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5:1 我妹子<0269>,我新婦<03618>,我進了<0935>(8804)我的園中<09001><01588>,採了<0717>(8804)我的沒藥<04753><05973>香料<01314>,吃了<0398>(8804)我的蜜房<03293><05973>蜂蜜<01706>,喝了<08354>(8804)我的酒<03196><05973><02461>。我的朋友們<07453>,請吃<0398>(8798)!我所親愛的<01730>,請喝<08354>(8798),且多多地喝<07937>(8798)
I am come<0935>(8804) into my garden<01588>, my sister<0269>, my spouse<03618>: I have gathered<0717>(8804) my myrrh<04753> with my spice<01313>; I have eaten<0398>(8804) my honeycomb<03293> with my honey<01706>; I have drunk<08354>(8804) my wine<03196> with my milk<02461>: eat<0398>(8798), O friends<07453>; drink<08354>(8798), yea, drink abundantly<07937>(8798), O beloved<01730>. {yea...: or, and be drunken with loves}
I sleep<03463>, but my heart<03820> waketh<05782>(8802): it is the voice<06963> of my beloved<01730> that knocketh<01849>(8802), saying , Open<06605>(8798) to me, my sister<0269>, my love<07474>, my dove<03123>, my undefiled<08535>: for my head<07218> is filled<04390>(8738) with dew<02919>, and my locks<06977> with the drops<07447> of the night<03915>.
5:3 我回答說:我脫了<06584>(8804){<0853>}衣裳<03801>,怎能<0349>再穿上<03847>(8799)呢?我洗了<07364>(8804){<0853>}腳<07272>,怎能<0349>再玷污<02936>(8762)呢?
I have put off<06584>(8804) my coat<03801>; how<0349> shall I put it on<03847>(8799)? I have washed<07364>(8804) my feet<07272>; how<0349> shall I defile<02936>(8762) them?
5:4 我的良人<01730><04480>門孔<02356>裡伸進<07971>(8804)<03027>來,我便因他<05921>動了<01993>(8804)<04578>
My beloved<01730> put in<07971>(8804) his hand<03027> by<04480> the hole<02356> of the door , and my bowels<04578> were moved<01993>(8804) for him. {for him: or, (as some read) in me}
I rose up<06965>(8804) to open<06605>(8800) to my beloved<01730>; and my hands<03027> dropped<05197>(8804) with myrrh<04753>, and my fingers<0676> with sweet smelling<05674>(8802) myrrh<04753>, upon the handles<03709> of the lock<04514>. {sweet...: Heb. passing, or, running about}
I opened<06605>(8804) to my beloved<01730>; but my beloved<01730> had withdrawn<02559>(8804) himself, and was gone<05674>(8804): my soul<05315> failed<03318>(8804) when he spake<01696>(8763): I sought<01245>(8765) him, but I could not find<04672>(8804) him; I called<07121>(8804) him, but he gave me no answer<06030>(8804).
5:7 城中<09002><05892>巡邏<05437>(8802)看守的人<08104>(8802)遇見我<04672>(8804),打了我<05221>(8689),傷了我<06481>(8804);看守<08104><00>城牆<02346>的人<08104>(8802)<05375>(8804)<04480><05921>{<0853>}我的披肩<07289>
The watchmen<08104>(8802) that went about<05437>(8802) the city<05892> found<04672>(8804) me, they smote<05221>(8689) me, they wounded<06481>(8804) me; the keepers<08104>(8802) of the walls<02346> took away<05375>(8804) my veil<07289> from me.
5:8 耶路撒冷<03389>的眾女子<01323>啊,我囑咐<07650>(8689)你們<0853>:若<0518>遇見<04672>(8799){<0853>}我的良人<01730>,要告訴<05046>(8686)<09001>{<04100>},我<0589>因思愛<0160>成病<02470>(8802)
I charge<07650>(8689) you, O daughters<01323> of Jerusalem<03389>, if ye find<04672>(8799) my beloved<01730>, that ye tell<05046>(8686) him, that I am sick<02470>(8802) of love<0160>. {that ye: Heb. what, etc}
5:9 你這女子中<09002><0802>極美麗的<03303>,你的良人<01730>比別人的良人<04480><01730>有何<04100>強處?你的良人<01730>比別人的良人<04480><01730>有何<04100>強處,你就這樣<07945><03602>囑咐我們<07650>(8689)
What is thy beloved<01730> more than another beloved<01730>, O thou fairest<03303> among women<0802>? what is thy beloved<01730> more than another beloved<01730>, that thou<03602> dost so charge<07650>(8689) us?
5:10 我的良人<01730><06703>而且紅<0122>,超乎<01713>(8803)萬人<04480><07233>之上。
My beloved<01730> is white<06703> and ruddy<0122>, the chiefest<01713>(8803) among ten thousand<07233>. {the chiefest: Heb. a standard-bearer}
5:11 他的頭<07218>像至精<03800>的金子<06337>;他的頭髮<06977>厚密纍垂<08534>,黑<07838>如烏鴉<09003><06158>
His head<07218> is as the most<03800> fine gold<06337>, his locks<06977> are bushy<08534>, and black<07838> as a raven<06158>. {bushy: or, curled}
5:12 他的眼<05869>如溪<0650><04325><05921>的鴿子<09003><03123>眼,用奶<09002><02461>洗淨<07364>(8801),安得<03427>(8802)<05921><04402>
His eyes<05869> are as the eyes of doves<03123> by the rivers<0650> of waters<04325>, washed<07364>(8801) with milk<02461>, and fitly set<03427>(8802)<04402>. {fitly...: Heb. sitting in fulness, that is, fitly placed, and set as a precious stone in the foil of a ring}
5:13 他的兩腮<03895>如香花<01314><09003><06170>,如香草<04840><04026>;他的嘴唇<08193>像百合花<07799>,且滴下<05197>(8802)沒藥<04753>汁{<05674>}{(8802)}。
His cheeks<03895> are as a bed<06170> of spices<01314>, as sweet<04840> flowers<04026>: his lips<08193> like lilies<07799>, dropping<05197>(8802) sweet smelling<05674>(8802) myrrh<04753>. {sweet flowers: or, towers of perfumes}
5:14 他的兩手<03027>好像金<02091><01550>,鑲嵌<04390>(8794)水蒼玉<09002><08658>;他的身體<04578>如同雕刻的<06247>象牙<08127>,周圍鑲嵌<05968>(8794)藍寶石<05601>
His hands<03027> are as gold<02091> rings<01550> set<04390>(8794) with the beryl<08658>: his belly<04578> is as bright<06247> ivory<08127> overlaid<05968>(8794) with sapphires<05601>.
5:15 他的腿<07785>好像白玉石<08336><05982>,安在<03245>(8794)精金<06337><0134><05921>;他的形狀<04758>如黎巴嫩<09003><03844>,且佳美<0977>(8803)如香柏樹<09003><0730>
His legs<07785> are as pillars<05982> of marble<08336>, set<03245>(8794) upon sockets<0134> of fine gold<06337>: his countenance<04758> is as Lebanon<03844>, excellent<0977>(8803) as the cedars<0730>.
5:16 他的口<02441>極其甘甜<04477>;他全然<03605>可愛<04261>。耶路撒冷<03389>的眾女子<01323>啊,這是<02088>我的良人<01730>;這是<02088>我的朋友<07453>
His mouth<02441> is most sweet<04477>: yea, he is altogether lovely<04261>. This is my beloved<01730>, and this is my friend<07453>, O daughters<01323> of Jerusalem<03389>. {mouth: Heb. palate}

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