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32:1 (大衛的<09001><01732>訓誨詩<04905>(8688)。)得赦免<05375>(8803)其過<06588>、遮蓋<03680>(8803)其罪<02401>的,這人是有福的<0835>
[FO][FO] A Psalm of David<01732>, Maschil<04905>(8688).[Fo][Fo] Blessed<0835> is he whose transgression<06588> is forgiven<05375>(8803), whose sin<02401> is covered<03680>(8803). {A Psalm...: or, A Psalm of David giving instruction}
32:2 凡心裡<09002><07307>沒有<0369>詭詐<07423>、耶和華<03068><03808>算為<02803>(8799){<09001>}有罪的<05771>,這人<0120>是有福的<0835>
Blessed<0835> is the man<0120> unto whom the LORD<03068> imputeth<02803>(8799) not iniquity<05771>, and in whose spirit<07307> there is no guile<07423>.
32:3 {<03588>}我閉口<02790>(8689)不認罪的時候,因終<03605><03117>唉哼<09002><07581>而骨頭<06106>枯乾<01086>(8804)
When I kept silence<02790>(8689), my bones<06106> waxed old<01086>(8804) through my roaring<07581> all the day<03117> long.
32:4 {<03588>}黑夜<03915>白日<03119>,你的手<03027>在我身上<05921>沉重<03513>(8799);我的精液<03955>耗盡<02015>(8738),如同夏天<07019>的乾旱<09002><02725>。(細拉<05542>
For day<03119> and night<03915> thy hand<03027> was heavy<03513>(8799) upon me: my moisture<03955> is turned<02015>(8738) into the drought<02725> of summer<07019>. Selah<05542>.
32:5 我向你陳明<03045>(8686)我的罪<02403>,不<03808>隱瞞<03680>(8765)我的惡<05771>。我說<0559>(8804):我要向耶和華<09001><03068>承認<03034>(8686){<05921>}我的過犯<06588>,你<0859>就赦免<05375>(8804)我的罪惡<05771><02403>。(細拉<05542>
I acknowledged<03045>(8686) my sin<02403> unto thee, and mine iniquity<05771> have I not hid<03680>(8765). I said<0559>(8804), I will confess<03034>(8686) my transgressions<06588> unto the LORD<03068>; and thou forgavest<05375>(8804) the iniquity<05771> of my sin<02403>. Selah<05542>.
For this shall every one that is godly<02623> pray<06419>(8691) unto thee in a time<06256> when thou mayest be found<04672>(8800): surely in the floods<07858> of great<07227> waters<04325> they shall not come nigh<05060>(8686) unto him. {when...: Heb. of finding}
Thou art my hiding place<05643>; thou shalt preserve<05341>(8799) me from trouble<06862>; thou shalt compass<05437>(8779) me about with songs<07438> of deliverance<06405>. Selah<05542>.
32:8 我要教導你<07919>(8686),指示你<03384>(8686){<02098>}當行<03212>(8799)的路<09002><01870>;我要定睛<05869>在你身上<05921>勸戒<03289>(8799)你。
I will instruct<07919>(8686) thee and teach<03384>(8686) thee in the way<01870> which<02098> thou shalt go<03212>(8799): I will guide<03289>(8799) thee with mine eye<05869>. {guide...: Heb. counsel thee, mine eye shall be upon thee}
Be ye not as the horse<05483>, or as the mule<06505>, which have no understanding<0995>(8687): whose mouth<05716> must be held<01102>(8800) in with bit<04964> and bridle<07448>, lest<01077> they come near<07126>(8800) unto thee.
32:10 惡人<09001><07563>必多<07227>受苦楚<04341>;惟獨倚靠<0982>(8802)耶和華<09002><03068>的必有慈愛<02617>四面環繞他<05437>(8779)
Many<07227> sorrows<04341> shall be to the wicked<07563>: but he that trusteth<0982>(8802) in the LORD<03068>, mercy<02617> shall compass<05437>(8779) him about.
32:11 你們義人<06662>應當靠耶和華<09002><03068>歡喜<08055>(8798)快樂<01523>(8798);你們心裡<03820>正直<03477>的人都<03605>當歡呼<07442>(8685)
Be glad<08055>(8798) in the LORD<03068>, and rejoice<01523>(8798), ye righteous<06662>: and shout<07442>(8685) for joy, all ye that are upright<03477> in heart<03820>.

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