<09001><06310>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), even to Jeduthun<03038>, A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] I said<0559>(8804), I will take heed<08104>(8799) to my ways<01870>, that I sin<02398>(8800) not with my tongue<03956>: I will keep<08104>(8799) my mouth<06310> with a bridle<04269>, while the wicked<07563> is before me. {my mouth...: Heb. a bridle, or, muzzle for my mouth}
39:2 我默然<0481>(8738)無聲<01747>,連好話<04480><02896>也不出口<02814>(8689);我的愁苦<03511>就發動了<05916>(8738)
I was dumb<0481>(8738) with silence<01747>, I held my peace<02814>(8689), even from good<02896>; and my sorrow<03511> was stirred<05916>(8738). {stirred: Heb. troubled}
39:3 我的心<03820>在我裡面<09002><07130>發熱<02552>(8804)。我默想的時候<09002><01901>,火<0784>就燒起<01197>(8799),我便用舌頭<09002><03956>說話<01696>(8765)
My heart<03820> was hot<02552>(8804) within<07130> me, while I was musing<01901> the fire<0784> burned<01197>(8799): then<0227> spake<01696>(8765) I with my tongue<03956>,
39:4 耶和華<03068>啊,求你叫我曉得<03045>(8685)我身之終<07093>!我的壽<03117><04060>幾何<04100><01931>?叫我知道<03045>(8799)<0589>的生命不長{<04100>}<02310>
LORD<03068>, make me to know<03045>(8685) mine end<07093>, and the measure<04060> of my days<03117>, what it is; that I may know<03045>(8799) how frail<02310> I am . {how...: or, what time I have here}
39:5 {<02009>}你使<05414>(8804)我的年日<03117>窄如手掌<02947>;我一生的年數<02465>,在你面前<05048>如同無有<09003><0369>。各<03605><0120>最穩妥<05324>(8737)的時候,真是<0389>全然<03605>虛幻<01892>。(細拉<05542>
Behold, thou hast made<05414>(8804) my days<03117> as an handbreadth<02947>; and mine age<02465> is as nothing before thee: verily every<03605> man<0120> at his best state<05324>(8737) is altogether<03605> vanity<01892>. Selah<05542>. {at...: Heb. settled}
39:6 世人<0376>行動<01980>(8691)<0389>係幻影<09002><06754>。他們忙亂<01993>(8799),真是<0389>枉然<01892>;積蓄<06651>(8799)財寶,不<03808><03045>(8799)將來有誰<04310>收取<0622>(8802)
Surely every man<0376> walketh<01980>(8691) in a vain shew<06754>: surely they are disquieted<01993>(8799) in vain<01892>: he heapeth up<06651>(8799) riches , and knoweth<03045>(8799) not who shall gather<0622>(8802) them. {a vain...: Heb. an image}
And now, Lord<0136>, what wait<06960>(8765) I for? my hope<08431> is in thee.
39:8 求你救我<05337>(8685)脫離一切<04480><03605>的過犯<06588>,不要<0408>使我<07760>(8799)受愚頑人<05036>的羞辱<02781>
Deliver<05337>(8685) me from all my transgressions<06588>: make<07760>(8799) me not the reproach<02781> of the foolish<05036>.
I was dumb<0481>(8738), I opened<06605>(8799) not my mouth<06310>; because thou didst<06213>(8804) it .
39:10 求你把你的責罰<05061>從我身上<04480><05921>免去<05493>(8685);因你手<03027>的責打<04480><08409>,我<0589>便消滅<03615>(8804)
Remove<05493><00> thy stroke<05061> away<05493>(8685) from me: I am consumed<03615>(8804) by the blow<08409> of thine hand<03027>. {blow: Heb. conflict}
39:11 你因<05921><0376>的罪惡<05771>懲罰<03256>(8765)<09002><08433>他的時候,叫他的笑容(的笑容:或譯所喜愛的<02530>(8803))消滅<04529>(8686),如衣被蟲<09003><06211>所咬。世人<03605><0120>真是<0389>虛幻<01892>!(細拉<05542>
When thou with rebukes<08433> dost correct<03256>(8765) man<0376> for iniquity<05771>, thou makest his beauty<02530>(8803) to consume away<04529>(8686) like a moth<06211>: surely every man<0120> is vanity<01892>. Selah<05542>. {his...: Heb. that which is to be desired in him to melt away}
39:12 耶和華<03068>啊,求你聽<08085>(8798)我的禱告<08605>,留心聽<0238>(8685)我的呼求<07775>!{<0413>}我流淚<01832>,求你不要<0408>靜默無聲<02790>(8799)!因為<03588><0595>在你面前<05973>是客旅<01616>,是寄居的<08453>,像我列<09003><03605><01>一般。
Hear<08085>(8798) my prayer<08605>, O LORD<03068>, and give ear<0238>(8685) unto my cry<07775>; hold not thy peace<02790>(8799) at my tears<01832>: for I am a stranger<01616> with thee, and a sojourner<08453>, as all my fathers<01> were .
39:13 求你寬容<08159>(8685)<04480>,使我在去<03212>(8799)而不返<0369>之先<09002><02962>可以力量復原<01082>(8686)
O spare<08159>(8685) me, that I may recover strength<01082>(8686), before I go hence<03212>(8799), and be no more.

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