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35:1以利戶<0453>{<06030>}{(8799)}又說<0559>(8799)Elihu<0453> spake<06030>(8799) moreover, and said<0559>(8799),註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:2{<02063>}你以為<02803>(8804)有理<09001><04941>,或以為<0559>(8804)你的公義<06664>勝於神<04480><0410>的公義,Thinkest<02803>(8804) thou this to be right<04941>, that thou saidst<0559>(8804), My righteousness<06664> is more than God's<0410>?註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:3<03588><0559>(8799)這與我<09001>有甚麼<04100>益處<05532>(8799)?我不犯罪<04480><02403>比犯罪有甚麼<04100>好處<03276>(8686)呢?For thou saidst<0559>(8799), What advantage<05532>(8799) will it be unto thee? and , What profit<03276>(8686) shall I have, if I be cleansed from my sin<02403>? {if...: or, by it more than by my sin}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:4<0589>要回<07725>(8686)<04405>你和<0853>在你<05973>這裡的朋友<07453>I will answer<07725>(8686)<04405> thee, and thy companions<07453> with thee. {answer...: Heb. return to thee words}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:5你要向天<08064>觀看<05027>(8685),瞻<07200>(8798)<07789>(8798)那高<01361>(8804)於你<04480>的穹蒼<07834>Look<05027>(8685) unto the heavens<08064>, and see<07200>(8798); and behold<07789>(8798) the clouds<07834> which are higher<01361>(8804) than thou.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:6你若<0518>犯罪<02398>(8804),能使<06466>(8799)<09002>受何<04100>害呢?你的過犯<06588>加增<07231>(8804),能使<06213>(8799)<09001>受何<04100>損呢?If thou sinnest<02398>(8804), what doest<06466>(8799) thou against him? or if thy transgressions<06588> be multiplied<07231>(8804), what doest<06213>(8799) thou unto him?註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:7你若<0518>是公義<06663>(8804),還能加增<05414>(8799)<09001>甚麼<04100>呢?{<0176>}他從你手裡<04480><03027>還接受<03947>(8799)甚麼<04100>呢?If thou be righteous<06663>(8804), what givest<05414>(8799) thou him? or what receiveth<03947>(8799) he of thine hand<03027>?註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:8你的過惡<07562>或能害你這類<03644>的人<09001><0376>;你的公義<06666>或能叫世人<09001><01121><0120>得益處。Thy wickedness<07562> may hurt a man<0376> as thou art ; and thy righteousness<06666> may profit the son<01121> of man<0120>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:9人因多<04480><07230>受欺壓<06217>就哀求<02199>(8686),因受能者<07227>的轄制(原文是膀臂<04480><02220>)便求救<07768>(8762)By reason of the multitude<07230> of oppressions<06217> they make the oppressed to cry<02199>(8686): they cry out<07768>(8762) by reason of the arm<02220> of the mighty<07227>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:10卻無人<03808><0559>(8804):造我的<06213>(8802)<0433>在哪裡<0346>?他使<05414>(8802)人夜間<09002><03915>歌唱<02158>But none saith<0559>(8804), Where is God<0433> my maker<06213>(8802), who giveth<05414>(8802) songs<02158> in the night<03915>;註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:11教訓我們<0502>(8764)勝於地上<0776>的走獸<04480><0929>,使我們有聰明<02449>(8762)勝於空中的<08064>飛鳥<04480><05775>Who teacheth<0502>(8764) us more than the beasts<0929> of the earth<0776>, and maketh us wiser<02449>(8762) than the fowls<05775> of heaven<08064>?註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
35:12他們在那裡<08033>,因<04480><06440>惡人<07451>的驕傲<01347>呼求<06817>(8799),卻無人<03808>答應<06030>(8799)There they cry<06817>(8799), but none giveth answer<06030>(8799), because<06440> of the pride<01347> of evil men<07451>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:13虛妄的<07723>呼求,神<0410><0389><03808>垂聽<08085>(8799);全能者<07706>也必不<03808>眷顧<07789>(8799)Surely God<0410> will not hear<08085>(8799) vanity<07723>, neither will the Almighty<07706> regard<07789>(8799) it.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:14何況<0637><03588>你說<0559>(8799),你不<03808>得見他<07789>(8799);你的案件<01779>在他面前<09001><06440>,你等候<02342>(8787)<09001>吧。Although<0637> thou sayest<0559>(8799) thou shalt not see<07789>(8799) him, yet judgment<01779> is before<06440> him; therefore trust<02342>(8787) thou in him.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:15但如今<06258><03588>他未<0369>曾發怒<0639>降罰<06485>(8804),也不<03808><03966>理會<03045>(8804)狂傲<09002><06580>But now, because it is not so , he hath visited<06485>(8804) in his anger<0639>; yet he knoweth<03045>(8804) it not in great<03966> extremity<06580>: {he hath: that is, God hath} {he knoweth: that is, Job knoweth}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
35:16所以約伯<0347><06475>(8799)<06310>說虛妄的<01892>話,多發<03527>(8686)<09002><01097>知識<01847>的言語<04405>Therefore doth Job<0347> open<06475>(8799) his mouth<06310> in vain<01892>; he multiplieth<03527>(8686) words<04405> without<01097> knowledge<01847>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏

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