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6:1 {<0834>}我見<07200>(8804)日光<08121>之下<08478><03426>一宗禍患<07451>{<01931>}重壓<07227><05921><0120>身上,
There is<03426> an evil<07451> which I have seen<07200>(8804) under the sun<08121>, and it is common<07227> among men<0120>:
6:2 就是人<0376>蒙{<0834>}神<0430><05414>(8799)<09001>資財<06239>、豐富<05233>、尊榮<03519>,以致他心裡<09001><05315><0834><0183>(8691)的一樣都<04480><03605><0369><02638>,只是神<0430>使他<04480><03808><07980>(8686)吃用<09001><0398>(8800),反有<03588>外人<0376><05237>來吃用<0398>(8799)。這是<02088>虛空<01892>,也是<01931><07451><02483>
A man<0376> to whom God<0430> hath given<05414>(8799) riches<06239>, wealth<05233>, and honour<03519>, so that he wanteth<02638> nothing for his soul<05315> of all that he desireth<0183>(8691), yet God<0430> giveth him not power<07980>(8686) to eat<0398>(8800) thereof, but a stranger<0376><05237> eateth<0398>(8799) it: this is vanity<01892>, and it is an evil<07451> disease<02483>.
If a man<0376> beget<03205>(8686) an hundred<03967> children , and live<02421>(8799) many<07227> years<08141>, so that the days<03117> of his years<08141> be many<07227>, and his soul<05315> be not filled<07646>(8799) with good<02896>, and also that he have no burial<06900>; I say<0559>(8804), that an untimely birth<05309> is better<02896> than he.
6:4 因為<03588>虛虛<09002><01892>而來<0935>(8804),暗暗<09002><02822>而去<03212>(8799),名字<08034>被黑暗<09002><02822>遮蔽<03680>(8792)
For he cometh<0935>(8804) in with vanity<01892>, and departeth<03212>(8799) in darkness<02822>, and his name<08034> shall be covered<03680>(8792) with darkness<02822>.
6:5 並且<01571>沒有<03808>見過<07200>(8804)天日<08121>,也毫無<03808>知覺<03045>(8804);這胎<02088>,比那人<04480><02088>倒享安息<05183>
Moreover he hath not seen<07200>(8804) the sun<08121>, nor known<03045>(8804) any thing : this<02088> hath more rest<05183> than<02088> the other.
6:6 那人雖然<0432><02421>(8804)<0505><08141>,再<06471>活千年,卻不<03808><07200>(8804)<02896>,眾人<03605>豈不<03808>都歸<0413>一個<0259>地方<04725><01980>(8802)嗎?
Yea, though<0432> he live<02421>(8804) a thousand<0505> years<08141> twice<06471> told , yet hath he seen<07200>(8804) no good<02896>: do not all go<01980>(8802) to one<0259> place<04725>?
All the labour<05999> of man<0120> is for his mouth<06310>, and yet the appetite<05315> is not filled<04390>(8735). {appetite: Heb. soul}
6:8 這樣看來<03588>,智慧人<09001><02450><04480>愚昧人<03684>有甚麼<04100>長處<03148>呢?窮人<09001><06041>在眾人<02416>面前<05048>知道<03045>(8802)如何行<09001><01980>(8800),有甚麼<04100>長處呢?
For what hath the wise<02450> more<03148> than the fool<03684>? what hath the poor<06041>, that knoweth<03045>(8802) to walk<01980>(8800) before the living<02416>?
6:9 眼睛<05869>所看的<04758>比心裡<05315>妄想的<04480><01980>(8800)倒好<02896>。這<02088>也是<01571>虛空<01892>,也是捕<07469><07307>
Better<02896> is the sight<04758> of the eyes<05869> than the wandering<01980>(8800) of the desire<05315>: this is also vanity<01892> and vexation<07469> of spirit<07307>. {than...: Heb. than the walking of the soul}
6:10 先前所有的<04100><07945><01961>,早已<03528>起了<07121>(8738)<08034>,並知道<03045>(8737)何為<0834><01931><0120>,他也不<03808><03201>(8799)<05973>那比自己<04480>力大的<07945><08623>相爭<09001><01777>(8800)
That which hath been is named<07121>(8738)<08034> already<03528>, and it is known<03045>(8737) that it is man<0120>: neither may<03201>(8799) he contend<01777>(8800) with him that is mightier<08623> than he.
6:11 加增<07235>(8688)虛浮<01892>的事<01697><03588><03426><07235>(8687),這與人<09001><0120>有甚麼<04100>益處<03148>呢?
Seeing there be<03426> many<07235>(8687) things<01697> that increase<07235>(8688) vanity<01892>, what is man<0120> the better<03148>?
6:12 {<03588>}人<09001><0120>一生<09002><02416>虛度的<01892>日子<04557><03117><02416>,就如影兒<09003><06738>經過<06213>(8799),誰<04310>知道<03045>(8802)甚麼<04100>與他有益<02896>呢?{<0834>}誰<04310>能告訴<05046>(8686)<09001><0120>身後<0310>在日光<08121>之下<08478><01961>甚麼<04100>事呢?
For who knoweth<03045>(8802) what is good<02896> for man<0120> in this life<02416>, all<04557> the days<03117> of his vain<01892> life<02416> which he spendeth<06213>(8799) as a shadow<06738>? for who can tell<05046>(8686) a man<0120> what shall be after<0310> him under the sun<08121>? {all...: Heb. the number of the days of the life of his vanity}

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