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13:1亞摩斯<0531>的兒子<01121>以賽亞<03470><02372>(8804)默示<04853>,論<0834>巴比倫<0894>The burden<04853> of Babylon<0894>, which Isaiah<03470> the son<01121> of Amoz<0531> did see<02372>(8804).註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:2應當在<05921>淨光的<08192>(8737)<02022>豎立<05375>(8798)大旗<05251>,向群眾<09001><07311>(8685)<06963><05130>(8685)<03027>,使他們進入<0935>(8799)貴冑<05081>的門<06607>Lift ye up<05375>(8798) a banner<05251> upon the high<08192>(8737) mountain<02022>, exalt<07311>(8685) the voice<06963> unto them, shake<05130>(8685) the hand<03027>, that they may go<0935>(8799) into the gates<06607> of the nobles<05081>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:3<0589>吩咐<06680>(8765)我所挑出來的<09001><06942>(8794)人;{<01571>}我招呼<07121>(8804)我的勇士<01368>─就是那矜誇<05947>高傲<01346>之輩,為要成就我怒中<09001><0639>所定的。I have commanded<06680>(8765) my sanctified ones<06942>(8794), I have also called<07121>(8804) my mighty ones<01368> for mine anger<0639>, even them that rejoice<05947> in my highness<01346>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:4山間<09002><02022>有多<01995>人的聲音<06963>,好像<01823>是大<07227>國人民<05971>。有許多國<04467>的民<01471>聚集<0622>(8737)鬨嚷的<07588>聲音<06963>;這是萬軍<06635>之耶和華<03068>點齊<06485>(8764)軍隊<06635>,預備打仗<04421>The noise<06963> of a multitude<01995> in the mountains<02022>, like as<01823> of a great<07227> people<05971>; a tumultuous<07588> noise<06963> of the kingdoms<04467> of nations<01471> gathered together<0622>(8737): the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635> mustereth<06485>(8764) the host<06635> of the battle<04421>. {like...: Heb. the likeness of}註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:5他們從遠<04801><04480><0776><0935>(8802),從天<08064><04480><07097>來,就是耶和華<03068>並他惱恨的<02195>兵器<03627>要毀滅<09001><02254>(8763)這全<03605><0776>They come<0935>(8802) from a far<04801> country<0776>, from the end<07097> of heaven<08064>, even the LORD<03068>, and the weapons<03627> of his indignation<02195>, to destroy<02254>(8763) the whole land<0776>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:6你們要哀號<03213>(8685),因為<03588>耶和華<03068>的日子<03117>臨近了<07138>!這日來到<0935>(8799),好像毀滅<09003><07701>從全能者<04480><07706>來到。Howl<03213>(8685) ye; for the day<03117> of the LORD<03068> is at hand<07138>; it shall come<0935>(8799) as a destruction<07701> from the Almighty<07706>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:7所以<05921><03651>,人手<03027><03605>必軟弱<07503>(8799);人<0582><03824><03605>必消化<04549>(8735)Therefore shall all hands<03027> be faint<07503>(8799), and every man's<0582> heart<03824> shall melt<04549>(8735): {be faint: or, fall down}註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:8他們必驚惶<0926>(8738)悲痛<06735>;愁苦<02256>必將他們抓住<0270>(8799)。他們疼痛<02342>(8799),好像產難的婦人<09003><03205>(8802)一樣,彼此<0376><0413><07453>驚奇<08539>(8799)相看,臉<06440>如{<06440>}火焰<03851>And they shall be afraid<0926>(8738): pangs<06735> and sorrows<02256> shall take hold<0270>(8799) of them; they shall be in pain<02342>(8799) as a woman that travaileth<03205>(8802): they shall be amazed<08539>(8799) one<0376> at another<07453>; their faces<06440> shall be as flames<03851>. {be amazed: Heb. wonder} {one...: Heb. every man at his neighbour} {flames: Heb. faces of the flames}註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:9{<02009>}耶和華<03068>的日子<03117>臨到<0935>(8804),必有殘忍<0394>、忿恨<05678>、烈怒<02740><0639>,使<09001><07760>(8800)這地<0776>荒涼<09001><08047>,從其中<04480>除滅<08045>(8686)罪人<02400>Behold, the day<03117> of the LORD<03068> cometh<0935>(8804), cruel<0394> both with wrath<05678> and fierce<02740> anger<0639>, to lay<07760>(8800) the land<0776> desolate<08047>: and he shall destroy<08045>(8686) the sinners<02400> thereof out of it.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:10{<03588>}天上<08064>的眾星<03556>群宿<03685>都不<03808><01984>(8686)<0216>;日頭<08121>一出<09002><03318>(8800)就變黑暗<02821>(8804);月亮<03394>也不<03808><05050>(8686)<0216>For the stars<03556> of heaven<08064> and the constellations<03685> thereof shall not give<01984>(8686) their light<0216>: the sun<08121> shall be darkened<02821>(8804) in his going forth<03318>(8800), and the moon<03394> shall not cause her light<0216> to shine<05050>(8686).註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:11我必因邪惡<07451>刑罰<06485>(8804){<05921>}世界<08398>,因罪孽<05771>刑罰{<05921>}惡人<07563>,使驕傲人<02086>的狂妄<01347>止息<07673>(8689),制伏<08213>(8686)強暴人<06184>的狂傲<01346>And I will punish<06485>(8804) the world<08398> for their evil<07451>, and the wicked<07563> for their iniquity<05771>; and I will cause the arrogancy<01347> of the proud<02086> to cease<07673>(8689), and will lay low<08213>(8686) the haughtiness<01346> of the terrible<06184>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:12我必使人<0582>比精金<04480><06337>還少<03365>(8686),使人<0120>比俄斐<0211>純金<04480><03800>更少。I will make a man<0582> more precious<03365>(8686) than fine gold<06337>; even a man<0120> than the golden wedge<03800> of Ophir<0211>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:13{<05921>}{<03651>}我─萬軍<06635>之耶和華<03068>在忿恨中<09002><05678>發烈<02740><0639>的日子<09002><03117>,必使天<08064>震動<07264>(8686),使地<0776>搖撼<07493>(8799),離其本位<04480><04725>Therefore I will shake<07264>(8686) the heavens<08064>, and the earth<0776> shall remove<07493>(8799) out of her place<04725>, in the wrath<05678> of the LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, and in the day<03117> of his fierce<02740> anger<0639>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:14人必<01961>像被追趕<05080>(8716)的鹿<09003><06643>,像無人<0369>收聚<06908>(8764)的羊<09003><06629>,各<0376><06437>(8799)<0413>本族<05971>,各<0376><05127>(8799)<0413>本土<0776>And it shall be as the chased<05080>(8716) roe<06643>, and as a sheep<06629> that no man taketh up<06908>(8764): they shall every man<0376> turn<06437>(8799) to his own people<05971>, and flee<05127>(8799) every one<0376> into his own land<0776>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:15<03605>被仇敵追上的<04672>(8737)必被刺死<01856>(8735);凡<03605>被捉住的<05595>(8737)必被刀<09002><02719><05307>(8799)Every one that is found<04672>(8737) shall be thrust through<01856>(8735); and every one that is joined<05595>(8737) unto them shall fall<05307>(8799) by the sword<02719>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:16他們的嬰孩<05768>必在他們眼前<09001><05869>摔碎<07376>(8792);他們的房屋<01004>必被搶奪<08155>(8735);他們的妻子<0802>必被玷污<07901>(8735)(8675)<07693>(8735)Their children<05768> also shall be dashed to pieces<07376>(8792) before their eyes<05869>; their houses<01004> shall be spoiled<08155>(8735), and their wives<0802> ravished<07901>(8735)(8675)<07693>(8735).註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:17<02009>必激動<05782>(8688){<0853>}米底亞人<04074>來攻擊他們<05921>。米底亞人{<0834>}不<03808>注重<02803>(8799)銀子<03701>,也不<03808>喜愛<02654>(8799){<09002>}金子<02091>Behold, I will stir up<05782>(8688) the Medes<04074> against them, which shall not regard<02803>(8799) silver<03701>; and as for gold<02091>, they shall not delight<02654>(8799) in it.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:18他們必用弓<07198>擊碎<07376>(8762)少年人<05288>,不<03808>憐憫<07355>(8762){<05921>}婦人所生的<0990><06529>,眼<05869>也不<03808>顧惜<02347>(8799)孩子<01121> Their bows<07198> also shall dash<07376><00> the young men<05288> to pieces<07376>(8762); and they shall have no pity<07355>(8762) on the fruit<06529> of the womb<0990>; their eye<05869> shall not spare<02347>(8799) children<01121>.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:19巴比倫<0894>素來為<01961>列國<04467>的榮耀<06643>,為迦勒底人<03778>所矜誇的<01347>華美<08597>,必像神<0430>所傾覆的<09003><04114>{<0853>}所多瑪<05467>、{<0853>}蛾摩拉<06017>一樣。And Babylon<0894>, the glory<06643> of kingdoms<04467>, the beauty<08597> of the Chaldees<03778>' excellency<01347>, shall be as when God<0430> overthrew<04114> Sodom<05467> and Gomorrah<06017>. {as...: Heb. as the overthrowing}註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 原文 典藏
13:20其內必永<09001><05331><03808>人煙<03427>(8799),世世<01755>{<05704>}代代<01755>無人<03808>居住<07931>(8799)。阿拉伯人<06163>也不<03808>在那裡<08033>支搭帳棚<0167>(8762);牧羊的人<07462>(8802)也不<03808>使羊群臥在<07257>(8686)那裡<08033>It shall never<05331> be inhabited<03427>(8799), neither shall it be dwelt<07931>(8799) in from generation<01755> to generation<01755>: neither shall the Arabian<06163> pitch tent<0167>(8762) there; neither shall the shepherds<07462>(8802) make their fold<07257>(8686) there.註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:21只有曠野的走獸<06728><07257>(8804)在那裡<08033>;咆哮的獸<0255>滿了<04390>(8804)房屋<01004>。鴕鳥<01323><03284><07931>(8804)在那裡<08033>;野山羊<08163>在那裡<08033>跳舞<07540>(8762)But wild beasts of the desert<06728> shall lie<07257>(8804) there; and their houses<01004> shall be full<04390>(8804) of doleful creatures<0255>; and owls<01323><03284> shall dwell<07931>(8804) there, and satyrs<08163> shall dance<07540>(8762) there. {wild...: Heb. Ziim} {doleful...: Heb. Ochim} {owls: or, ostriches: Heb. daughters of the owl}註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏
13:22豺狼<0338>必在它宮中<09002><0490>呼號<06030>(8804);野狗<08565>必在它華美<06027>殿內<09002><01964>吼叫。巴比倫受罰的時候<06256><09001><0935>(8800)<07138>;它的日子<03117>必不<03808>長久<04900>(8735)And the wild beasts of the islands<0338> shall cry<06030>(8804) in their desolate houses<0490>, and dragons<08577> in their pleasant<06027> palaces<01964>: and her time<06256> is near<07138> to come<0935>(8800), and her days<03117> shall not be prolonged<04900>(8735). {the wild...: Heb. Iim} {desolate...: or, palaces}註釋 串珠 盧俊義 康來昌 小組 字典 原文 典藏

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