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11:1 從耶西<03448>的本<04480><01503>(原文是丕)必發<03318>(8804)一條<02415>;從他根<04480><08328>生的枝子<05342>必結果實<06509>(8799)
And there shall come forth<03318>(8804) a rod<02415> out of the stem<01503> of Jesse<03448>, and a Branch<05342> shall grow<06509>(8799) out of his roots<08328>:
11:2 耶和華<03068>的靈<07307>必住<05117>(8804)在他身上<05921>,就是使他有智慧<02451>和聰明<0998>的靈<07307>,謀略<06098>和能力<01369>的靈<07307>,知識<01847>和敬畏<03374>耶和華<03068>的靈<07307>
And the spirit<07307> of the LORD<03068> shall rest<05117>(8804) upon him, the spirit<07307> of wisdom<02451> and understanding<0998>, the spirit<07307> of counsel<06098> and might<01369>, the spirit<07307> of knowledge<01847> and of the fear<03374> of the LORD<03068>;
11:3 他必以敬畏<09002><03374>耶和華<03068>為樂<07306>(8687);行審判<08199>(8799)<03808>憑眼<05869><09001><04758>,斷是非<03198>(8686)也不憑<03808><0241><09001><04926>
And shall make him of quick understanding<07306>(8687) in the fear<03374> of the LORD<03068>: and he shall not judge<08199>(8799) after the sight<04758> of his eyes<05869>, neither reprove<03198>(8686) after the hearing<04926> of his ears<0241>: {quick...: Heb. scent or, smell}
11:4 卻要以公義<09002><06664>審判<08199>(8804)貧窮人<01800>,以正直<09002><04334>判斷<03198>(8689)世上<0776>的謙卑人<09001><06035>,以口中<06310>的杖<09002><07626>擊打<05221>(8689)世界<0776>,以嘴裡<08193>的氣<09002><07307>殺戮<04191>(8686)惡人<07563>
But with righteousness<06664> shall he judge<08199>(8804) the poor<01800>, and reprove<03198>(8689) with equity<04334> for the meek<06035> of the earth<0776>: and he shall smite<05221>(8689) the earth<0776> with the rod<07626> of his mouth<06310>, and with the breath<07307> of his lips<08193> shall he slay<04191>(8686) the wicked<07563>. {reprove: or, argue}
11:5 公義<06664>必當<01961>他的腰<04975><0232>;信實<0530>必當他脅下<02504>的帶子<0232>
And righteousness<06664> shall be the girdle<0232> of his loins<04975>, and faithfulness<0530> the girdle<0232> of his reins<02504>.
11:6 豺狼<02061>必與<05973>綿羊羔<03532>同居<01481>(8804),豹子<05246><05973>山羊羔<01423>同臥<07257>(8799);少壯獅子<03715>與牛犢<05695>並肥畜<04806>同群<03162>;小<06996>孩子<05288>要牽引<05090>(8802)牠們<09002>
The wolf<02061> also shall dwell<01481>(8804) with the lamb<03532>, and the leopard<05246> shall lie down<07257>(8799) with the kid<01423>; and the calf<05695> and the young lion<03715> and the fatling<04806> together<03162>; and a little<06996> child<05288> shall lead<05090>(8802) them.
And the cow<06510> and the bear<01677> shall feed<07462>(8799); their young ones<03206> shall lie down<07257>(8799) together<03162>: and the lion<0738> shall eat<0398>(8799) straw<08401> like the ox<01241>.
11:8 吃奶的<03243>(8802)孩子必玩耍<08173>(8773)<05921>虺蛇<06620>的洞口<02352>;斷奶的<01580>(8803)嬰兒必按<01911>(8804)<03027><05921>毒蛇<06848>的穴上<03975>
And the sucking child<03243>(8802) shall play<08173>(8773) on the hole<02352> of the asp<06620>, and the weaned child<01580>(8803) shall put<01911>(8804) his hand<03027> on the cockatrice<06848>' den<03975>. {cockatrice': or, adder's}
They shall not hurt<07489>(8686) nor destroy<07843>(8686) in all my holy<06944> mountain<02022>: for the earth<0776> shall be full<04390>(8804) of the knowledge<01844> of the LORD<03068>, as the waters<04325> cover<03680>(8764) the sea<03220>.
And in that day<03117> there shall be a root<08328> of Jesse<03448>, which shall stand<05975>(8802) for an ensign<05251> of the people<05971>; to it shall the Gentiles<01471> seek<01875>(8799): and his rest<04496> shall be glorious<03519>. {glorious: Heb. glory}
And it shall come to pass in that day<03117>, that the Lord<0136> shall set<03254><00> his hand<03027> again<03254>(8686) the second time<08145> to recover<07069>(8800) the remnant<07605> of his people<05971>, which shall be left<07604>(8735), from Assyria<0804>, and from Egypt<04714>, and from Pathros<06624>, and from Cush<03568>, and from Elam<05867>, and from Shinar<08152>, and from Hamath<02574>, and from the islands<0339> of the sea<03220>.
11:12 他必向列國<09001><01471>豎立<05375>(8804)大旗<05251>,招回<0622>(8804)以色列<03478>被趕散的人<01760>(8737),又從地<0776>的四<04480><0702><03671>聚集<06908>(8762)分散的<05310>(8803)猶大人<03063>
And he shall set up<05375>(8804) an ensign<05251> for the nations<01471>, and shall assemble<0622>(8804) the outcasts<01760>(8737) of Israel<03478>, and gather together<06908>(8762) the dispersed<05310>(8803) of Judah<03063> from the four<0702> corners<03671> of the earth<0776>. {corners: Heb. wings}
11:13 以法蓮<0669>的嫉妒<07068>就必消散<05493>(8804);擾害<06887>(8802)猶大<03063>的必被剪除<03772>(8735)。以法蓮<0669>必不<03808>嫉妒<07065>(8762){<0853>}猶大<03063>,猶大<03063>也不<03808>擾害<06887>(8799){<0853>}以法蓮<0669>
The envy<07068> also of Ephraim<0669> shall depart<05493>(8804), and the adversaries<06887>(8802) of Judah<03063> shall be cut off<03772>(8735): Ephraim<0669> shall not envy<07065>(8762) Judah<03063>, and Judah<03063> shall not vex<06887>(8799) Ephraim<0669>.
11:14 他們要向西<03220><05774>(8804),撲在非利士人<06430>的肩頭上<09002><03802>(肩頭上:或譯西界),一同<03162>擄掠<0962>(8799){<0853>}東方<06924><01121>,伸<04916><03027>按住以東<0123>和摩押<04124>;亞捫<05983><01121>也必順服他們<04928>
But they shall fly<05774>(8804) upon the shoulders<03802> of the Philistines<06430> toward the west<03220>; they shall spoil<0962>(8799) them<01121> of the east<06924> together<03162>: they shall lay<04916> their hand<03027> upon Edom<0123> and Moab<04124>; and the children<01121> of Ammon<05983> shall obey<04928> them. {them of: Heb. the children of} {they shall lay...: Heb. Edom and Moab shall be the laying on of their hand} {shall obey...: Heb. their obedience}
11:15 耶和華<03068>必使<0853>埃及<04714><03220><03956>枯乾<02763>(8689),掄<05130>(8689)<03027>用暴熱的<09002><05868><07307>使{<05921>}大河<05104>分為<05221>(8689)<09001><07651><05158>,令人過去<01869>(8689)不致濕腳<09002><05275>
And the LORD<03068> shall utterly destroy<02763>(8689) the tongue<03956> of the Egyptian<04714> sea<03220>; and with his mighty<05868> wind<07307> shall he shake<05130>(8689) his hand<03027> over the river<05104>, and shall smite<05221>(8689) it in the seven<07651> streams<05158>, and make men go over<01869>(8689) dryshod<05275>. {dryshod: Heb. in shoes}
11:16 為主餘剩的<09001><07605>百姓<05971>,就是<0834>從亞述<04480><0804>剩下回來的<07604>(8735),必有<01961>一條大道<04546>,如<09003><0834>{<01961>}當日<09002><03117>以色列<09001><03478>從埃及<04714><04480><0776>上來<05927>(8800)一樣。
And there shall be an highway<04546> for the remnant<07605> of his people<05971>, which<0834> shall be left<07604>(8735), from Assyria<0804>; like as it was to Israel<03478> in the day<03117> that he came up<05927>(8800) out of the land<0776> of Egypt<04714>.

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