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17:1 我的心靈<07307>消耗<02254>(8795),我的日子<03117>滅盡<02193>(8738);墳墓<06913>為我<09001>預備好了。
My breath<07307> is corrupt<02254>(8795), my days<03117> are extinct<02193>(8738), the graves<06913> are ready for me. {breath...: or, spirit is spent}
17:2 真有<0518><03808>戲笑我的<02049>在我這裡<05978>,我眼<05869>常見<03885>(8799)他們惹動我<09002><04784>(8687)
Are there not mockers<02049> with me? and doth not mine eye<05869> continue<03885>(8799) in their provocation<04784>(8687)? {continue: Heb. lodge}
Lay down<07760>(8798) now, put me in a surety<06148>(8798) with thee; who is he that will strike<08628>(8735) hands<03027> with me?
For thou hast hid<06845>(8804) their heart<03820> from understanding<07922>: therefore shalt thou not exalt<07311>(8787) them .
17:5 控告<05046>(8686)他的朋友<07453>、以朋友為可搶奪的<09001><02506>,連他兒女<01121>的眼睛<05869>也要失明<03615>(8799)
He that speaketh<05046>(8686) flattery<02506> to his friends<07453>, even the eyes<05869> of his children<01121> shall fail<03615>(8799).
17:6 神使我作了<03322>(8689)<05971>中的笑談<09001><04914>;他們也{<01961>}吐唾沫在<08611>我臉上<09001><06440>
He hath made<03322>(8689) me also a byword<04914> of the people<05971>; and aforetime<06440> I was as a tabret<08611>. {aforetime: or, before them}
17:7 我的眼睛<05869>因憂愁<04480><03708>昏花<03543>(8799);我的百<03605><03338>好像影兒<09003><06738>
Mine eye<05869> also is dim<03543>(8799) by reason of sorrow<03708>, and all my members<03338> are as a shadow<06738>. {my members: or, my thoughts}
17:8 正直人<03477><05921><02063>必驚奇<08074>(8799);無辜的人<05355>要興起<05782>(8709)攻擊<05921>不敬虔之輩<02611>
Upright<03477> men shall be astonied<08074>(8799) at this, and the innocent<05355> shall stir up<05782>(8709) himself against the hypocrite<02611>.
17:9 然而,義人<06662>要持守<0270>(8799)所行的道<01870>;手<03027><02889>的人要力上加<03254>(8686)<0555>
The righteous<06662> also shall hold<0270>(8799) on his way<01870>, and he that hath clean<02890> hands<03027> shall be<03254>(8686) stronger and stronger<0555>. {be...: Heb. add strength}
17:10 至於<0199>你們眾人<03605>,可以<04994><07725>(8799)<0935>(8798)辯論吧!你們中間<09002>,我找<04672>(8799)不著<03808>一個智慧人<02450>
But<0199> as for you all, do ye return<07725>(8799), and come now<0935>(8798): for I cannot find<04672>(8799) one wise<02450> man among you.
17:11 我的日子<03117>已經過了<05674>(8804);我的謀算<02154>、我心<03824>所想望<04180>的已經斷絕<05423>(8738)
My days<03117> are past<05674>(8804), my purposes<02154> are broken off<05423>(8738), even the thoughts<04180> of my heart<03824>. {the thoughts: Heb. the possessions}
17:12 他們以黑夜<03915><07760>(8799)白晝<09001><03117>,說:亮光<0216>近乎<07138>{<04480>}{<06440>}黑暗<02822>
They change<07760>(8799) the night<03915> into day<03117>: the light<0216> is short<07138> because<06440> of darkness<02822>. {short: Heb. near}
17:13 我若<0518>盼望<06960>(8762)陰間<07585>為我的房屋<01004>,若下<07502>(8765)<03326>在黑暗中<09002><02822>
If I wait<06960>(8762), the grave<07585> is mine house<01004>: I have made<07502>(8765) my bed<03326> in the darkness<02822>.
17:14 若對朽壞<09001><07845><07121>(8804):你<0859>是我的父<01>;對蟲<09001><07415>說:你是我的母親<0517>姊妹<0269>
I have said<07121>(8804) to corruption<07845>, Thou art my father<01>: to the worm<07415>, Thou art my mother<0517>, and my sister<0269>. {said: Heb. cried, or, called}
17:15 這樣<0645>,我的指望<08615>在哪裡<0346>呢?我所指望的<08615><04310>能看見<07789>(8799)呢?
And where is now<0645> my hope<08615>? as for my hope<08615>, who shall see<07789>(8799) it?
17:16 等到安息<05183><05921>塵土<06083>中,這指望必下<03381>(8799)到{<0518>}{<03162>}陰間<07585>的門閂<0905>那裡了。
They shall go down<03381>(8799) to the bars<0905> of the pit<07585>, when our rest<05183> together<03162> is in the dust<06083>.

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