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Thus saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>; The gate<08179> of the inner<06442> court<02691> that looketh<06437>(8802) toward the east<06921> shall be shut<05462>(8803) the six<08337> working<04639> days<03117>; but on the sabbath<07676><03117> it shall be opened<06605>(8735), and in the day<03117> of the new moon<02320> it shall be opened<06605>(8735).
And the prince<05387> shall enter<0935>(8804) by the way<01870> of the porch<0197> of that gate<08179> without<02351>, and shall stand<05975>(8804) by the post<04201> of the gate<08179>, and the priests<03548> shall prepare<06213>(8804) his burnt offering<05930> and his peace offerings<08002>, and he shall worship<07812>(8694) at the threshold<04670> of the gate<08179>: then he shall go forth<03318>(8804); but the gate<08179> shall not be shut<05462>(8735) until the evening<06153>.
46:3 在安息日<09002><07676>和月朔<09002><02320>,國內<0776>的居民<05971>要在這<01931><08179><06607>,耶和華<03068>面前<09001><06440>敬拜<07812>(8694)
Likewise the people<05971> of the land<0776> shall worship<07812>(8694) at the door<06607> of this gate<08179> before<06440> the LORD<03068> in the sabbaths<07676> and in the new moons<02320>.
46:4 安息<07676><09002><03117>,王<05387><0834><07126>(8686)與耶和華<09001><03068>的燔祭<05930>要用無殘疾<08549>的羊羔<03532><08337>隻,無殘疾<08549>的公綿羊<0352>一隻;
And the burnt offering<05930> that the prince<05387> shall offer<07126>(8686) unto the LORD<03068> in the sabbath<07676> day<03117> shall be six<08337> lambs<03532> without blemish<08549>, and a ram<0352> without blemish<08549>.
46:5 同獻的素祭<04503>要為公綿羊<09001><0352>獻一伊法<0374>細麵,為羊羔<09001><03532>照他的力量<03027>而獻<04991>{<04503>},一伊法<09001><0374>細麵加油<08081>一欣<01969>
And the meat offering<04503> shall be an ephah<0374> for a ram<0352>, and the meat offering<04503> for the lambs<03532> as he shall be able<03027> to give<04991>, and an hin<01969> of oil<08081> to an ephah<0374>. {as he...: Heb. the gift of his hand}
46:6 當{<09002>}{<03117>}月朔<02320>,要獻無殘疾<08549>的公<06499><01241><01121>一隻,羊羔<03532>六隻<08337>,公綿羊<0352>一隻,都要<01961>無殘疾的<08549>
And in the day<03117> of the new moon<02320> it shall be a young<01121><01241> bullock<06499> without blemish<08549>, and six<08337> lambs<03532>, and a ram<0352>: they shall be without blemish<08549>.
46:7 他也要預備<06213>(8799)素祭<04503>,為公牛<09001><06499>獻一伊法<0374>細麵,為公綿羊<09001><0352>獻一伊法<0374>細麵,為羊羔<09001><03532><09003><0834>他的力量<03027>而獻<05381>(8686),一伊法<09001><0374>細麵加油<08081>一欣<01969>
And he shall prepare<06213>(8799) a meat offering<04503>, an ephah<0374> for a bullock<06499>, and an ephah<0374> for a ram<0352>, and for the lambs<03532> according as his hand<03027> shall attain<05381>(8686) unto, and an hin<01969> of oil<08081> to an ephah<0374>.
And when the prince<05387> shall enter<0935>(8800), he shall go<0935>(8799) in by the way<01870> of the porch<0197> of that gate<08179>, and he shall go forth<03318>(8799) by the way<01870> thereof.
46:9 在各節期<09002><04150>,國內<0776>居民<05971><09002><0935>(8800)<09001><06440>耶和華<03068>的時候,從北<06828><01870><08179>進入<0935>(8802)敬拜<09001><07812>(8692)的,必由南<05045><01870><08179>而出<03318>(8799);從南<05045><01870><08179>進入<0935>(8802)的,必由北<06828><01870><08179>而出<03318>(8799)。不可<03808>從所<0834><0935>(8804){<09002>}的門<01870><08179>而出<07725>(8799),必要<03588>直往前行<03318>(8799),由對門<05226>而出。
But when the people<05971> of the land<0776> shall come<0935>(8800) before<06440> the LORD<03068> in the solemn feasts<04150>, he that entereth<0935>(8802) in by the way<01870> of the north<06828> gate<08179> to worship<07812>(8692) shall go out<03318>(8799) by the way<01870> of the south<05045> gate<08179>; and he that entereth<0935>(8802) by the way<01870> of the south<05045> gate<08179> shall go forth<03318>(8799) by the way<01870> of the north<06828> gate<08179>: he shall not return<07725>(8799) by the way<01870> of the gate<08179> whereby he came in<0935>(8804), but shall go forth<03318>(8799) over against<05226> it.
46:10 民進入<09002><0935>(8800),王<05387>也要在民中<09002><08432>進入<0935>(8799);民出去<09002><03318>(8800),王也要一同出去<03318>(8799)
And the prince<05387> in the midst<08432> of them, when they go in<0935>(8800), shall go in<0935>(8799); and when they go forth<03318>(8800), shall go forth<03318>(8799).
46:11 「在節期<09002><02282>和聖會<09002><04150>的日子同獻的素祭<04503>,要<01961>為一隻公牛<09001><06499>獻一伊法<0374>細麵,為一隻公綿羊<09001><0352>獻一伊法<0374>細麵,為羊羔<09001><03532>照他的力量<03027>而獻<04991>,一伊法<09001><0374>細麵加油<08081>一欣<01969>
And in the feasts<02282> and in the solemnities<04150> the meat offering<04503> shall be an ephah<0374> to a bullock<06499>, and an ephah<0374> to a ram<0352>, and to the lambs<03532> as he is able<03027> to give<04991>, and an hin<01969> of oil<08081> to an ephah<0374>.
46:12 {<03588>}王<05387>預備<06213>(8799)甘心獻的<05071>燔祭<05930><0176>平安祭<08002>,就是向耶和華<09001><03068>甘心獻的<05071>,當有人為他<09001><06605>(8804){<0853>}朝<06437>(8802)<06921>的門<08179>。他就預備<06213>(8804){<0853>}燔祭<05930><0853>平安祭<08002>,與安息<07676><09002><03117>預備<06213>(8799)的一樣<09003><0834>,獻畢就出去<03318>(8804)。他出去<03318>(8800)之後<0310>,當有人將<0853><08179>關閉<05462>(8804)。」
Now when the prince<05387> shall prepare<06213>(8799) a voluntary<05071> burnt offering<05930> or peace offerings<08002> voluntarily<05071> unto the LORD<03068>, one shall then open<06605>(8804) him the gate<08179> that looketh<06437>(8802) toward the east<06921>, and he shall prepare<06213>(8804) his burnt offering<05930> and his peace offerings<08002>, as he did<06213>(8799) on the sabbath<07676> day<03117>: then he shall go forth<03318>(8804); and after<0310> his going forth<03318>(8800) one shall shut<05462>(8804) the gate<08179>.
46:13 「每日<09001><03117>,你要預備<06213>(8799)無殘疾<08549><01121><08141>的羊羔<03532>一隻,獻與耶和華<09001><03068>為燔祭<05930>;要每<09002><01242>早晨<09002><01242>預備<06213>(8799){<0853>}。
Thou shalt daily<03117> prepare<06213>(8799) a burnt offering<05930> unto the LORD<03068> of a lamb<03532> of the first<01121> year<08141> without blemish<08549>: thou shalt prepare<06213>(8799) it every<01242> morning<01242>. {of the...: Heb. a son of his year} {every...: Heb. morning by morning}
And thou shalt prepare<06213>(8799) a meat offering<04503> for it every morning<01242>, the sixth part<08345> of an ephah<0374>, and the third part<07992> of an hin<01969> of oil<08081>, to temper with<07450>(8800) the fine flour<05560>; a meat offering<04503> continually<08548> by a perpetual<05769> ordinance<02708> unto the LORD<03068>.
Thus shall they prepare<06213>(8799)(8675)<06213>(8804) the lamb<03532>, and the meat offering<04503>, and the oil<08081>, every morning<01242> for a continual<08548> burnt offering<05930>.
Thus saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>; If the prince<05387> give<05414>(8799) a gift<04979> unto any<0376> of his sons<01121>, the inheritance<05159> thereof shall be his sons<01121>'; it shall be their possession<0272> by inheritance<05159>.
46:17 倘若<03588>王將{<04979>}一分產業<04480><05159><05414>(8799)給{<09001>}{<0259>}他的臣僕<04480><05650>,就成了<01961>他臣僕的<09001>產業;到<05704>自由<01865>之年<08141>仍要歸<07725>(8804)與王<09001><05387>。至於<0389>王的產業<05159>,必歸<01961>與{<09001>}他的兒子<01121>
But if he give<05414>(8799) a gift<04979> of his inheritance<05159> to one<0259> of his servants<05650>, then it shall be his to the year<08141> of liberty<01865>; after it shall return<07725>(8804) to the prince<05387>: but his inheritance<05159> shall be his sons<01121>' for them.
Moreover the prince<05387> shall not take<03947>(8799) of the people's<05971> inheritance<05159> by oppression<03238>(8687), to thrust<03238>(8687) them out of their possession<0272>; but he shall give his sons<01121> inheritance<05157>(8686) out of his own possession<0272>: that my people<05971> be not scattered<06327>(8799) every man<0376> from his possession<0272>.
46:19 那帶我<0935>(8686)的,將我從{<0834>}{<05921>}門<08179><03802>進入之處<09002><03996>、領進<0413><0413>祭司<03548>預備的聖<06944><03957>,是朝<06437>(8802)<06828>的,見<02009>{<08033>}後頭<09002><03411>西邊<03220>有一塊地<04725>
After he brought<0935>(8686) me through the entry<03996>, which was at the side<03802> of the gate<08179>, into the holy<06944> chambers<03957> of the priests<03548>, which looked<06437>(8802) toward the north<06828>: and, behold, there was a place<04725> on the two sides<03411> westward<03220>.
46:20 他對我<0413><0559>(8799):「這<02088>是{<0834>}祭司<03548><01310>(8762){<0853>}贖愆祭<0817>、{<0853>}贖罪祭<02403>{<08033>},{<0834>}烤<0644>(8799){<0853>}素祭<04503>之地<04725>,免得<09001><01115><03318>(8687)<0413><02435><02691>,使<0853><05971>成聖<09001><06942>(8763)。」
Then said<0559>(8799) he unto me, This is the place<04725> where the priests<03548> shall boil<01310>(8762) the trespass offering<0817> and the sin offering<02403>, where they shall bake<0644>(8799) the meat offering<04503>; that they bear<03318>(8687) them not out into the utter<02435> court<02691>, to sanctify<06942>(8763) the people<05971>.
46:21 他又帶我<03318>(8686)<0413><02435><02691>,使我經過<05674>(8686){<0413>}院子<02691>的四<0702>拐角<04740>,見<02009>{<02691>}每<09002><04740>{<02691>}拐角<09002><04740><02691>有一個院子<02691>
Then he brought me forth<03318>(8686) into the utter<02435> court<02691>, and caused me to pass by<05674>(8686) the four<0702> corners<04740> of the court<02691>; and, behold, in every<04740> corner<04740> of the court<02691><02691> there was a court<02691>. {in every...: Heb. a court in a corner of a court, and a court in a corner of a court}
46:22 院子<02691><09002><0702>拐角<04740>的院子<02691>,周圍有牆<07000>(8803),每院長<0753>四十<0705>肘,寬<07341>三十<07970>肘。四<09001><0702>拐角<07106>(8716)院子的尺寸<04060>都是一<0259>樣,
In the four<0702> corners<04740> of the court<02691> there were courts<02691> joined<07000>(8803) of forty<0705> cubits long<0753> and thirty<07970> broad<07341>: these four<0702> corners<07106>(8716) were of one<0259> measure<04060>. {joined: or, made with chimneys} {corners were...: Heb. cornered, etc}
46:23 其中<09002>周圍<05439><05439>有一排<02905>房子{<09001>}{<0702>},房子<02918><04480><08478>{<05439>}有{<06213>}{(8803)}煮肉的地方<04018>
And there was a row<02905> of building round about<05439> in them, round about<05439> them four<0702>, and it was made<06213>(8803) with boiling places<04018> under the rows<02918> round about<05439>.
46:24 他對我<0413><0559>(8799):「這都是<0428>煮肉<01310>(8764)的房子<01004>,{<0834>}殿內<01004>的僕役<08334>(8764)要在這裡<08033><01310>(8762){<0853>}民<05971>的祭物<02077>。」
Then said<0559>(8799) he unto me, These are the places<01004> of them that boil<01310>(8764), where the ministers<08334>(8764) of the house<01004> shall boil<01310>(8762) the sacrifice<02077> of the people<05971>.

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