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5:1 (大衛的<09001><01732><04210>,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)。用<0413>吹的樂器<05155>。)耶和華<03068>啊,求你留心聽<0238>(8685)我的言語<0561>,顧念<0995>(8798)我的心思<01901>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764) upon Nehiloth<05155>, A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Give ear<0238>(8685) to my words<0561>, O LORD<03068>, consider<0995>(8798) my meditation<01901>.
5:2 我的王<04428>我的神<0430>啊,求你垂聽<07181>(8685)我呼求<07773>的聲音<09001><06963>!因為<03588>我向你<0413>祈禱<06419>(8691)
Hearken<07181>(8685) unto the voice<06963> of my cry<07773>, my King<04428>, and my God<0430>: for unto thee will I pray<06419>(8691).
5:3 耶和華<03068>啊,早晨<01242>你必聽<08085>(8799)我的聲音<06963>;早晨<01242>我必向你<09001>陳明<06186>(8799)我的心意,並要警醒<06822>(8762)
My voice<06963> shalt thou hear<08085>(8799) in the morning<01242>, O LORD<03068>; in the morning<01242> will I direct<06186>(8799) my prayer unto thee, and will look up<06822>(8762).
5:4 因為<03588><0859>不是<03808>喜悅<02655>惡事<07562>的神<0410>,惡人<07451>不能<03808>與你同居<01481>(8799)
For thou art not a God<0410> that hath pleasure<02655> in wickedness<07562>: neither shall evil<07451> dwell<01481>(8799) with thee.
5:5 狂傲人<01984>(8802)不能<03808><03320>(8691)在你眼<05869><09001><05048>;凡<03605><06466>(8802)<0205>的,都是你所恨惡的<08130>(8804)
The foolish<01984>(8802) shall not stand<03320>(8691) in thy sight<05869>: thou hatest<08130>(8804) all workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205>. {in...: Heb. before thine eyes}
Thou shalt destroy<06>(8762) them that speak<01696>(8802) leasing<03577>: the LORD<03068> will abhor<08581>(8762) the bloody<01818> and deceitful<04820> man<0376>. {bloody...: Heb. man of bloods and deceit}
5:7 至於我<0589>,我必憑你豐盛<09002><07230>的慈愛<02617>進入<0935>(8799)你的居所<01004>;我必存敬畏你<09002><03374>的心向<0413>你的聖<06944>殿<01964>下拜<07812>(8691)
But as for me, I will come<0935>(8799) into thy house<01004> in the multitude<07230> of thy mercy<02617>: and in thy fear<03374> will I worship<07812>(8691) toward thy holy<06944> temple<01964>. {thy holy...: Heb. the temple of thy holiness}
5:8 耶和華<03068>啊,求你因<09001><04616>我的仇敵<08324>,憑你的公義<09002><06666>引領我<05148>(8798),使你的道路<01870>在我面前<09001><06440>正直<03474>(8685)
Lead<05148>(8798) me, O LORD<03068>, in thy righteousness<06666> because of mine enemies<08324>(8802); make thy way<01870> straight<03474>(8685) before my face<06440>. {mine...: Heb. those which observe me}
5:9 因為<03588>,他們的口中<09002><06310>沒有<0369>誠實<03559>(8737);他們的心裡<07130>滿有邪惡<01942>;他們的喉嚨<01627>是敞開的<06605>(8803)墳墓<06913>;他們用舌頭<03956>諂媚人<02505>(8686)
For there is no faithfulness<03559>(8737) in their mouth<06310>; their inward<07130> part is very wickedness<01942>; their throat<01627> is an open<06605>(8803) sepulchre<06913>; they flatter<02505>(8686) with their tongue<03956>. {faithfulness: or, stedfastness} {their mouth: Heb. his mouth, that is, the mouth of any of them} {very...: Heb. wickednesses}
Destroy<0816>(8685) thou them, O God<0430>; let them fall<05307>(8799) by their own counsels<04156>; cast them out<05080>(8685) in the multitude<07230> of their transgressions<06588>; for they have rebelled<04784>(8804) against thee. {Destroy...: or, Make them guilty} {by...: or, from their counsels}
But let all those that put their trust<02620>(8802) in thee rejoice<08055>(8799): let them ever<05769> shout for joy<07442>(8762), because thou defendest<05526>(8686) them: let them also that love<0157>(8802) thy name<08034> be joyful<05970>(8799) in thee. {defendest...: Heb. coverest over, or, protectest them}
5:12 因為<03588><0859>必賜福<01288>(8762)與義人<06662>;耶和華<03068>啊,你必用恩惠<07522>如同盾牌<09003><06793>四面護衛他<05849>(8799)
For thou, LORD<03068>, wilt bless<01288>(8762) the righteous<06662>; with favour<07522> wilt thou compass<05849>(8799) him as with a shield<06793>. {compass: Heb. crown}

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