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8:1 巴不得{<04310>}{<05414>}{(8799)}你像我的<09001>兄弟<09003><0251>,像吃<03243>(8802)我母親<0517><07699>的兄弟;我在外頭<09002><02351>遇見你<04672>(8799)就與你親嘴<05401>(8799),誰也<01571><03808>輕看<0936>(8799)<09001>
O that<05414>(8799) thou wert as my brother<0251>, that sucked<03243>(8802) the breasts<07699> of my mother<0517>! when I should find<04672>(8799) thee without<02351>, I would kiss<05401>(8799) thee; yea, I should not be despised<0936>(8799). {I should not...: Heb. they should not despise me}
8:2 我必引導你<05090>(8799),領你<0935>(8686)<0413>我母親<0517>的家<01004>;我可以領受教訓<03925>(8762),也就使你喝<08248>(8686)石榴<07416><04480><06071>釀的香<07544><04480><03196>
I would lead<05090>(8799) thee, and bring<0935>(8686) thee into my mother's<0517> house<01004>, who would instruct<03925>(8762) me: I would cause thee to drink<08248>(8686) of spiced<07544> wine<03196> of the juice<06071> of my pomegranate<07416>.
8:3 他的左手<08040>必在我頭<07218><08478>;他的右手<03225>必將我抱住<02263>(8762)
His left hand<08040> should be under my head<07218>, and his right hand<03225> should embrace<02263>(8762) me.
8:4 耶路撒冷<03389>的眾女子<01323>啊,我囑咐<07650>(8689)你們<0853>:不要<04100>驚動<05782>(8686)、不要<04100>叫醒<05782>(8787){<0853>}我所親愛的<0160>,等<05704>他自己情願<02654>(8799)(不要叫醒……情願:或譯不要激動愛情,等它自發)。
I charge<07650>(8689) you, O daughters<01323> of Jerusalem<03389>, that ye stir not up<05782>(8686), nor awake<05782>(8787) my love<0160>, until he please<02654>(8799). {that...: Heb. why should ye stir up, or, why, etc}
Who is this that cometh up<05927>(8802) from the wilderness<04057>, leaning<07514>(8693) upon her beloved<01730>? I raised<05782>(8790) thee up under the apple tree<08598>: there thy mother<0517> brought thee forth<02254>(8765): there she brought thee forth<02254>(8765) that bare<03205>(8804) thee.
8:6 求你將我放在<07760>(8798)你心<03820><05921>如印記<09003><02368>,帶在你臂<02220><05921>如戳記<09003><02368>。因為<03588>愛情<0160>如死<09003><04194>之堅強<05794>,嫉恨<07068>如陰間<09003><07585>之殘忍<07186>;所發的電光<07565>是火焰<0784>的電光<07565>,是耶和華的烈焰<07957>
Set<07760>(8798) me as a seal<02368> upon thine heart<03820>, as a seal<02368> upon thine arm<02220>: for love<0160> is strong<05794> as death<04194>; jealousy<07068> is cruel<07186> as the grave<07585>: the coals<07565> thereof are coals<07565> of fire<0784>, which hath a most vehement flame<07957>. {cruel: Heb. hard}
8:7 {<0853>}愛情<0160>,眾<07227><04325><03808><03201>(8799)息滅<09001><03518>(8763),大水<05104>也不能<03808>淹沒<07857>(8799)。若<0518>有人<0376><05414>(8799){<0853>}家中<01004>所有的<03605>財寶<01952>要換愛情<09002><0160>,就全<0936>(8800)被藐視<0936>(8799){<09001>}。
Many<07227> waters<04325> cannot<03201>(8799) quench<03518>(8763) love<0160>, neither can the floods<05104> drown<07857>(8799) it: if a man<0376> would give<05414>(8799) all the substance<01952> of his house<01004> for love<0160>, it would utterly<0936>(8800) be contemned<0936>(8799).
8:8 我們<09001>有一小<06996><0269>;她的<09001>兩乳<07699>尚未<0369>長成<0369>,人來提親<01696>(8792){<09002>}的日子<09002><03117>,我們當為她<09001><0269>怎樣<04100>辦理<06213>(8799)
We have a little<06996> sister<0269>, and she hath no breasts<07699>: what shall we do<06213>(8799) for our sister<0269> in the day<03117> when she shall be spoken for<01696>(8792)?
If she be a wall<02346>, we will build<01129>(8799) upon her a palace<02918> of silver<03701>: and if she be a door<01817>, we will inclose<06696>(8799) her with boards<03871> of cedar<0730>.
I am a wall<02346>, and my breasts<07699> like towers<04026>: then was I in his eyes<05869> as one that found<04672>(8802) favour<07965>. {favour: Heb. peace}
8:11 所羅門<09001><08010>在巴力‧哈們<09002><01174><01961>一葡萄園<03754>;他將<0853>這葡萄園<03754><05414>(8804)給看守的人<09001><05201>(8802),為其中的果子<09002><06529>必{<0376>}交<0935>(8686)一千<0505>舍客勒銀子<03701>
Solomon<08010> had a vineyard<03754> at Baalhamon<01174>; he let out<05414>(8804) the vineyard<03754> unto keepers<05201>(8802); every one<0376> for the fruit<06529> thereof was to bring<0935>(8686) a thousand<0505> pieces of silver<03701>.
8:12 我自己<07945><09001>的葡萄園<03754>在我面前<09001><06440>。所羅門<08010>哪,一千<0505>舍客勒歸你<09001>,二百<03967>舍客勒歸看守<09001><05201>(8802){<0853>}果子<06529>的人。
My vineyard<03754>, which is mine, is before<06440> me: thou, O Solomon<08010>, must have a thousand<0505>, and those that keep<05201>(8802) the fruit<06529> thereof two hundred<03967>.
8:13 你這住<03427>(8802)在園中<09002><01588>的,同伴<02270>都要聽<07181>(8688)你的聲音<09001><06963>,求你使我也得聽見<08085>(8685)
Thou that dwellest<03427>(8802) in the gardens<01588>, the companions<02270> hearken<07181>(8688) to thy voice<06963>: cause me to hear<08085>(8685) it .
8:14 我的良人<01730>哪,求你快來<01272>(8798)!如<01819>(8798){<09001>}羚羊<09001><06643><0176><09001><06082>鹿<0354><05921>香草<01314><02022>上。
Make haste<01272>(8798), my beloved<01730>, and be thou like<01819>(8798) to a roe<06643> or to a young<06082> hart<0354> upon the mountains<02022> of spices<01314>. {Make...: Heb. Flee away}

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