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149 你們要讚美<01984>(8761)耶和華<03050>!向耶和華<09001><03068><07891>(8798)<02319><07892>,在聖民<02623>的會中<09002><06951>讚美他<08416>
Praise<01984>(8761) ye the LORD<03050>. Sing<07891>(8798) unto the LORD<03068> a new<02319> song<07892>, and his praise<08416> in the congregation<06951> of saints<02623>. {Praise...: Heb. Hallelujah}
2 願以色列<03478>因造他的主<09002><06213>(8802)歡喜<08055>(8799)!願錫安<06726>的民<01121>因他們的王<09002><04428>快樂<01523>(8799)
Let Israel<03478> rejoice<08055>(8799) in him that made<06213>(8802) him: let the children<01121> of Zion<06726> be joyful<01523>(8799) in their King<04428>. {in him...: Heb. in his Makers}
3 願他們跳舞<09002><04234>讚美<01984>(8762)他的名<08034>,擊鼓<09002><08596>彈琴<03658>歌頌<02167>(8762)<09001>
Let them praise<01984>(8762) his name<08034> in the dance<04234>: let them sing praises<02167>(8762) unto him with the timbrel<08596> and harp<03658>. {in...: or, with the pipe}
4 因為<03588>耶和華<03068>喜愛<07521>(8802)他的百姓<09002><05971>;他要用救恩<09002><03444>當作謙卑人<06035>的妝飾<06286>(8762)
For the LORD<03068> taketh pleasure<07521>(8802) in his people<05971>: he will beautify<06286>(8762) the meek<06035> with salvation<03444>.
5 願聖民<02623>因所得的榮耀<09002><03519>高興<05937>(8799)!願他們在<05921><04904>上歡呼<07442>(8762)
Let the saints<02623> be joyful<05937>(8799) in glory<03519>: let them sing aloud<07442>(8762) upon their beds<04904>.
6 願他們口中<09002><01627>稱讚神<0410>為高<07318>,手裡<09002><03027>有兩刃<06374>的刀<02719>
Let the high<07319> praises of God<0410> be in their mouth<01627>, and a twoedged<06374> sword<02719> in their hand<03027>; {mouth: Heb. throat}
7 為要<09001><06213>(8800)報復<05360>列邦<09002><01471>,刑罰<08433>萬民<09002><03816>
To execute<06213>(8800) vengeance<05360> upon the heathen<01471>, and punishments<08433> upon the people<03816>;
8 要用鍊子<09002><02131><09001><0631>(8800)他們的君王<04428>,用鐵<01270><09002><03525>鎖他們的大臣<03513>(8737)
To bind<0631>(8800) their kings<04428> with chains<02131>, and their nobles<03513>(8737) with fetters<03525> of iron<01270>;
9 要在他們身上<09002>施行<09001><06213>(8800)所記錄的<03789>(8803)審判<04941>。{<09001>}{<03605>}他的聖民<02623>都有這<01931>榮耀<01926>。你們要讚美<01984>(8761)耶和華<03050>
To execute<06213>(8800) upon them the judgment<04941> written<03789>(8803): this honour<01926> have all his saints<02623>. Praise<01984>(8761) ye the LORD<03050>.

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