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86:1 (大衛的<09001><01732>祈禱<08605>。)耶和華<03068>啊,求你側<05186>(8685)<0241>應允我<06030>(8798),因<03588>我是<0589>困苦<06041>窮乏的<034>
[FO][FO]A Prayer<08605> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Bow down<05186>(8685) thine ear<0241>, O LORD<03068>, hear<06030>(8798) me: for I am poor<06041> and needy<034>. {A Prayer...: or, A Prayer, being a Psalm of David}
86:2 求你保存<08104>(8798)我的性命<05315>,因<03588>我是<0589>虔誠人<02623>。{<0859>}我的 神<0430>啊,求你拯救<03467>(8685)這倚靠<0982>(8802)<0413>的僕人<05650>
Preserve<08104>(8798) my soul<05315>; for I am holy<02623>: O thou my God<0430>, save<03467>(8685) thy servant<05650> that trusteth<0982>(8802) in thee. {holy: or, one whom thou favourest}
Be merciful<02603>(8798) unto me, O Lord<0136>: for I cry<07121>(8799) unto thee daily<03117>. {daily: or, all the day}
Rejoice<08055>(8761) the soul<05315> of thy servant<05650>: for unto thee, O Lord<0136>, do I lift up<05375>(8799) my soul<05315>.
For thou, Lord<0136>, art good<02896>, and ready to forgive<05546>; and plenteous<07227> in mercy<02617> unto all them that call<07121>(8802) upon thee.
86:6 耶和華<03068>啊,求你留心聽<0238>(8685)我的禱告<08605>,垂聽<07181>(8685)我懇求<08469>的聲音<09002><06963>
Give ear<0238>(8685), O LORD<03068>, unto my prayer<08605>; and attend<07181>(8685) to the voice<06963> of my supplications<08469>.
86:7 我在患難<06869>之日<09002><03117>要求告你<07121>(8799),因為<03588>你必應允我<06030>(8799)
In the day<03117> of my trouble<06869> I will call<07121>(8799) upon thee: for thou wilt answer<06030>(8799) me.
Among the gods<0430> there is none like unto thee, O Lord<0136>; neither are there any works like unto thy works<04639>.
All nations<01471> whom thou hast made<06213>(8804) shall come<0935>(8799) and worship<07812>(8691) before<06440> thee, O Lord<0136>; and shall glorify<03513>(8762) thy name<08034>.
86:10<03588><0859>為大<01419>,且行<06213>(8802)奇妙的事<06381>(8737);惟獨<09001><0905><0859>是 神<0430>
For thou art great<01419>, and doest<06213>(8802) wondrous things<06381>(8737): thou art God<0430> alone.
86:11 耶和華<03068>啊,求你將你的道<01870>指教我<03384>(8685);我要照你的真理<09002><0571><01980>(8762);求你使我專<03161>(8761)<03824>敬畏<09001><03372>(8800)你的名<08034>
Teach<03384>(8685) me thy way<01870>, O LORD<03068>; I will walk<01980>(8762) in thy truth<0571>: unite<03161>(8761) my heart<03824> to fear<03372>(8800) thy name<08034>.
86:12<0136>─我的 神<0430>啊,我要一<09002><03605><03824>稱讚你<03034>(8686);我要榮耀<03513>(8762)你的名<08034>,直到永遠<09001><05769>
I will praise<03034>(8686) thee, O Lord<0136> my God<0430>, with all my heart<03824>: and I will glorify<03513>(8762) thy name<08034> for evermore<05769>.
86:13 因為<03588>,你向我<05921>發的慈愛<02617>是大的<01419>;你救了<05337>(8689)我的靈魂<05315>免入極深的<08482>陰間<04480><07585>
For great<01419> is thy mercy<02617> toward me: and thou hast delivered<05337>(8689) my soul<05315> from the lowest<08482> hell<07585>. {hell: or, grave}
86:14  神<0430>啊,驕傲的人<02086>起來<06965>(8804)攻擊我<05921>,又有一黨<05712>強橫的人<06184>尋索<01245>(8765)我的命<05315>;他們沒有<03808>將你放<07760>(8804)在眼中<09001><05048>
O God<0430>, the proud<02086> are risen<06965>(8804) against me, and the assemblies<05712> of violent<06184> men have sought<01245>(8765) after my soul<05315>; and have not set<07760>(8804) thee before them. {violent: Heb. terrible}
86:15<0136>啊,你<0859>是有憐憫<07349>有恩典<02587>的 神<0410>,不輕易<0750>發怒<0639>,並有豐盛的<07227>慈愛<02617>和誠實<0571>
But thou, O Lord<0136>, art a God<0410> full of compassion<07349>, and gracious<02587>, longsuffering<0750><0639>, and plenteous<07227> in mercy<02617> and truth<0571>.
86:16 求你向我<0413>轉臉<06437>(8798),憐恤我<02603>(8798),將你的力量<05797><05414>(8798)給僕人<09001><05650>,救<03467>(8685)你婢女<0519>的兒子<09001><01121>
O turn<06437>(8798) unto me, and have mercy<02603>(8798) upon me; give<05414>(8798) thy strength<05797> unto thy servant<05650>, and save<03467>(8685) the son<01121> of thine handmaid<0519>.
86:17 求你向我<05973>顯出<06213>(8798)恩待<09001><02896>我的憑據<0226>,叫恨我的人<08130>(8802)看見<07200>(8799)便羞愧<0954>(8799),因為<03588><0859>─耶和華<03068>幫助我<05826>(8804),安慰我<05162>(8765)
Shew<06213>(8798) me a token<0226> for good<02896>; that they which hate<08130>(8802) me may see<07200>(8799) it , and be ashamed<0954>(8799): because thou, LORD<03068>, hast holpen<05826>(8804) me, and comforted<05162>(8765) me.

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