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Thus hath the Lord<0136> GOD<03069> shewed<07200>(8689) unto me: and behold a basket<03619> of summer fruit<07019>.
2 他說<0559>(8799):「阿摩司啊<05986>,你<0859>看見<07200>(8802)甚麼<04100>?」我說<0559>(8799):「看見一筐<03619>夏天的果子<07019>。」耶和華<03068><0559>(8799){<0413>}:「{<0413>}我民<05971>以色列<03478>的結局<07093>到了<0935>(8804),我必不<03808><03254>(8686)<05750>寬恕<05674>(8800)他們<09001>。」
And he said<0559>(8799), Amos<05986>, what seest<07200>(8802) thou? And I said<0559>(8799), A basket<03619> of summer fruit<07019>. Then said<0559>(8799) the LORD<03068> unto me, The end<07093> is come<0935>(8804) upon my people<05971> of Israel<03478>; I will not again<03254>(8686) pass<05674>(8800) by them any more.
And the songs<07892> of the temple<01964> shall be howlings<03213>(8689) in that day<03117>, saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>: there shall be many<07227> dead bodies<06297> in every place<04725>; they shall cast them forth<07993>(8689) with silence<02013>(8761). {shall be howlings: Heb. shall howl} {with...: Heb. be silent}
4 你們這些要吞吃<07602>(8802)窮乏人<034>、使困苦人<06041>(8675)<06035>{<0776>}衰敗<09001><07673>(8687)的,當聽<08085>(8798)我的話<02063>
Hear<08085>(8798) this, O ye that swallow up<07602>(8802) the needy<034>, even to make<07673><00> the poor<06041>(8675)<06035> of the land<0776> to fail<07673>(8687),
5 你們說<09001><0559>(8800):月朔<02320>幾時<04970>過去<05674>(8799),我們好賣<07666>(8686)<07668>;安息日<07676>幾時過去,我們好擺開<06605>(8799)麥子<01250>;賣出用小<09001><06994>(8687)升斗<0374>,收銀用大<09001><01431>(8687)戥子<08255>,用詭詐<04820>的天平<03976>欺哄<09001><05791>(8763)人,
Saying<0559>(8800), When will the new moon<02320> be gone<05674>(8799), that we may sell<07666>(8686) corn<07668>? and the sabbath<07676>, that we may set forth<06605>(8799) wheat<01250>, making the ephah<0374> small<06994>(8687), and the shekel<08255> great<01431>(8687), and falsifying<05791>(8763) the balances<03976> by deceit<04820>? {new...: or, month} {set...: Heb. open} {falsifying...: Heb. perverting the balances of deceit}
6 好用銀子<09002><03701><09001><07069>(8800)貧寒人<01800>,用一雙鞋<05275><09002><05668>窮乏人<034>,將壞了<04651>的麥子<01250><07666>(8686)給人。
That we may buy<07069>(8800) the poor<01800> for silver<03701>, and the needy<034> for a pair of shoes<05275>; yea , and sell<07666>(8686) the refuse<04651> of the wheat<01250>?
7 耶和華<03068>指著雅各<03290>的榮耀<09002><01347>起誓<07650>(8738)說:他們的一切<03605>行為<04639>,我必<0518>永遠<09001><05331>不忘<07911>(8799)
The LORD<03068> hath sworn<07650>(8738) by the excellency<01347> of Jacob<03290>, Surely I will never<05331> forget<07911>(8799) any of their works<04639>.
Shall not the land<0776> tremble<07264>(8799) for this, and every one mourn<056>(8804) that dwelleth<03427>(8802) therein? and it shall rise up<05927>(8804) wholly as a flood<02975>; and it shall be cast out<01644>(8738) and drowned<08257>(8738)(8675)<08248>(8738), as by the flood<0216> of Egypt<04714>.
And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>, that I will cause the sun<08121> to go down<0935>(8689) at noon<06672>, and I will darken<02821>(8689) the earth<0776> in the clear<0216> day<03117>:
10 我必使你們的節期<02282>變為<02015>(8804)悲哀<09001><060>,{<03605>}歌曲<07892>變為哀歌<09001><07015>。{<05921>}眾人<03605><04975><05927>(8689)麻布<08242>,{<05921>}{<03605>}頭<07218>上光禿<07144>,使<07760>(8804)這場悲哀<09003><060>如喪獨生子<03173>,至終<0319>如痛苦<04751>的日子<09003><03117>一樣。
And I will turn<02015>(8804) your feasts<02282> into mourning<060>, and all your songs<07892> into lamentation<07015>; and I will bring up<05927>(8689) sackcloth<08242> upon all loins<04975>, and baldness<07144> upon every head<07218>; and I will make<07760>(8804) it as the mourning<060> of an only<03173> son , and the end<0319> thereof as a bitter<04751> day<03117>.
Behold, the days<03117> come<0935>(8802), saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>, that I will send<07971>(8689) a famine<07458> in the land<0776>, not a famine<07458> of bread<03899>, nor a thirst<06772> for water<04325>, but of hearing<08085>(8800) the words<01697> of the LORD<03068>:
12 他們必飄流<05128>(8804),從這海<04480><03220><05704>那海<03220>,從北邊<04480><06828><05704>東邊<04217>,往來奔跑<07751>(8787),尋求<09001><01245>(8763){<0853>}耶和華<03068>的話<01697>,卻尋<04672>(8799)不著<03808>
And they shall wander<05128>(8804) from sea<03220> to sea<03220>, and from the north<06828> even to the east<04217>, they shall run to and fro<07751>(8787) to seek<01245>(8763) the word<01697> of the LORD<03068>, and shall not find<04672>(8799) it .
13 當那<01931><09002><03117>,美貌<03303>的處女<01330>和少年的男子<0970>必因乾渴<09002><06772>發昏<05968>(8691)
In that day<03117> shall the fair<03303> virgins<01330> and young men<0970> faint<05968>(8691) for thirst<06772>.
14 那指著撒馬利亞<08111>牛犢(原文是罪<09002><0819>)起誓的<07650>(8737)<0559>(8804):但<01835>哪,我們指著你那裡的活<02416><0430>起誓;又說:我們指著別是巴<0884>的神道<01870>(神:原文是活<02416>)起誓。這些人都必仆倒<05307>(8804),永不<03808><05750>起來<06965>(8799)
They that swear<07650>(8737) by the sin<0819> of Samaria<08111>, and say<0559>(8804), Thy god<0430>, O Dan<01835>, liveth<02416>; and, The manner<01870> of Beersheba<0884> liveth<02416>; even they shall fall<05307>(8804), and never rise up<06965>(8799) again. {manner: Heb. way}

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