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Moreover take thou up<05375>(8798) a lamentation<07015> for the princes<05387> of Israel<03478>,
And say<0559>(8804), What is thy mother<0517>? A lioness<03833>: she lay down<07257>(8804) among lions<0738>, she nourished<07235>(8765) her whelps<01482> among<08432> young lions<03715>.
3 在牠小獅子<04480><01482>中養大<05927>(8686)一個<0259>,成了<01961>少壯獅子<03715>,學會<03925>(8799)<09001><02963>(8800)<02964>而吃<0398>(8804)<0120>
And she brought up<05927>(8686) one<0259> of her whelps<01482>: it became a young lion<03715>, and it learned<03925>(8799) to catch<02963>(8800) the prey<02964>; it devoured<0398>(8804) men<0120>.
4 列國<01471>聽見了<08085>(8799){<0413>}就把牠捉<08610>(8738)在他們的坑<09002><07845>中,用鉤子<09002><02397><0935>(8686)<0413>埃及<04714><0776>去。
The nations<01471> also heard<08085>(8799) of him; he was taken<08610>(8738) in their pit<07845>, and they brought<0935>(8686) him with chains<02397> unto the land<0776> of Egypt<04714>.
5 母獅見<07200>(8799){<03588>}自己等候<03176>(8738)失了<06>(8804)指望<08615>,就從牠小獅子<04480><01482>中又將{<03947>}{(8799)}一個<0259>養為<07760>(8804)少壯獅子<03715>
Now when she saw<07200>(8799) that she had waited<03176>(8738), and her hope<08615> was lost<06>(8804), then she took<03947>(8799) another<0259> of her whelps<01482>, and made<07760>(8804) him a young lion<03715>.
6 牠在眾獅子<0738><09002><08432>走來走去<01980>(8691),成了<01961>少壯獅子<03715>,學會<03925>(8799)<09001><02963>(8800)<02964>而吃<0398>(8804)<0120>
And he went up and down<01980>(8691) among<08432> the lions<0738>, he became a young lion<03715>, and learned<03925>(8799) to catch<02963>(8800) the prey<02964>, and devoured<0398>(8804) men<0120>.
7 牠知道<03045>(8799)列國的宮殿<0490>,又使他們的城邑<05892>變為荒場<02717>(8689);因牠咆哮<07581>的聲音<04480><06963>,遍地<0776>和其中所有的<04393>就都荒廢<03456>(8799)
And he knew<03045>(8799) their desolate palaces<0490>, and he laid waste<02717>(8689) their cities<05892>; and the land<0776> was desolate<03456>(8799), and the fulness<04393> thereof, by the noise<06963> of his roaring<07581>. {their desolate...: or, their widows} {the fulness...: or, all it containeth}
8 於是四圍<05439>邦國<01471>各省<04480><04082>的人來<05414>(8799)攻擊牠<05921>,將網<07568><06566>(8799)在牠身上<05921>,捉<08610>(8738)在他們的坑<09002><07845>中。
Then the nations<01471> set<05414>(8799) against him on every side<05439> from the provinces<04082>, and spread<06566>(8799) their net<07568> over him: he was taken<08610>(8738) in their pit<07845>.
9 他們用鉤子<09002><02397>鉤住牠,將牠放<05414>(8799)在籠<09002><05474>中,帶<0935>(8686)<0413>巴比倫<0894><04428>那裡,將他放入<0935>(8686)堅固之所<09002><04685>,使<09001><04616>他的聲音<06963><0413>以色列<03478><02022>上不<03808><05750>聽見<08085>(8735)
And they put<05414>(8799) him in ward<05474> in chains<02397>, and brought<0935>(8686) him to the king<04428> of Babylon<0894>: they brought<0935>(8686) him into holds<04685>, that his voice<06963> should no more be heard<08085>(8735) upon the mountains<02022> of Israel<03478>. {in chains: or, in hooks}
10 你的母親<0517>先前如葡萄樹<09003><01612>,極其茂盛(原文是在你血<09002><01818>中),栽<08362>(8803)<05921><04325>旁。因為水<04480><04325><07227>,就<01961>多結果子<06509>(8802),滿生枝子<06058>
Thy mother<0517> is like a vine<01612> in thy blood<01818>(8676)<01818>, planted<08362>(8803) by the waters<04325>: she was fruitful<06509>(8802) and full of branches<06058> by reason of many<07227> waters<04325>. {in...: or, in thy quietness, or, in thy likeness}
11 生出<01961>{<09001>}堅固<05797>的枝幹<04294>,可作<0413>掌權者<04910>(8802)的杖<07626>。這枝幹高<06967><01361>(8799)<05921>茂密的枝<05688><0996>,而且它生長高大<09002><01363>,枝子<01808>繁多<09002><07230>,遠遠可見<07200>(8735)
And she had strong<05797> rods<04294> for the sceptres<07626> of them that bare rule<04910>(8802), and her stature<06967> was exalted<01361>(8799) among the thick branches<05688>, and she appeared<07200>(8735) in her height<01363> with the multitude<07230> of her branches<01808>.
12 但這葡萄樹因忿怒<09002><02534>被拔出<05428>(8714)<07993>(8717)在地<09001><0776>上;東<06921><07307>吹乾<03001>(8689)其上的果子<06529>,堅固<05797>的枝幹<04294>折斷<06561>(8694)枯乾<03001>(8804),被火<0784>燒毀了<0398>(8804)
But she was plucked up<05428>(8714) in fury<02534>, she was cast down<07993>(8717) to the ground<0776>, and the east<06921> wind<07307> dried up<03001>(8689) her fruit<06529>: her strong<05797> rods<04294> were broken<06561>(8694) and withered<03001>(8804); the fire<0784> consumed<0398>(8804) them.
13 如今<06258><08362>(8803)於曠野<09002><04057>乾旱<06723>無水<06772>之地<09002><0776>
And now she is planted<08362>(8803) in the wilderness<04057>, in a dry<06723> and thirsty<06772> ground<0776>.
And fire<0784> is gone out<03318>(8799) of a rod<04294> of her branches<0905>, which hath devoured<0398>(8804) her fruit<06529>, so that she hath no strong<05797> rod<04294> to be a sceptre<07626> to rule<04910>(8800). This is a lamentation<07015>, and shall be for a lamentation<07015>.

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