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Now when these things were done<03615>(8763), the princes<08269> came<05066>(8738) to me, saying<0559>(8800), The people<05971> of Israel<03478>, and the priests<03548>, and the Levites<03881>, have not separated<0914>(8738) themselves from the people<05971> of the lands<0776>, doing according to their abominations<08441>, even of the Canaanites<03669>, the Hittites<02850>, the Perizzites<06522>, the Jebusites<02983>, the Ammonites<05984>, the Moabites<04125>, the Egyptians<04713>, and the Amorites<0567>.
For they have taken<05375>(8804) of their daughters<01323> for themselves, and for their sons<01121>: so that the holy<06944> seed<02233> have mingled<06148>(8694) themselves with the people<05971> of those lands<0776>: yea, the hand<03027> of the princes<08269> and rulers<05461> hath been chief<07223> in this trespass<04604>.
9:3 我一聽見<09003><08085>(8800){<0853>}這<02088><01697>,就撕裂<07167>(8804){<0853>}衣服<0899>和外袍<04598>,拔了<04803>(8799)<07218><04480><08181>和鬍鬚<02206>,驚懼憂悶<08074>(8789)而坐<03427>(8799)
And when I heard<08085>(8800) this thing<01697>, I rent<07167>(8804) my garment<0899> and my mantle<04598>, and plucked off<04803>(8799) the hair<08181> of my head<07218> and of my beard<02206>, and sat down<03427>(8799) astonied<08074>(8789).
Then were assembled<0622>(8735) unto me every one that trembled<02730> at the words<01697> of the God<0430> of Israel<03478>, because of the transgression<04604> of those that had been carried away<01473>; and I sat<03427>(8802) astonied<08074>(8789) until the evening<06153> sacrifice<04503>.
9:5 獻晚<06153><09002><04503>的時候我起來<06965>(8804),心中愁苦<04480><08589>,穿著撕裂的<09002><07167>(8800)<0899><04598>,{<05921>}雙膝<01290>跪下<03766>(8799)<0413>耶和華<03068>─我的神<0430><06566>(8799)<03709>
And at the evening<06153> sacrifice<04503> I arose up<06965>(8804) from my heaviness<08589>; and having rent<07167>(8800) my garment<0899> and my mantle<04598>, I fell<03766>(8799) upon my knees<01290>, and spread out<06566>(8799) my hands<03709> unto the LORD<03068> my God<0430>, {heaviness: or, affliction}
And said<0559>(8799), O my God<0430>, I am ashamed<0954>(8804) and blush<03637>(8738) to lift up<07311>(8687) my face<06440> to thee, my God<0430>: for our iniquities<05771> are increased<07235>(8804) over<04605> our head<07218>, and our trespass<0819> is grown up<01431>(8804) unto the heavens<08064>. {trespass: or, guiltiness}
Since the days<03117> of our fathers<01> have we been in a great<01419> trespass<0819> unto this day<03117>; and for our iniquities<05771> have we, our kings<04428>, and our priests<03548>, been delivered<05414>(8738) into the hand<03027> of the kings<04428> of the lands<0776>, to the sword<02719>, to captivity<07628>, and to a spoil<0961>, and to confusion<01322> of face<06440>, as it is this day<03117>.
9:8 現在<06258>{<04480>}{<0854>}耶和華<03068>─我們的神<0430>暫且<09003><04592><07281><01961><08467>與我們,給我們<09001>留些<09001><07604>(8687)逃脫的人<06413>,使<09001><05414>(8800)我們<09001>安穩如釘子<03489>釘在他的聖<06944><09002><04725>,我們的神<0430>好光照<09001><0215>(8687)我們的眼目<05869>,使我們<09001><05414>(8800)在受轄制之中<09002><05659>稍微<04592>復興<04241>
And now for a little<04592> space<07281> grace<08467> hath been shewed from the LORD<03068> our God<0430>, to leave<07604>(8687) us a remnant to escape<06413>, and to give<05414>(8800) us a nail<03489> in his holy<06944> place<04725>, that our God<0430> may lighten<0215>(8687) our eyes<05869>, and give<05414>(8800) us a little<04592> reviving<04241> in our bondage<05659>. {space: Heb. moment} {a nail: or, a pin: that is, a constant and sure abode}
9:9 {<03588>}我們<0587>是奴僕<05650>,然而在受轄制<09002><05659>之中,我們的神<0430>仍沒有<03808>丟棄我們<05800>(8804),在波斯<06539><04428>眼前<09001><06440>向我們<05921><05186>(8686)<02617>,叫<09001><05414>(8800)我們<09001>復興<04241>,能重建<09001><07311>(8788){<0853>}我們神<0430>的殿<01004>,修<09001><05975>(8687){<0853>}其毀壞之處<02723>,使<09001><05414>(8800)我們<09001>在猶大<09002><03063>和耶路撒冷<09002><03389>有牆垣<01447>
For we were bondmen<05650>; yet our God<0430> hath not forsaken<05800>(8804) us in our bondage<05659>, but hath extended<05186>(8686) mercy<02617> unto us in the sight<06440> of the kings<04428> of Persia<06539>, to give<05414>(8800) us a reviving<04241>, to set up<07311>(8788) the house<01004> of our God<0430>, and to repair<05975>(8687) the desolations<02723> thereof, and to give<05414>(8800) us a wall<01447> in Judah<03063> and in Jerusalem<03389>. {to repair: Heb. to set up}
9:10 「{<06258>}我們的神<0430>啊,既是<0310>如此<02063>,我們還有甚麼<04100>話可說<0559>(8799)呢?因為<03588>我們已經離棄<05800>(8804)你的命令<04687>
And now, O our God<0430>, what shall we say<0559>(8799) after<0310> this? for we have forsaken<05800>(8804) thy commandments<04687>,
9:11 就是<0834>你藉<09002><03027>你僕人<05650>眾先知<05030>所吩咐<06680>(8765)的說<09001><0559>(8800):『你們<0859>要去<0935>(8802)得為業<09001><03423>(8800)之地<0776><01931>污穢<05079>之地<0776>;因列國<0776>之民<05971>的污穢<09002><05079>和可憎的事<09002><08441>,叫全地從這邊<04480><06310>直到<0413>那邊<06310>{<0834>}滿了<04390>(8765)污穢<09002><02932>
Which thou hast commanded<06680>(8765) by<03027> thy servants<05650> the prophets<05030>, saying<0559>(8800), The land<0776>, unto which ye go<0935>(8802) to possess<03423>(8800) it, is an unclean<05079> land<0776> with the filthiness<05079> of the people<05971> of the lands<0776>, with their abominations<08441>, which have filled<04390>(8765) it from one end<06310> to another<06310> with their uncleanness<02932>. {by: Heb. by the hand of} {from...: Heb. from mouth to mouth}
9:12 所以<06258>不可<0408>將你們的女兒<01323><05414>(8799)他們的兒子<09001><01121>,也不可<0408>為你們的兒子<09001><01121><05375>(8799)他們的女兒<01323>,永<05704><05769>不可<03808><01875>(8799)他們的平安<07965>和他們的利益<02896>,這樣<09001><04616>你們就可以強盛<02388>(8799),吃<0398>(8804){<0853>}這地<0776>的美物<02898>,並遺留這地給你們的子孫<09001><01121>永遠<05704><05769>為業<03423>(8689)。』
Now therefore give<05414>(8799) not your daughters<01323> unto their sons<01121>, neither take<05375>(8799) their daughters<01323> unto your sons<01121>, nor seek<01875>(8799) their peace<07965> or their wealth<02896> for<05704> ever<05769>: that ye may be strong<02388>(8799), and eat<0398>(8804) the good<02898> of the land<0776>, and leave it for an inheritance<03423>(8689) to your children<01121> for ever<05769>.
And after<0310> all that is come<0935>(8802) upon us for our evil<07451> deeds<04639>, and for our great<01419> trespass<0819>, seeing that thou our God<0430> hast punished<02820>(8804) us less<04295> than our iniquities<05771> deserve , and hast given<05414>(8804) us such deliverance<06413> as this; {hast punished...: Heb. hast withheld beneath our iniquities}
9:14 我們豈可再<07725>(8799)違背<09001><06565>(8687)你的命令<04687>,與這<0428>行可憎之事<08441>的民<09002><05971>結親<09001><02859>(8692)呢?若這樣行,你豈不<03808>向我們<09002>發怒<0599>(8799),將我們滅絕<03615>(8763),以致<05704>沒有<09001><0369>一個剩下<07611>逃脫<06413>的人嗎?
Should we again<07725>(8799) break<06565>(8687) thy commandments<04687>, and join in affinity<02859>(8692) with the people<05971> of these abominations<08441>? wouldest not thou be angry<0599>(8799) with us till thou hadst consumed<03615>(8763) us , so that there should be no remnant<07611> nor escaping<06413>?
9:15 耶和華<03068>─以色列<03478>的神<0430>啊,因你<0859>是公義的<06662>,{<03588>}我們這剩下的<07604>(8738)人才得逃脫<06413>,正如今<02088><09003><03117>的光景。看哪<02009>,我們在你面前<09001><06440>有罪惡<09002><0819>,因<05921><02063>{<03588>}無人<0369>在你面前<09001><06440>站立<09001><05975>(8800)得住。」
O LORD<03068> God<0430> of Israel<03478>, thou art righteous<06662>: for we remain<07604>(8738) yet escaped<06413>, as it is this day<03117>: behold, we are before<06440> thee in our trespasses<0819>: for we cannot stand<05975>(8800) before<06440> thee because of this.

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