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7:1 (大衛<09001><01732>指著<05921>便雅憫<01145><01121>古實<03568>的話<01697>,{<0834>}向耶和華<09001><03068><07891>(8804)的流離歌<07692>。)耶和華<03068>─我的神<0430>啊,我投靠<02620>(8804)<09002>!求你救我<03467>(8685)脫離一切<04480><03605>追趕我的人<07291>(8802),將我救拔出來<05337>(8685)
[FO][FO]Shiggaion<07692> of David<01732>, which he sang<07891>(8804) unto the LORD<03068>, concerning the words<01697> of Cush<03568> the Benjamite<01121><01145>.[Fo][Fo] O LORD<03068> my God<0430>, in thee do I put my trust<02620>(8804): save<03467>(8685) me from all them that persecute<07291>(8802) me, and deliver<05337>(8685) me: {words: or, business}
7:2 恐怕<06435>他們像獅子<09003><0738>撕裂<02963>(8799)<05315>,甚至撕碎<06561>(8802),無人<0369>搭救<05337>(8688)
Lest he tear<02963>(8799) my soul<05315> like a lion<0738>, rending it in pieces<06561>(8802), while there is none to deliver<05337>(8688). {none...: Heb. not a deliverer}
7:3 耶和華<03068>─我的神<0430>啊,我若<0518>行了<06213>(8804)這事<02063>,若<0518><03426>罪孽<05766>在我手裡<09002><03709>
O LORD<03068> my God<0430>, if I have done<06213>(8804) this; if there be<03426> iniquity<05766> in my hands<03709>;
7:4 我若<0518>以惡<07451><01580>(8804)那與我交好的人<07999>(8802)─連那無故<07387>與我為敵的<06887>(8802),我也救了<02502>(8762)他,
If I have rewarded<01580>(8804) evil<07451> unto him that was at peace<07999>(8802) with me; (yea, I have delivered<02502>(8762) him that without cause<07387> is mine enemy<06887>(8802):)
7:5 就任憑仇敵<0341>(8802)追趕<07291>(8762)<05315>,直到追上<05381>(8686),將我的性命<02416>踏在<07429>(8799)地下<09001><0776>,使<07931><00>我的榮耀<03519>歸於<07931>(8686)灰塵<09001><06083>。(細拉<05542>
Let the enemy<0341>(8802) persecute<07291>(8762) my soul<05315>, and take<05381>(8686) it ; yea, let him tread down<07429>(8799) my life<02416> upon the earth<0776>, and lay<07931>(8686) mine honour<03519> in the dust<06083>. Selah<05542>.
7:6 耶和華<03068>啊,求你在怒中<09002><0639>起來<06965>(8798),挺身而立<05375>(8734),抵擋我敵人<06887>(8802)的暴怒<09002><05678>!求你為我<0413>興起<05782>(8798)!你已經命定<06680>(8765)施行審判<04941>
Arise<06965>(8798), O LORD<03068>, in thine anger<0639>, lift up<05375>(8734) thyself because of the rage<05678> of mine enemies<06887>(8802): and awake<05782>(8798) for me to the judgment<04941> that thou hast commanded<06680>(8765).
7:7 願眾<05712><03816>的會環繞你<05437>(8779)!願你從其上<05921><07725>(8798)於高位<09001><04791>
So shall the congregation<05712> of the people<03816> compass thee about<05437>(8779): for their sakes therefore return<07725>(8798) thou on high<04791>.
7:8 耶和華<03068>向眾民<05971>施行審判<01777>(8799);耶和華<03068>啊,求你按我的公義<09003><06664>和我心中的純正<09003><08537>判斷<08199>(8798)<05921>
The LORD<03068> shall judge<01777>(8799) the people<05971>: judge<08199>(8798) me, O LORD<03068>, according to my righteousness<06664>, and according to mine integrity<08537> that is in me.
Oh let the wickedness<07451> of the wicked<07563> come to an end<01584>(8799); but establish<03559>(8787) the just<06662>: for the righteous<06662> God<0430> trieth<0974>(8802) the hearts<03826> and reins<03629>.
My defence<04043> is of God<0430>, which saveth<03467>(8688) the upright<03477> in heart<03820>. {My...: Heb. My buckler is upon God}
God<0430> judgeth<08199>(8802) the righteous<06662>, and God<0410> is angry<02194>(8802) with the wicked every day<03117>. {judgeth...: or, is a righteous judge}
If he turn<07725>(8799) not, he will whet<03913>(8799) his sword<02719>; he hath bent<01869>(8804) his bow<07198>, and made it ready<03559>(8787).
He hath also prepared<03559>(8689) for him the instruments<03627> of death<04194>; he ordaineth<06466>(8799) his arrows<02671> against the persecutors<01814>(8801).
7:14 試看<02009>惡人因奸惡<02254>(8762)而劬勞<0205>,所懷<02029>(8804)的是毒害<05999>,所生<03205>(8804)的是虛假<08267>
Behold, he travaileth<02254>(8762) with iniquity<0205>, and hath conceived<02029>(8804) mischief<05999>, and brought forth<03205>(8804) falsehood<08267>.
7:15 他掘了<03738>(8804)<0953>,又挖深了<02658>(8799),竟掉<05307>(8799)在自己所挖<06466>(8799)的阱裡<09002><07845>
He made<03738>(8804) a pit<0953>, and digged<02658>(8799) it, and is fallen<05307>(8799) into the ditch<07845> which he made<06466>(8799). {He made a pit: Heb. He hath digged a pit}
7:16 他的毒害<05999>必臨<07725>(8799)到他自己的頭上<09002><07218>;他的強暴<02555>必落<03381>(8799)<05921>他自己的腦袋上<06936>
His mischief<05999> shall return<07725>(8799) upon his own head<07218>, and his violent<02555> dealing shall come down<03381>(8799) upon his own pate<06936>.
7:17 我要照著耶和華<03068>的公義<09003><06664>稱謝<03034>(8686)他,歌頌<02167>(8762)耶和華<03068>至高者的<05945><08034>
I will praise<03034>(8686) the LORD<03068> according to his righteousness<06664>: and will sing praise<02167>(8762) to the name<08034> of the LORD<03068> most high<05945>.

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