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16 (大衛的<09001><01732>金詩<04387>。)上帝<0410>啊,求你保佑我<08104>,因為<03588>我投靠<02620>(8804)<09002>
[FO][FO]Michtam<04387> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Preserve<08104>(8798) me, O God<0410>: for in thee do I put my trust<02620>(8804). {Michtam: or, A golden Psalm}
2 我的心哪,你曾對耶和華<09001><03068><0559>(8804):你<0859>是我的主<0136>;我的好處<02896><01077>在你<05921>以外。
O my soul , thou hast said<0559>(8804) unto the LORD<03068>, Thou art my Lord<0136>: my goodness<02896> extendeth not to thee;
3 論到<0834>世上<09002><0776>的聖民<09001><06918>,他們<01992>又美又善<0117>,是我最<03605>喜悅的<02656>{<09002>}。
But to the saints<06918> that<01992> are in the earth<0776>, and to the excellent<0117>, in whom is all my delight<02656>.
4 以別神代替耶和華的(或譯:送禮物<04116>(8804)給別<0312>神的),他們的愁苦<06094>必加增<07235>(8799);他們所澆奠<05262>的血<04480><01818>我不<01077>獻上<05258>(8686);我嘴唇<05921><08193>也不<01077><05375>(8799){<0853>}別神的名號<08034>
Their sorrows<06094> shall be multiplied<07235>(8799) that hasten<04116>(8804) after another<0312> god : their drink offerings<05262> of blood<01818> will I not offer<05258>(8686), nor<01077> take up<05375>(8799) their names<08034> into my lips<08193>. {hasten...: or, give gifts to another}
5 耶和華<03068>是我的產業<02506>,是我杯<03563>中的分<04490>;我所得的<01486>,你<0859>為我持守<08551>(8802)
The LORD<03068> is the portion<04490> of mine inheritance<02506> and of my cup<03563>: thou maintainest<08551>(8802) my lot<01486>. {of mine...: Heb. of my part}
6 用繩<02256><05307>(8804)給我<09001>的地界,坐落在佳美<09002><05273>之處;我的<05921>產業<05159>實在<0637>美好<08231>(8804)
The lines<02256> are fallen<05307>(8804) unto me in pleasant<05273> places ; yea, I have a goodly<08231>(8804) heritage<05159>.
7 我必稱頌<01288>(8762){<0853>}那<0834>指教我的<03289>(8804)耶和華<03068>;我的心腸<03629>在夜間<03915><0637>警戒我<03256>(8765)
I will bless<01288>(8762) the LORD<03068>, who hath given me counsel<03289>(8804): my reins<03629> also instruct<03256>(8765) me in the night seasons<03915>.
8 我將耶和華<03068><08548><07737>(8765)在我面前<09001><05048>,因<03588>他在我右邊<04480><03225>,我便不致<01077>搖動<04131>(8735)
I have set<07737>(8765) the LORD<03068> always<08548> before me: because he is at my right hand<03225>, I shall not be moved<04131>(8735).
9 因此<09001><03651>,我的心<03820>歡喜<08055>(8804),我的靈(原文是榮耀<03519>)快樂<01523>(8799);我的肉身<01320>也要<0637>安然<09001><0983>居住<07931>(8799)
Therefore my heart<03820> is glad<08055>(8804), and my glory<03519> rejoiceth<01523>(8799): my flesh<01320> also shall rest<07931>(8799) in hope<0983>. {rest...: Heb. dwell confidently}
10 因為<03588>你必不<03808>將我的靈魂<05315><05800>(8799)在陰間<09001><07585>,也不<03808><05414>(8799)你的聖者<02623><09001><07200>(8800)朽壞<07845>
For thou wilt not leave<05800>(8799) my soul<05315> in hell<07585>; neither wilt thou suffer<05414>(8799) thine Holy One<02623> to see<07200>(8800) corruption<07845>.
11 你必將生命<02416>的道路<0734>指示我<03045>(8686)。在<0854>你面前<06440>有滿足的<07648>喜樂<08057>;在你右手中<09002><03225>有永遠的<05331>福樂<05273>
Thou wilt shew<03045>(8686) me the path<0734> of life<02416>: in thy presence<06440> is fulness<07648> of joy<08057>; at thy right hand<03225> there are pleasures<05273> for evermore<05331>.

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