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47:1 他帶我回<07725>(8686)<0413>殿<01004><06607>,見<02009>殿<01004>的門檻<04670><04480><08478>有水<04325>往東<06921>流出<03318>(8802)(原來<03588>殿<01004>面朝<06440><06921>)。這水<04325>從檻下<04480><08478>,由殿<01004>的右<03233><04480><03802>,在祭壇<09001><04196>的南邊<04480><05045>往下流<03381>(8802)
Afterward he brought me again<07725>(8686) unto the door<06607> of the house<01004>; and, behold, waters<04325> issued out<03318>(8802) from under the threshold<04670> of the house<01004> eastward<06921>: for the forefront<06440> of the house<01004> stood toward the east<06921>, and the waters<04325> came down<03381>(8802) from under from the right<03233> side<03802> of the house<01004>, at the south<05045> side of the altar<04196>.
47:2 他帶我出<03318>(8686)<06828><01870><08179>,又領我<05437>(8686)從外<02351><01870>轉到<0413>{<01870>}朝<06437>(8802)<06921>的外<02351><08179>,見<02009><04325><04480><03233><03802>流出<06379>(8764)
Then brought he me out<03318>(8686) of the way<01870> of the gate<08179> northward<06828>, and led me about<05437>(8686) the way<01870> without unto the utter<02351> gate<08179> by the way<01870> that looketh<06437>(8802) eastward<06921>; and, behold, there ran out<06379>(8764) waters<04325> on the right<03233> side<03802>.
And when the man<0376> that had the line<06957> in his hand<03027> went forth<03318>(8800) eastward<06921>, he measured<04058>(8799) a thousand<0505> cubits<0520>, and he brought me through<05674>(8686) the waters<04325>; the waters<04325> were to the ankles<0657>. {the waters were...: Heb. waters of the ankles}
47:4 他又量<04058>(8799)了一千<0505>肘,使我蹚過<05674>(8686)<04325>,水<04325>就到膝<01290>;再量<04058>(8799)了一千<0505>肘,使我蹚過<05674>(8686)水,水<04325>便到腰<04975>
Again he measured<04058>(8799) a thousand<0505>, and brought me through<05674>(8686) the waters<04325>; the waters<04325> were to the knees<01290>. Again he measured<04058>(8799) a thousand<0505>, and brought me through<05674>(8686); the waters<04325> were to the loins<04975>.
47:5 又量了<04058>(8799)一千<0505>肘,水便成了河<05158>,{<0834>}使我不<03808><03201>(8799)蹚過<09001><05674>(8800)。因為<03588>水勢<04325>漲起<01342>(8804),成為可洑<07813>的水<04325>,{<0834>}不可<03808><05674>(8735)的河<05158>
Afterward he measured<04058>(8799) a thousand<0505>; and it was a river<05158> that I could<03201>(8799) not pass over<05674>(8800): for the waters<04325> were risen<01342>(8804), waters<04325> to swim in<07813>, a river<05158> that could not be passed over<05674>(8735). {waters to...: Heb. waters of swimming}
47:6 他對我<0413><0559>(8799):「人<0120><01121>啊,你看見<07200>(8804)了甚麼?」他就帶我<03212>(8686)回到<07725>(8686)<05158><08193>
And he said<0559>(8799) unto me, Son<01121> of man<0120>, hast thou seen<07200>(8804) this ? Then he brought<03212>(8686) me, and caused me to return<07725>(8686) to the brink<08193> of the river<05158>.
47:7 我回到<09002><07725>(8800)河邊的時候,見<02009><0413><05158>這邊<04480><02088>與那邊<04480><02088>的岸上<08193>有極<03966><07227>的樹木<06086>
Now when I had returned<07725>(8800), behold, at the bank<08193> of the river<05158> were very<03966> many<07227> trees<06086> on the one side and on the other. {bank: Heb. lip}
47:8 他對我<0413><0559>(8799):「這<0428><04325><0413><06930><01552>流去<03318>(8802),必下<03381>(8804)<05921>亞拉巴<06160>,直到<0935>(8804)<03220>。所發出來的水必流<03318>(8716)<0413>鹽海<03220>,使水<04325>變甜(原文是得醫治<07495>(8738);下同)。
Then said<0559>(8799) he unto me, These waters<04325> issue out<03318>(8802) toward the east<06930> country<01552>, and go down<03381>(8804) into the desert<06160>, and go<0935>(8804) into the sea<03220>: which being brought forth<03318>(8716) into the sea<03220>, the waters<04325> shall be healed<07495>(8738). {desert: or, plain}
47:9 這河水<05158>{<0413>}{<03605>}所<0834><0935>(8799)之處<08033>,{<01961>}凡<0834>滋生<08317>(8799)的{<03605>}動物<05315><02416>都必生活<02421>(8799),並且因<03588><0428>流來<0935>(8804)的水<04325>{<08033>}必有<01961><03966><07227>的魚<01710>,海水也變甜了<07495>(8735)。這河水<05158>{<03605>}所<0834><0935>(8799)之處<08033>,百物都必生活<02425>(8804)
And it shall come to pass, that every thing<05315> that liveth<02416>, which moveth<08317>(8799), whithersoever the rivers<05158> shall come<0935>(8799), shall live<02421>(8799): and there shall be a very<03966> great<07227> multitude of fish<01710>, because these waters<04325> shall come<0935>(8804) thither: for they shall be healed<07495>(8735); and every thing shall live<02425>(8804) whither the river<05158> cometh<0935>(8799). {rivers: Heb. two rivers}
47:10 必有<01961>漁夫<01728><05975>(8804)(8675)<05975>(8799)<05921>河邊,從隱‧基底<04480><05872>直到<05704>隱‧以革蓮<05882>,都作<01961>曬(或譯:張<04894>)網<09001><02764>之處。{<01961>}那魚<01710>各從其類<09001><04327>,好像大<01419><03220>的魚<09003><01710><03966><07227>
And it shall come to pass, that the fishers<01728> shall stand<05975>(8804)(8675)<05975>(8799) upon it from Engedi<05872> even unto Eneglaim<05882>; they shall be a place to spread forth<04894> nets<02764>; their fish<01710> shall be according to their kinds<04327>, as the fish<01710> of the great<01419> sea<03220>, exceeding<03966> many<07227>.
47:11 只是泥濘之地<01207>與窪濕之處<01360><03808>得治好<07495>(8735),必為<05414>(8738)鹽地<09001><04417>
But the miry places<01207> thereof and the marishes<01360> thereof shall not be healed<07495>(8735); they shall be given<05414>(8738) to salt<04417>. {shall not...: or, and that which shall not be healed}
And by the river<05158> upon the bank<08193> thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow<05927>(8799) all trees<06086> for meat<03978>, whose leaf<05929> shall not fade<05034>(8799), neither shall the fruit<06529> thereof be consumed<08552>(8799): it shall bring forth new fruit<01069>(8762) according to his months<02320>, because their waters<04325> they issued out<03318>(8802) of the sanctuary<04720>: and the fruit<06529> thereof shall be for meat<03978>, and the leaf<05929> thereof for medicine<08644>. {shall grow: Heb. shall come up} {new: or, principal} {for medicine: or, for bruises and sores}
Thus saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>; This<01454> shall be the border<01366>, whereby ye shall inherit<05157>(8691) the land<0776> according to the twelve<08147><06240> tribes<07626> of Israel<03478>: Joseph<03130> shall have two portions<02256>.
47:14 你們承受這地<0853>為業<05157>(8804),要彼此<0376><09003><0251>均分;因為<0834>我曾起<05375>(8804){<0853>}誓<03027>應許將這地賜<09001><05414>(8800)與你們的列祖<09001><01>;這<02063><0776>必歸<05307>(8804)你們<09001>為業<09002><05159>
And ye shall inherit<05157>(8804) it, one<0376> as well as another<0251>: concerning the which I lifted up<05375>(8804) mine hand<03027> to give<05414>(8800) it unto your fathers<01>: and this land<0776> shall fall<05307>(8804) unto you for inheritance<05159>. {lifted...: or, swore}
47:15 「地<0776>的四界<01366>乃是如此<02088>:北<06828><09001><06285><04480><01419><03220><01870>希特倫<02855>,直到<09001><0935>(8800)西達達<06657>口。
And this shall be the border<01366> of the land<0776> toward the north<06828> side<06285>, from the great<01419> sea<03220>, the way<01870> of Hethlon<02855>, as men go<0935>(8800) to Zedad<06657>;
47:16 又往哈馬<02574>、比羅他<01268>、西伯蓮<05453>(西伯蓮<0834>在大馬士革<01834>{<01366>}與<0996>哈馬<02574>兩界<01366>中間<0996>),到<0413>浩蘭<02362>邊界<01366><0834>哈撒‧哈提干<02694>
Hamath<02574>, Berothah<01268>, Sibraim<05453>, which is between the border<01366> of Damascus<01834> and the border<01366> of Hamath<02574>; Hazarhatticon<02694>, which is by the coast<01366> of Hauran<02362>. {Hazarhatticon: or, the middle village}
47:17 這樣,{<01961>}境界<01366><04480>海邊<03220>往大馬士革<01834>地界<01366>上的哈薩‧以難<02703>,北<06828><06828>邊以哈馬地<02574>為界<01366>。這是<0853><06828><06285>
And the border<01366> from the sea<03220> shall be Hazarenan<02703>, the border<01366> of Damascus<01834>, and the north<06828> northward<06828>, and the border<01366> of Hamath<02574>. And this is the north<06828> side<06285>.
And the east<06921> side<06285> ye shall measure<04058>(8799) from<0996> Hauran<02362>, and from<0996> Damascus<01834>, and from<0996> Gilead<01568>, and from<0996> the land<0776> of Israel<03478> by Jordan<03383>, from the border<01366> unto the east<06931> sea<03220>. And this is the east<06921> side<06285>. {from (Hauran, Damascus, Gilead, the land): Heb. from between}
And the south<05045> side<06285> southward<08486>, from Tamar<08559> even to the waters<04325> of strife<04808>(8677)<04809> in Kadesh<06946>, the river<05158> to the great<01419> sea<03220>. And this is the south<08486> side<06285> southward<05045>. {strife: or, Meribah} {river: or, valley} {is the south side southward: or, is the south side toward Teman}
47:20 「西<03220><06285>就是大<01419><03220>,從南界<04480><01366>直到<05704>哈馬<02574><09001><0935>(8800)對面<05227>之地。這是<02063>西<03220><06285>
The west<03220> side<06285> also shall be the great<01419> sea<03220> from the border<01366>, till a man come<0935>(8800) over against<05227> Hamath<02574>. This is the west<03220> side<06285>.
47:21 「你們要按著以色列<03478>的支派<09001><07626>彼此<09001><02505>(8765){<0853>}這<02063><0776>
So shall ye divide<02505>(8765) this land<0776> unto you according to the tribes<07626> of Israel<03478>.
And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide<05307>(8686) it by lot for an inheritance<05159> unto you, and to the strangers<01616> that sojourn<01481>(8802) among<08432> you, which shall beget<03205>(8689) children<01121> among<08432> you: and they shall be unto you as born<0249> in the country<0249> among the children<01121> of Israel<03478>; they shall have<05307>(8799) inheritance<05159> with you among<08432> the tribes<07626> of Israel<03478>.
47:23 {<01961>}外人<01616>寄居<01481>(8804)在哪<0834>支派<09002><07626>中,你們就在那裡<08033>分給<05414>(8799)<0853>地業<05159>。這是主<0136>耶和華<03069>說的<05002>(8803)。」
And it shall come to pass, that in what tribe<07626> the stranger<01616> sojourneth<01481>(8804), there shall ye give<05414>(8799) him his inheritance<05159>, saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>.

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