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45 你們拈鬮<09002><05307>(8687)<0853><0776>為業<09002><05159>,要獻上<07311>(8686)一分<08641>給耶和華<09001><03068>為聖<06944><04480><0776>,長<0753>二萬五千<06242><02568><0505>肘,寬<07341>一萬<06235><0505>肘。這分以內<01366>,四圍<05439><09002><03605><01931><06944>地。
Moreover, when ye shall divide<05307>(8687) by lot the land<0776> for inheritance<05159>, ye shall offer<07311>(8686) an oblation<08641> unto the LORD<03068>, an holy portion<06944> of the land<0776>: the length<0753> shall be the length<0753> of five<02568> and twenty<06242> thousand<0505> reeds , and the breadth<07341> shall be ten<06235> thousand<0505>. This shall be holy<06944> in all the borders<01366> thereof round about<05439>. {when...: Heb. when ye cause the land to fall} {an holy...: Heb. holiness}
2 其中<04480><02088><01961>作為<0413>聖所<06944>之地,長五<02568><03967>肘,寬五<09002><02568><03967>肘,四面<05439>見方<07251>(8794)。四圍<05439>{<09001>}再有五十<02572><0520>為郊野之地<04054>
Of this there shall be for the sanctuary<06944> five<02568> hundred<03967> in length , with five<02568> hundred<03967> in breadth , square<07251>(8794) round about<05439>; and fifty<02572> cubits<0520> round about<05439> for the suburbs<04054> thereof. {suburbs: or, void places}
3 要以<04480><02063>為度<04060><04058>(8799)地,長<0753>二萬五千<06242><02568><0505>肘,寬<07341>一萬<06235><0505>肘。其中<09002><01961>聖所<04720>,是至<06944><06944>的。
And of this measure<04060> shalt thou measure<04058>(8799) the length<0753> of five<02568> and twenty<06242> thousand<0505>, and the breadth<07341> of ten<06235> thousand<0505>: and in it shall be the sanctuary<04720> and the most<06944> holy<06944> place .
4 這是<01931>全地<0776>的一分<04480><06944>地,要歸<01961>與供聖所<04720>職事<08334>(8764)的祭司<09001><03548>,就是親近<07131>事奉<09001><08334>(8763){<0853>}耶和華<03068>的,作為<01961>他們<09001>房屋<09001><01004>之地<04725>與聖所<09001><04720>之聖地<04720>
The holy<06944> portion of the land<0776> shall be for the priests<03548> the ministers<08334>(8764) of the sanctuary<04720>, which shall come near<07131> to minister<08334>(8763) unto the LORD<03068>: and it shall be a place<04725> for their houses<01004>, and an holy place<04720> for the sanctuary<04720>.
5 又有一分,長<0753>二萬五千<06242><02568><0505>肘,寬<07341>一萬<06235><0505>肘,要歸<01961>與在殿<01004>中供職<08334>(8764)的利未人<09001><03881>,作為二十<06242>間房屋<03957>之業<09001><0272>{<09001>}。
And the five<02568> and twenty<06242> thousand<0505> of length<0753>, and the ten<06235> thousand<0505> of breadth<07341>, shall also the Levites<03881>, the ministers<08334>(8764) of the house<01004>, have for themselves, for a possession<0272> for twenty<06242> chambers<03957>.
6 也要分定<05414>(8799)屬城<05892>的地業<0272>,寬<07341><02568><0505>肘,長<0753>二萬五千<06242><02568><0505>肘,挨著<09001><05980>那分聖<06944>供地<08641>,要歸<01961>以色列<03478><09001><03605><01004>
And ye shall appoint<05414>(8799) the possession<0272> of the city<05892> five<02568> thousand<0505> broad<07341>, and five<02568> and twenty<06242> thousand<0505> long<0753>, over against<05980> the oblation<08641> of the holy<06944> portion : it shall be for the whole house<01004> of Israel<03478>.
7 歸王<09001><05387>之地要在聖<06944>供地<09001><08641>和屬城<05892>之地<09001><0272>的兩旁<04480><02088><04480><02088>,就是聖<06944>供地<08641>{<0413>}{<06440>}和屬城<05892>之地<0272>的旁邊<0413><06440>,西<03220>至西<03220><04480><06285>,東<06921>至東<06924><04480><06285>,從<04480><01366>西<03220><0413><01366><06921>,其長<0753>與每<0259>支派的分<02506>一樣<09001><05980>
And a portion shall be for the prince<05387> on the one side and on the other side of the oblation<08641> of the holy<06944> portion , and of the possession<0272> of the city<05892>, before<06440> the oblation<08641> of the holy<06944> portion , and before<06440> the possession<0272> of the city<05892>, from the west<03220> side<06285> westward<03220>, and from the east<06924> side<06285> eastward<06921>: and the length<0753> shall be over against<05980> one<0259> of the portions<02506>, from the west<03220> border<01366> unto the east<06921> border<01366>.
8 這地<09001><0776>在以色列<09002><03478>中必歸<01961><09001>為業<09001><0272>。我所立的王<05387>必不<03808><05750>欺壓<03238>(8686){<0853>}我的民<05971>,卻要按支派<09001><07626>將地<0776>分給<05414>(8799)以色列<03478><09001><01004>
In the land<0776> shall be his possession<0272> in Israel<03478>: and my princes<05387> shall no more oppress<03238>(8686) my people<05971>; and the rest of the land<0776> shall they give<05414>(8799) to the house<01004> of Israel<03478> according to their tribes<07626>.
Thus saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>; Let it suffice<07227> you, O princes<05387> of Israel<03478>: remove<05493>(8685) violence<02555> and spoil<07701>, and execute<06213>(8798) judgment<04941> and justice<06666>, take away<07311>(8685) your exactions<01646> from my people<05971>, saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>. {exactions: Heb. expulsions}
10 你們<09001>要用<01961>公道<06664>天平<03976>、公道<06664>伊法<0374>、公道<06664>罷特<01324>
Ye shall have just<06664> balances<03976>, and a just<06664> ephah<0374>, and a just<06664> bath<01324>.
11 伊法<0374>與罷特<01324>大小要<01961><0259><08506>。罷特<01324>可盛<09001><05375>(8800)賀梅珥<02563>十分之一<04643>,伊法<0374>也可盛賀梅珥<02563>十分之一<06224>,都以<0413>賀梅珥<02563>的大小為<01961><04971>
The ephah<0374> and the bath<01324> shall be of one<0259> measure<08506>, that the bath<01324> may contain<05375>(8800) the tenth part<04643> of an homer<02563>, and the ephah<0374> the tenth part<06224> of an homer<02563>: the measure<04971> thereof shall be after the homer<02563>.
12 舍客勒<08255>是二十<06242>季拉<01626>;二十<06242>舍客勒<08255>,二十<06242><02568>舍客勒<08255>,十五<02568><06235>舍客勒<08255>,為<01961>你們的<09001>彌那<04488>
And the shekel<08255> shall be twenty<06242> gerahs<01626>: twenty<06242> shekels<08255>, five<02568> and twenty<06242> shekels<08255>, fifteen<02568><06235> shekels<08255>, shall be your maneh<04488>.
13 「你們當獻<07311>(8686)的供物<08641>乃是<0834>這樣<02063>:一賀梅珥<04480><02563>麥子<02406>要獻伊法<0374>六分之一<08345>;一賀梅珥<04480><02563>大麥<08184>要獻伊法<0374>六分之一<08341>(8765)
This is the oblation<08641> that ye shall offer<07311>(8686); the sixth part<08345> of an ephah<0374> of an homer<02563> of wheat<02406>, and ye shall give the sixth part<08341>(8765) of an ephah<0374> of an homer<02563> of barley<08184>:
14 你們獻所分定<02706>的油<08081>,按油<08081>的罷特<01324>,一<04480>柯珥<03734>油要獻罷特<01324>十分之一<04643>(原來<03588><06235>罷特<01324>就是一賀梅珥<02563>){<06235>}{<01324>}{<02563>}。
Concerning the ordinance<02706> of oil<08081>, the bath<01324> of oil<08081>, ye shall offer the tenth part<04643> of a bath<01324> out of the cor<03734>, which is an homer<02563> of ten<06235> baths<01324>; for ten<06235> baths<01324> are an homer<02563>:
15 從以色列<03478>滋潤的草場<04480><04945>上每<04480>二百<03967>{<04480>}羊<06629>中,要獻一<0259>隻羊羔<07716>。這都可作素祭<09001><04503>、燔祭<09001><05930>、平安祭<09001><08002>,為民<05921>贖罪<09001><03722>(8763)。這是主<0136>耶和華<03069><05002>(8803)的。
And one<0259> lamb<07716> out of the flock<06629>, out of two hundred<03967>, out of the fat pastures<04945> of Israel<03478>; for a meat offering<04503>, and for a burnt offering<05930>, and for peace offerings<08002>, to make reconciliation<03722>(8763) for them, saith<05002>(8803) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>. {lamb: or, kid} {peace...: or, thank offerings}
16 此地<0776>的民<05971><03605><01961>奉上<0413><02063>供物<08641>給以色列<09002><03478>中的王<09001><05387>
All the people<05971> of the land<0776> shall give this oblation<08641> for the prince<05387> in Israel<03478>. {shall...: Heb. shall be for} {for: or, with}
17 {<05921>}王<05387>的本分是<01961>在節期<09002><02282>、月朔<09002><02320>、安息日<09002><07676>,就是以色列<03478><01004>一切的<09002><03605>節期<04150>,奉上燔祭<05930>、素祭<04503>、奠祭<05262>。他<01931>要預備<06213>(8799){<0853>}贖罪祭<02403>、{<0853>}素祭<04503>、{<0853>}燔祭<05930>,和<0853>平安祭<08002>,為<01157>以色列<03478><01004>贖罪<09001><03722>(8763)。」
And it shall be the prince's part<05387> to give burnt offerings<05930>, and meat offerings<04503>, and drink offerings<05262>, in the feasts<02282>, and in the new moons<02320>, and in the sabbaths<07676>, in all solemnities<04150> of the house<01004> of Israel<03478>: he shall prepare<06213>(8799) the sin offering<02403>, and the meat offering<04503>, and the burnt offering<05930>, and the peace offerings<08002>, to make reconciliation<03722>(8763) for the house<01004> of Israel<03478>. {peace...: or, thank offerings}
Thus saith<0559>(8804) the Lord<0136> GOD<03069>; In the first<07223> month , in the first<0259> day of the month<02320>, thou shalt take<03947>(8799) a young<01121><01241> bullock<06499> without blemish<08549>, and cleanse<02398>(8765) the sanctuary<04720>:
19 祭司<03548>要取<03947>(8804)些贖罪祭牲<02403>的血<04480><01818>,抹<05414>(8804)<0413>殿<01004>的門柱<04201>上和<0413><09001><04196>磴臺<05835>的四<0702><06438>上,並<05921><06442><02691>的門<08179><04201>上。
And the priest<03548> shall take<03947>(8804) of the blood<01818> of the sin offering<02403>, and put<05414>(8804) it upon the posts<04201> of the house<01004>, and upon the four<0702> corners<06438> of the settle<05835> of the altar<04196>, and upon the posts<04201> of the gate<08179> of the inner<06442> court<02691>.
20 本月<09002><02320>初七<09002><07651>日(七十士譯本是七月初一日)也要為{<04480>}{<0376>}誤犯罪<07686>(8802)的和愚蒙<04480><06612>犯罪的如此<03651><06213>(8799),為<0853>殿<01004>贖罪<03722>(8765)
And so thou shalt do<06213>(8799) the seventh<07651> day of the month<02320> for every one<0376> that erreth<07686>(8802), and for him that is simple<06612>: so shall ye reconcile<03722>(8765) the house<01004>.
21 「正<09002><07223><09001><02320>十四<09002><0702><06240><03117>,你們<09001><01961>守逾越節<06453>,守節<02282><07620><03117>,要吃<0398>(8735)無酵餅<04682>
In the first<07223> month , in the fourteenth<0702><06240> day<03117> of the month<02320>, ye shall have the passover<06453>, a feast<02282> of seven<07620> days<03117>; unleavened bread<04682> shall be eaten<0398>(8735).
And upon that day<03117> shall the prince<05387> prepare<06213>(8804) for himself and for all the people<05971> of the land<0776> a bullock<06499> for a sin offering<02403>.
23 這節<02282>的七<07651><03117>,每日<09001><03117>他要為耶和華<09001><03068>預備<06213>(8799)無殘疾<08549>的公牛<06499><07651>隻、公綿羊<0352><07651>隻為燔祭<05930>。{<07651>}{<03117>}每日<09001><03117>又要預備公山羊<08163><05795>一隻為贖罪祭<02403>
And seven<07651> days<03117> of the feast<02282> he shall prepare<06213>(8799) a burnt offering<05930> to the LORD<03068>, seven<07651> bullocks<06499> and seven<07651> rams<0352> without blemish<08549> daily<03117> the seven<07651> days<03117>; and a kid<08163> of the goats<05795> daily<03117> for a sin offering<02403>.
24 他也要預備<06213>(8799)素祭<04503>,就是為一隻公牛<09001><06499>同獻一伊法<0374>細麵,為一隻公綿羊<09001><0352>同獻一伊法<0374>細麵,每一伊法<09001><0374>細麵加油<08081>一欣<01969>
And he shall prepare<06213>(8799) a meat offering<04503> of an ephah<0374> for a bullock<06499>, and an ephah<0374> for a ram<0352>, and an hin<01969> of oil<08081> for an ephah<0374>.
In the seventh<07651> month , in the fifteenth<02568><06240> day<03117> of the month<02320>, shall he do<06213>(8799) the like in the feast<02282> of the seven<07637> days<03117>, according to the sin offering<02403>, according to the burnt offering<05930>, and according to the meat offering<04503>, and according to the oil<08081>.

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