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98 (一篇詩<04210>。)你們要向耶和華<09001><03068><07891>(8798)<02319><07892>!因為<03588>他行過<06213>(8804)奇妙的事<06381>(8737);他的右手<03225>和聖<06944><02220>施行救恩<03467>(8689){<09001>}。
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210>.[Fo][Fo] O sing<07891>(8798) unto the LORD<03068> a new<02319> song<07892>; for he hath done<06213>(8804) marvellous things<06381>(8737): his right hand<03225>, and his holy<06944> arm<02220>, hath gotten him the victory<03467>(8689).
2 耶和華<03068>發明了<03045>(8689)他的救恩<03444>,在列邦人<01471>眼前<09001><05869>顯出<01540>(8765)公義<06666>
The LORD<03068> hath made known<03045>(8689) his salvation<03444>: his righteousness<06666> hath he openly shewed<01540>(8765) in the sight<05869> of the heathen<01471>. {openly...: or, revealed}
3 記念<02142>(8804)他向以色列<03478><09001><01004>所發的慈愛<02617>,所憑的信實<0530>。地<0776>的四<03605><0657>都看見<07200>(8804){<0853>}我們神<0430>的救恩<03444>
He hath remembered<02142>(8804) his mercy<02617> and his truth<0530> toward the house<01004> of Israel<03478>: all the ends<0657> of the earth<0776> have seen<07200>(8804) the salvation<03444> of our God<0430>.
Make a joyful noise<07321>(8685) unto the LORD<03068>, all the earth<0776>: make a loud noise<06476>(8798), and rejoice<07442>(8761), and sing<02167>(8761) praise.
5 要用琴<09002><03658>歌頌<02167>(8761)耶和華<09001><03068>,用琴<09002><03658>和詩歌<02172>的聲音<06963>歌頌他!
Sing<02167>(8761) unto the LORD<03068> with the harp<03658>; with the harp<03658>, and the voice<06963> of a psalm<02172>.
6 用號<09002><02689>和角<07782><06963>,在大君王<04428>耶和華<03068>面前<09001><06440>歡呼<07321>(8685)
With trumpets<02689> and sound<06963> of cornet<07782> make a joyful noise<07321>(8685) before<06440> the LORD<03068>, the King<04428>.
7 願海<03220>和其中所充滿的<04393>澎湃<07481>(8799);世界<08398>和住<03427>(8802)在其間的<09002>也要發聲。
Let the sea<03220> roar<07481>(8799), and the fulness<04393> thereof; the world<08398>, and they that dwell<03427>(8802) therein. {the fulness...: or, all it containeth}
8 願大水<05104><04222>(8799)<03709>;願諸山<02022>在耶和華<03068>面前<09001><06440>一同<03162>歡呼<07442>(8762)
Let the floods<05104> clap<04222>(8799) their hands<03709>: let the hills<02022> be joyful<07442>(8762) together<03162>
9 因為<03588>他來<0935>(8804)要審判<09001><08199>(8800)遍地<0776>。他要按公義<09002><06664>審判<08199>(8799)世界<08398>,按公正<09002><04339>審判萬民<05971>
Before<06440> the LORD<03068>; for he cometh<0935>(8804) to judge<08199>(8800) the earth<0776>: with righteousness<06664> shall he judge<08199>(8799) the world<08398>, and the people<05971> with equity<04339>.

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