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30:1 (大衛<09001><01732>在獻<02598>殿<01004>的時候,作這詩<04210><07892>。)耶和華<03068>啊,我要尊崇你<07311>(8787),因為<03588>你曾提拔我<01802>(8765),不<03808>叫仇敵<0341>(8802)向我<09001>誇耀<08055>(8765)
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> and Song<07892> at the dedication<02598> of the house<01004> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] I will extol<07311>(8787) thee, O LORD<03068>; for thou hast lifted me up<01802>(8765), and hast not made my foes<0341>(8802) to rejoice<08055>(8765) over me.
30:2 耶和華<03068>─我的神<0430>啊,我曾呼求<07768>(8765)<0413>,你醫治了我<07495>(8799)
O LORD<03068> my God<0430>, I cried<07768>(8765) unto thee, and thou hast healed<07495>(8799) me.
30:3 耶和華<03068>啊,你曾把我的靈魂<05315><04480>陰間<07585>救上來<05927>(8689),使我存活<02421>(8765),不至於下<04480><03381>(8800)(8675)<03381>(8802)<0953>
O LORD<03068>, thou hast brought up<05927>(8689) my soul<05315> from the grave<07585>: thou hast kept me alive<02421>(8765), that I should not go down<03381>(8800)(8675)<03381>(8802) to the pit<0953>.
30:4 耶和華<09001><03068>的聖民<02623>哪,你們要歌頌<02167>(8761)他,稱讚<03034>(8685)他可記念的<09001><02143><06944>名。
Sing<02167>(8761) unto the LORD<03068>, O ye saints<02623> of his, and give thanks<03034>(8685) at the remembrance<02143> of his holiness<06944>. {at...: or, to the memorial}
30:5 因為<03588>,他的怒氣<09002><0639>不過是轉眼之間<07281>;他的恩典<09002><07522>乃是一生<02416>之久。一宿<09002><06153>雖然有<03885>(8799)哭泣<01065>,早晨<09001><01242>便必歡呼<07440>
For his anger<0639> endureth but a moment<07281>; in his favour<07522> is life<02416>: weeping<01065> may endure<03885>(8799) for a night<06153>, but joy<07440> cometh in the morning<01242>. {his anger...: Heb. there is but a moment in his anger} {for a night: Heb. in the evening} {joy: Heb. singing}
30:6 至於我<0589>,我凡事平順<09002><07959>便說<0559>(8804):我永<09001><05769><01077>動搖<04131>(8735)
And in my prosperity<07959> I said<0559>(8804), I shall never<05769> be moved<04131>(8735).
30:7 耶和華<03068>啊,你曾施恩<09002><07522>,叫我的江山<09002><02042>{<05797>}穩固<05975>(8689);你掩了<05641>(8689)<06440>,我就<01961>驚惶<0926>(8737)
LORD<03068>, by thy favour<07522> thou hast made my mountain<02042> to stand<05975>(8689) strong<05797>: thou didst hide<05641>(8689) thy face<06440>, and I was troubled<0926>(8737). {made...: Heb. settled strength for my mountain}
30:8 耶和華<03068>啊,我曾求告<07121>(8799)<0413>;我向<0413>耶和華<0136>懇求<02603>(8691),說:
I cried<07121>(8799) to thee, O LORD<03068>; and unto the LORD<03068> I made supplication<02603>(8691).
30:9 我被害流血<09002><01818>,下<09002><03381>(8800)<0413>坑中<07845>,有甚麼<04100>益處<01215>呢?塵土<06083>豈能稱讚你<03034>(8686),傳說<05046>(8686)你的誠實<0571>麼?
What profit<01215> is there in my blood<01818>, when I go down<03381>(8800) to the pit<07845>? Shall the dust<06083> praise<03034>(8686) thee? shall it declare<05046>(8686) thy truth<0571>?
30:10 耶和華<03068>啊,求你應允<08085>(8798)我,憐恤我<02603>(8798)!耶和華<03068>啊,{<01961>}求你幫助<05826>(8802)<09001>
Hear<08085>(8798), O LORD<03068>, and have mercy<02603>(8798) upon me: LORD<03068>, be thou my helper<05826>(8802).
30:11 你已將我的哀哭<04553>變為<02015>(8804)跳舞<09001><04234>{<09001>},將我的麻衣<08242>脫去<06605>(8765),給我披上<0247>(8762)喜樂<08057>
Thou hast turned<02015>(8804) for me my mourning<04553> into dancing<04234>: thou hast put off<06605>(8765) my sackcloth<08242>, and girded<0247>(8762) me with gladness<08057>;
30:12 好叫<09001><04616>我的靈(原文是榮耀<03519>)歌頌你<02167>(8762),並不<03808>住聲<01826>(8799)。耶和華<03068>─我的神<0430>啊,我要稱謝你<03034>(8686),直到永遠<09001><05769>
To the end that my glory<03519> may sing<02167>(8762) praise to thee, and not be silent<01826>(8799). O LORD<03068> my God<0430>, I will give thanks<03034>(8686) unto thee for ever<05769>. {my glory: that is, my tongue, or, my soul}

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