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41 你能用魚鉤<09002><02443>釣上<04900>(8799)鱷魚<03882>嗎?能用繩子<09002><02256>壓下<08257>(8686)牠的舌頭<03956>嗎?
Canst thou draw out<04900>(8799) leviathan<03882> with an hook<02443>? or his tongue<03956> with a cord<02256> which thou lettest down<08257>(8686)? {leviathan: probably an extinct animal of some kind} {which...: Heb. which thou drownest?}
2 你能用繩索<0100>穿<07760>(8799)牠的鼻子<09002><0639>嗎?能用鉤<09002><02336>穿<05344>(8799)牠的腮骨<03895>嗎?
Canst thou put<07760>(8799) an hook<0100> into his nose<0639>? or bore<05344>(8799) his jaw<03895> through with a thorn<02336>?
3 牠豈<0518>向你<0413>連連<07235>(8686)懇求<08469>,{<0413>}說<01696>(8762)柔和<07390>的話嗎?
Will he make many<07235>(8686) supplications<08469> unto thee? will he speak<01696>(8762) soft<07390> words unto thee?
4 豈肯與你<05973><03772>(8799)<01285>,使你拿<03947>(8799)牠永遠<05769>作奴僕<09001><05650>嗎?
Will he make<03772>(8799) a covenant<01285> with thee? wilt thou take<03947>(8799) him for a servant<05650> for ever<05769>?
5 你豈可拿牠<09002>當雀鳥<09003><06833>玩耍<07832>(8762)嗎?豈可為你的幼女<09001><05291>將牠拴住<07194>(8799)嗎?
Wilt thou play<07832>(8762) with him as with a bird<06833>? or wilt thou bind<07194>(8799) him for thy maidens<05291>?
6 搭夥<02271>的漁夫豈可拿牠<05921>當貨物<03739>(8799)嗎?能把牠分<02673>(8799)<0996>商人<03669>嗎?
Shall the companions<02271> make a banquet<03739>(8799) of him? shall they part<02673>(8799) him among the merchants<03669>?
7 你能用倒鉤槍<09002><07905>扎滿<04390>(8762)牠的皮<05785>,能用魚<01709><09002><06767>叉滿牠的頭<07218>嗎?
Canst thou fill<04390>(8762) his skin<05785> with barbed irons<07905>? or his head<07218> with fish<01709> spears<06767>?
8 你按<07760>(8798)<03709>在牠身上<05921>,想<02142>(8798)與牠爭戰<04421>,就不<0408><03254>(8686)這樣行吧!
Lay<07760>(8798) thine hand<03709> upon him, remember<02142>(8798) the battle<04421>, do no more<03254>(8686).
9 {<02005>}人指望<08431>捉拿牠是徒然的<03576>(8738);一<0413>見牠<04758>,豈不<01571>喪膽<02904>(8714)嗎?
Behold, the hope<08431> of him is in vain<03576>(8738): shall not one be cast down<02904>(8714) even at the sight<04758> of him?
10 沒有<03808>那麼兇猛<0393>的人敢<03588>惹牠<05782>(8799)。這樣,誰<04310><01931>在我面前<09001><06440>站立得住<03320>(8691)呢?
None is so fierce<0393> that dare stir him up<05782>(8799)(8675)<05782>(8686): who then is able to stand<03320>(8691) before<06440> me?
Who hath prevented<06923>(8689) me, that I should repay<07999>(8762) him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven<08064> is mine.
12 論到<01697>鱷魚的肢體<0905>和其大力<01369>,並美好的<02433>骨骼<06187>,我不能<03808>緘默不言<02790>(8686)
I will not conceal<02790>(8686) his parts<0907>, nor his power<01369><01697>, nor his comely<02433> proportion<06187>.
Who can discover<01540>(8765) the face<06440> of his garment<03830>? or who can come<0935>(8799) to him with his double<03718> bridle<07448>? {with: or, within}
Who can open<06605>(8765) the doors<01817> of his face<06440>? his teeth<08127> are terrible<0367> round about<05439>.
15 牠以堅固的鱗甲<04043><0650>為可誇<01346>,緊緊合閉<05462>(8803),封得<02368>嚴密<06862>
His scales<04043><0650> are his pride<01346>, shut up together<05462>(8803) as with a close<06862> seal<02368>. {scales: Heb. strong pieces of shields}
16 這鱗甲一<0259><09002><0259>相連<05066>(8799),甚至氣<07307>不得<03808>透入<0935>(8799)其間<0996>
One<0259> is so near<05066>(8799) to another<0259>, that no air<07307> can come<0935>(8799) between them.
17 都是互相<0376><09002><0251>聯絡<01692>(8792)、膠結<03920>(8691),不能<03808>分離<06504>(8691)
They are joined<01692>(8792) one<0376> to another<0251>, they stick together<03920>(8691), that they cannot be sundered<06504>(8691).
18 牠打噴嚏<05846>就發出<01984>(8686)<0216>來;牠眼睛<05869>好像早晨<07837>的光線(原文是眼皮<09003><06079>)。
By his neesings<05846> a light<0216> doth shine<01984>(8686), and his eyes<05869> are like the eyelids<06079> of the morning<07837>.
19 從牠口中<04480><06310>發出<01980>(8799)燒著的火把<03940>,與飛迸的<04422>(8691)<0784><03590>
Out of his mouth<06310> go<01980>(8799) burning lamps<03940>, and sparks<03590> of fire<0784> leap out<04422>(8691).
20 從牠鼻孔<04480><05156>冒出<03318>(8799)<06227>來,如燒開的<05301>(8803)<09003><01731>和點著的蘆葦<0100>
Out of his nostrils<05156> goeth<03318>(8799) smoke<06227>, as out of a seething<05301>(8803) pot<01731> or caldron<0100>.
21 牠的氣<05315>點著<03857>(8762)煤炭<01513>,有火焰<03851>從牠口中<04480><06310>發出<03318>(8799)
His breath<05315> kindleth<03857>(8762) coals<01513>, and a flame<03851> goeth out<03318>(8799) of his mouth<06310>.
22 牠頸項<09002><06677>中存著<03885>(8799)勁力<05797>;在牠面前<09001><06440>的都恐嚇<01670>蹦跳<01750>(8799)
In his neck<06677> remaineth<03885>(8799) strength<05797>, and sorrow<01670> is turned into joy<01750>(8799) before<06440> him. {is turned into joy: Heb. rejoiceth}
23 牠的肉<01320><04651>互相聯絡<01692>(8804),緊貼<03332>(8803)其身<05921>,不能<01077>搖動<04131>(8735)
The flakes<04651> of his flesh<01320> are joined together<01692>(8804): they are firm<03332>(8803) in themselves; they cannot be moved<04131>(8735). {flakes: Heb. fallings}
24 牠的心<03820>結實<03332>(8803)<03644>石頭<068>,如下<08482>磨石<09003><06400>那樣結實<03332>(8803)
His heart<03820> is as firm<03332>(8803) as a stone<068>; yea, as hard<03332>(8803) as a piece<06400> of the nether<08482> millstone .
25 牠一起來<04480><07613>,勇士<0352>都驚恐<01481>(8799),心裡慌亂<04480><07667>,便都昏迷<02398>(8691)
When he raiseth up<07613> himself, the mighty<0352> are afraid<01481>(8799): by reason of breakings<07667> they purify<02398>(8691) themselves.
26 人若用刀<02719>,用槍<02595>,用標槍<04551>,用尖槍<08302>扎牠<05381>(8688),都是無<01097><06965>(8799)
The sword<02719> of him that layeth<05381>(8688) at him cannot hold<06965>(8799): the spear<02595>, the dart<04551>, nor the habergeon<08302>. {habergeon: or, breastplate}
27 牠以<02803>(8799)<01270>為乾草<09001><08401>,以銅<05154>為爛<07539><09001><06086>
He esteemeth<02803>(8799) iron<01270> as straw<08401>, and brass<05154> as rotten<07539> wood<06086>.
The arrow<01121><07198> cannot make him flee<01272>(8686): slingstones<068><07050> are turned<02015>(8738) with him into stubble<07179>.
29 棍棒<08455>算為<02803>(8738)禾秸<09003><07179>;牠嗤笑<07832>(8799)短槍<03591>颼的響聲<09001><07494>
Darts<08455> are counted<02803>(8738) as stubble<07179>: he laugheth<07832>(8799) at the shaking<07494> of a spear<03591>.
30 牠肚腹下<08478>如尖<02303>瓦片<02789>;牠如釘耙<02742>經過<07502>(8799){<05921>}淤泥<02916>
Sharp<02303> stones<02789> are under him: he spreadeth<07502>(8799) sharp pointed things<02742> upon the mire<02916>. {Sharp stones: Heb. Sharp pieces of potsherd}
31 牠使深淵<04688>開滾<07570>(8686)如鍋<09003><05518>,使<07760>(8799)洋海<03220>如鍋中的膏油<09003><04841>
He maketh the deep<04688> to boil<07570>(8686) like a pot<05518>: he maketh<07760>(8799) the sea<03220> like a pot of ointment<04841>.
32 牠行的路<05410>隨後<0310>發光<0215>(8686),令人想<02803>(8799)深淵<08415>如同白髮<09001><07872>
He maketh a path<05410> to shine<0215>(8686) after<0310> him; one would think<02803>(8799) the deep<08415> to be hoary<07872>.
Upon earth<06083> there is not his like<04915>, who is made<06213>(8803) without<01097> fear<02844>. {is made without fear: or, behave themselves without fear}
He beholdeth<07200>(8799) all high<01364> things : he is a king<04428> over all the children<01121> of pride<07830>.

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