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24:1 (大衛的<09001><01732><04210>。)地<0776>和其中所充滿的<04393>,世界<08398>和住<03427>(8802)在其間的<09002>,都屬耶和華<09001><03068>
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] The earth<0776> is the LORD'S<03068>, and the fulness<04393> thereof; the world<08398>, and they that dwell<03427>(8802) therein.
24:2 {<03588>}他<01931>把地建立<03245>(8804)<05921>海上<03220>,安定<03559>(8787)<05921>大水之上<05104>
For he hath founded<03245>(8804) it upon the seas<03220>, and established<03559>(8787) it upon the floods<05104>.
Who shall ascend<05927>(8799) into the hill<02022> of the LORD<03068>? or who shall stand<06965>(8799) in his holy<06944> place<04725>?
24:4 就是手<03709><05355><03824><01249>、{<05375>}{(8804)}{<05315>}不<03808>向虛妄<09001><07723>、起誓<07650>(8738)<03808>懷詭詐<09001><04820>的人<0834>
He that hath clean<05355> hands<03709>, and a pure<01249> heart<03824>; who hath not lifted up<05375>(8804) his soul<05315> unto vanity<07723>, nor sworn<07650>(8738) deceitfully<04820>. {He...: Heb. The clean of hands}
24:5 他必蒙<05375>(8799){<04480>}{<0854>}耶和華<03068>賜福<01293>,又蒙救他<03468>的神<04480><0430>使他成義<06666>
He shall receive<05375>(8799) the blessing<01293> from the LORD<03068>, and righteousness<06666> from the God<0430> of his salvation<03468>.
24:6 這是<02088>尋求<01875>(8802)耶和華的族類<01755>,是尋求<01245>(8764)你面<06440>的雅各<03290>。(細拉<05542>
This is the generation<01755> of them that seek<01875>(8802) him, that seek<01245>(8764) thy face<06440>, O Jacob<03290>. Selah<05542>. {O Jacob: or, O God of Jacob}
24:7 眾城門<08179>哪,你們要抬起<05375>(8798)<07218>來!永久<05769>的門戶<06607>,你們要被舉起<05375>(8734)!那榮耀<03519>的王<04428>將要進來<0935>(8799)
Lift up<05375>(8798) your heads<07218>, O ye gates<08179>; and be ye lift up<05375>(8734), ye everlasting<05769> doors<06607>; and the King<04428> of glory<03519> shall come in<0935>(8799).
24:8 {<02088>}榮耀<03519>的王<04428>是誰<04310>呢?就是有力<05808>有能<01368>的耶和華<03068>,在戰場上<04421>有能的<01368>耶和華<03068>
Who is this King<04428> of glory<03519>? The LORD<03068> strong<05808> and mighty<01368>, the LORD<03068> mighty<01368> in battle<04421>.
24:9 眾城門<08179>哪,你們要抬起<05375>(8798)<07218>來!永久<05769>的門戶<06607>,你們要把頭抬起<05375>(8798)!那榮耀<03519>的王<04428>將要進來<0935>(8799)
Lift up<05375>(8798) your heads<07218>, O ye gates<08179>; even lift them up<05375>(8798), ye everlasting<05769> doors<06607>; and the King<04428> of glory<03519> shall come in<0935>(8799).
24:10 {<02088>}榮耀<03519>的王<04428><01931><04310>呢?萬軍<06635>之耶和華<03068>,他是<01931>榮耀<03519>的王<04428>!(細拉<05542>
Who is this King<04428> of glory<03519>? The LORD<03068> of hosts<06635>, he is the King<04428> of glory<03519>. Selah<05542>.

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