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17:1 (大衛的<09001><01732>祈禱<08605>。)耶和華<03068>啊,求你聽聞<08085>(8798)公義<06664>,側耳聽<07181>(8685)我的呼籲<07440>!求你留心聽<0238>(8685)我這不<09002><03808>出於詭詐<04820>嘴唇<08193>的祈禱<08605>
[FO][FO]A Prayer<08605> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Hear<08085>(8798) the right<06664>, O LORD<03068>, attend<07181>(8685) unto my cry<07440>, give ear<0238>(8685) unto my prayer<08605>, that goeth not<03808> out of feigned<04820> lips<08193>. {the right: Heb. justice} {not...: Heb. without lips of deceit}
17:2 願我的判語<04941>從你面前<04480><09001><06440>發出<03318>(8799);願你的眼睛<05869>觀看<02372>(8799)公正<04339>
Let my sentence<04941> come forth<03318>(8799) from thy presence<06440>; let thine eyes<05869> behold<02372>(8799) the things that are equal<04339>.
17:3 你已經試驗<0974>(8804)我的心<03820>;你在夜間<03915>鑒察<06485>(8804)我;你熬煉我<06884>(8804),卻找<04672>(8799)不著甚麼<01077>;我立志<02161>(8800)叫我口中<06310>沒有<01077>過失<05674>(8799)
Thou hast proved<0974>(8804) mine heart<03820>; thou hast visited<06485>(8804) me in the night<03915>; thou hast tried<06884>(8804) me, and shalt find<04672>(8799) nothing; I am purposed<02161>(8800) that my mouth<06310> shall not transgress<05674>(8799).
17:4 論到人<0120>的行為<09001><06468>,我<0589>藉著你嘴唇<08193>的言語<09002><01697>自己謹守<08104>(8804),不行強暴人<06530>的道路<0734>
Concerning the works<06468> of men<0120>, by the word<01697> of thy lips<08193> I have kept<08104>(8804) me from the paths<0734> of the destroyer<06530>.
17:5 我的腳<0838>踏定了<08551>(8800)你的路徑<09002><04570>;我的兩腳<06471><01077>曾滑跌<04131>(8738)
Hold up<08551>(8800) my goings<0838> in thy paths<04570>, that my footsteps<06471> slip<04131>(8738) not. {slip...: Heb. be not moved}
17:6 上帝<0410>啊,我<0589>曾求告你<07121>(8804),因為<03588>你必應允我<06030>(8799);求你向我<09001><05186>(8685)<0241>,聽<08085>(8798)我的言語<0565>
I have called<07121>(8804) upon thee, for thou wilt hear<06030>(8799) me, O God<0410>: incline<05186>(8685) thine ear<0241> unto me, and hear<08085>(8798) my speech<0565>.
17:7 求你顯出你奇妙的<06395>(8685)慈愛<02617>來;你是那用右手<09002><03225>拯救<03467>(8688)投靠<02620>(8802)你的脫離起來攻擊他們的人<04480><06965>(8693)
Shew thy marvellous<06395>(8685) lovingkindness<02617>, O thou that savest<03467>(8688) by thy right hand<03225> them which put their trust<02620>(8802) in thee from those that rise up<06965>(8693) against them . {by thy...: or, them which trust in thee from those that rise up against thy right hand}
17:8 求你保護我<08104>(8798),如同保護眼中<01323><05869>的瞳人<09003><0380>;將我隱藏<05641>(8686)在你翅膀<03671>的蔭下<09002><06738>
Keep<08104>(8798) me as the apple<0380> of the eye<01323><05869>, hide<05641>(8686) me under the shadow<06738> of thy wings<03671>,
17:9 使我脫離<04480><06440><02098>欺壓我的<07703>(8804)惡人<07563>,就是圍困<05362>(8686)<05921>要害我命<09002><05315>的仇敵<0341>(8802)
From<06440> the wicked<07563> that<02098> oppress<07703>(8804) me, from my deadly<05315> enemies<0341>(8802), who compass me about<05362>(8686). {oppress: Heb. waste} {my...: Heb. my enemies against the soul}
17:10 他們的心被脂油<02459>包裹<05462>(8804);他們用口<06310><01696>(8765)驕傲<09002><01348>的話。
They are inclosed<05462>(8804) in their own fat<02459>: with their mouth<06310> they speak<01696>(8765) proudly<01348>.
17:11 {<06258>}他們圍困了<05437>(8804)我們的腳步<0838>;他們瞪著<07896>(8799)<05869>,要把我們推倒<09001><05186>(8800)在地<09002><0776>
They have now compassed<05437>(8804) us in our steps<0838>: they have set<07896>(8799) their eyes<05869> bowing down<05186>(8800) to the earth<0776>;
17:12 他像<01825>獅子<09003><0738>急要<03700>(8799)抓食<09001><02963>(8800),又像少壯獅子<09003><03715>蹲伏<03427>(8802)在暗處<09002><04565>
Like<01825> as a lion<0738> that is greedy<03700>(8799) of his prey<02963>(8800), and as it were a young lion<03715> lurking<03427>(8802) in secret places<04565>. {Like...: Heb. The likeness of him (that is, of every one of them) is as a lion that desireth to ravin} {lurking: Heb. sitting}
17:13 耶和華<03068>啊,求你起來<06965>(8798),前去<06923>(8761)迎敵<06440>,將他打倒<03766>(8685)!用你的刀<02719>救護<06403>(8761)我命<05315>脫離惡人<04480><07563>
Arise<06965>(8798), O LORD<03068>, disappoint<06923>(8761) him<06440>, cast him down<03766>(8685): deliver<06403>(8761) my soul<05315> from the wicked<07563>, which is thy sword<02719>: {disappoint...: Heb. prevent his face} {which is: or, by}
17:14 耶和華<03068>啊,求你用手<03027>救我脫離世人<04480><04962>,脫離那只在今生<09002><02416>有福分<02506>的世<04480><02465><04480><04962>!你把你的財寶<06840>充滿<04390>(8762)他們的肚腹<0990>;他們因有兒女<01121>就心滿意足<07646>(8799),將其餘<03499>的財物留給<05117>(8689)他們的嬰孩<09001><05768>
From men<04962> which are thy hand<03027>, O LORD<03068>, from men<04962> of the world<02465>, which have their portion<02506> in this life<02416>, and whose belly<0990> thou fillest<04390>(8762) with thy hid<06840> treasure : they are full<07646>(8799) of children<01121>, and leave<03240>(8689) the rest<03499> of their substance to their babes<05768>. {which are: or, by} {they...: or, their children are full}
17:15 至於我<0589>,我必在義中<09002><06664><02372>(8799)你的面<06440>;我醒了的時候<09002><06974>(8687),得見(或譯:著)你的形像<08544>就心滿意足了<07646>(8799)
As for me, I will behold<02372>(8799) thy face<06440> in righteousness<06664>: I shall be satisfied<07646>(8799), when I awake<06974>(8687), with thy likeness<08544>.

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