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64:1(大衛的<09001><01732><04210>,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)。)上帝<0430>啊,我哀歎的時候<09002><07879>,求你聽<08085>(8798)我的聲音<06963>!求你保護<05341>(8799)我的性命<02416>,不受仇敵<0341>(8802)的驚恐<04480><06343>[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Hear<08085>(8798) my voice<06963>, O God<0430>, in my prayer<07879>: preserve<05341>(8799) my life<02416> from fear<06343> of the enemy<0341>(8802).註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
64:2求你把我隱藏<05641>(8686),使我脫離作惡之人<07489>(8688)的暗謀<04480><05475>和作<06466>(8802)<0205>之人的擾亂<04480><07285>Hide<05641>(8686) me from the secret counsel<05475> of the wicked<07489>(8688); from the insurrection<07285> of the workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205>:註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
64:3他們<0834><08150>(8804)<03956>如刀<09003><02719>,發出苦毒<04751>的言語<01697>,好像比準了<01869>(8804)的箭<02671>Who whet<08150>(8804) their tongue<03956> like a sword<02719>, and bend<01869>(8804) their bows to shoot their arrows<02671>, even bitter<04751> words<01697>:註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
64:4要在暗地<09002><04565><09001><03384>(8800)完全人<08535>;他們忽然<06597>射他<03384>(8686),並不<03808>懼怕<03372>(8799)That they may shoot<03384>(8800) in secret<04565> at the perfect<08535>: suddenly<06597> do they shoot<03384>(8686) at him, and fear<03372>(8799) not.註釋 串珠 康來昌 字典 原文 典藏
64:5他們<09001>彼此勉勵<02388>(8762)設下惡<07451><01697>;他們商量<05608>(8762)暗設<09001><02934>(8800)網羅<04170>,說<0559>(8804):誰能<04310>看見<07200>(8799){<09001>}?They encourage<02388>(8762) themselves in an evil<07451> matter<01697>: they commune<05608>(8762) of laying<02934><00> snares<04170> privily<02934>(8800); they say<0559>(8804), Who shall see<07200>(8799) them? {matter: or, speech} {of...: Heb. to hide his snares}註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
64:6他們圖謀<02664>(8799)奸惡<05766>,說:我們是極力<08552>(8804)<02664>(8794)<02665>的。他們各人<0376>的意念<07130>心思<03820>是深的<06013>They search out<02664>(8799) iniquities<05766>; they accomplish<08552>(8804) a diligent<02664>(8794) search<02665>: both the inward<07130> thought of every one<0376> of them , and the heart<03820>, is deep<06013>. {they...: or, we are consumed by that which they have throughly searched} {a diligent...: Heb. a search searched}註釋 串珠 康來昌 字典 原文 典藏
64:7但上帝<0430>要射他們<03384>(8686);他們{<01961>}忽然<06597>被箭<02671>射傷<04347>But God<0430> shall shoot<03384>(8686) at them with an arrow<02671>; suddenly<06597> shall they be wounded<04347>. {shall they...: Heb. their wound shall be}註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
64:8他們必然絆跌<03782>(8686),被自己的<05921>舌頭<03956>所害;凡<03605>看見<07200>(8802)他們<09002>的必都搖頭<05074>(8709)So they shall make their own tongue<03956> to fall<03782>(8686) upon themselves: all that see<07200>(8802) them shall flee away<05074>(8709).註釋 串珠 康來昌 字典 原文 典藏
64:9<03605><0120>都要害怕<03372>(8799),要傳揚<05046>(8686)上帝<0430>的工作<06467>,並且明白<07919>(8689)他的作為<04639>And all men<0120> shall fear<03372>(8799), and shall declare<05046>(8686) the work<06467> of God<0430>; for they shall wisely consider<07919>(8689) of his doing<04639>.註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
64:10義人<06662>必因耶和華<09002><03068>歡喜<08055>(8799),並要投靠<02620>(8804)<09002>;凡<03605>心裡<03820>正直<03477>的人都要誇口<01984>(8691)The righteous<06662> shall be glad<08055>(8799) in the LORD<03068>, and shall trust<02620>(8804) in him; and all the upright<03477> in heart<03820> shall glory<01984>(8691).註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏

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