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81:1 (亞薩的<09001><0623>詩,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)。用<05921>迦特樂器<01665>。)你們當向 神<09001><0430>─我們的力量<05797>大聲歡呼<07442>(8685),向雅各<03290>的 神<09001><0430>發聲歡樂<07321>(8685)
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764) upon Gittith<01665>, A Psalm of Asaph<0623>.[Fo][Fo] Sing aloud<07442>(8685) unto God<0430> our strength<05797>: make a joyful noise<07321>(8685) unto the God<0430> of Jacob<03290>. {of Asaph: or, for Asaph}
81:2 唱起<05375>(8798)詩歌<02172>,打<05414>(8798)手鼓<08596>,彈美<05273><03658><05973><05035>
Take<05375>(8798) a psalm<02172>, and bring<05414>(8798) hither the timbrel<08596>, the pleasant<05273> harp<03658> with the psaltery<05035>.
81:3 當在月朔<09002><02320>並月望<09002><03677>─我們過節<02282>的日期<09001><03117><08628>(8798)<07782>
Blow up<08628>(8798) the trumpet<07782> in the new moon<02320>, in the time appointed<03677>, on our solemn feast<02282> day<03117>.
81:4<03588>這是<01931>為以色列<09001><03478>定的律例<02706>,是雅各<03290> 神的<09001><0430>典章<04941>
For this was a statute<02706> for Israel<03478>, and a law<04941> of the God<0430> of Jacob<03290>.
81:5 他去<09002><03318>(8800)攻擊<05921>埃及<04714><0776>的時候,在約瑟中間<09002><03084><07760>(8804)此為證<05715>。我在那裡聽見<08085>(8799)我所不<03808>明白<03045>(8804)的言語<08193>
This he ordained<07760>(8804) in Joseph<03084> for a testimony<05715>, when he went out<03318>(8800) through the land<0776> of Egypt<04714>: where I heard<08085>(8799) a language<08193> that I understood<03045>(8804) not. {through: or, against}
81:6  神說:我使你的肩<07926>得脫<05493>(8689)重擔<04480><05447>,你的手<03709>放下<05674>(8799)筐子<04480><01731>
I removed<05493>(8689) his shoulder<07926> from the burden<05447>: his hands<03709> were delivered<05674>(8799) from the pots<01731>. {were...: Heb. passed away}
81:7 你在急難中<09002><06869>呼求<07121>(8804),我就搭救你<02502>(8762);我在雷<07482>的隱密處<09002><05643>應允你<06030>(8799),在<05921>米利巴<04809><04325>那裡試驗你<0974>(8799)。(細拉<05542>
Thou calledst<07121>(8804) in trouble<06869>, and I delivered<02502>(8762) thee; I answered<06030>(8799) thee in the secret place<05643> of thunder<07482>: I proved<0974>(8799) thee at the waters<04325> of Meribah<04809>. Selah<05542>. {Meribah: or, Strife}
81:8 我的民<05971>哪,你當聽<08085>(8798),我要勸戒<05749>(8686)<09002>;以色列<03478>啊,甚願<0518>你肯聽從<08085>(8799)<09001>
Hear<08085>(8798), O my people<05971>, and I will testify<05749>(8686) unto thee: O Israel<03478>, if thou wilt hearken<08085>(8799) unto me;
81:9 在你當中<09002>,不可<03808><01961>別的<02114>(8801)<0410>;外邦的<05236><09001><0410>,你也不可<03808>下拜<07812>(8691)
There shall no strange<02114>(8801) god<0410> be in thee; neither shalt thou worship<07812>(8691) any strange<05236> god<0410>.
81:10<0595>是耶和華<03068>─你的 神<0430>,曾把你從埃及<04714><04480><0776>領上來<05927>(8688);你要大大張<07337>(8685)<06310>,我就給你充滿<04390>(8762)
I am the LORD<03068> thy God<0430>, which brought<05927>(8688) thee out of the land<0776> of Egypt<04714>: open thy mouth<06310> wide<07337>(8685), and I will fill<04390>(8762) it.
81:11 無奈,我的民<05971><03808><08085>(8804)我的聲音<09001><06963>;以色列<03478>全不<03808><014>(8804)<09001>
But my people<05971> would not hearken<08085>(8804) to my voice<06963>; and Israel<03478> would<014>(8804) none of me.
81:12 我便任憑他們<07971>(8762)心裡<03820>剛硬<09002><08307>,隨自己的計謀<09002><04156>而行<03212>(8799)
So I gave them up<07971>(8762) unto their own hearts<03820>' lust<08307>: and they walked<03212>(8799) in their own counsels<04156>. {unto...: or, to the hardness of their hearts, or, imagination}
81:13 甚願<03863>我的民<05971>肯聽從<08085>(8802)<09001>,以色列<03478>肯行<01980>(8762)我的道<09002><01870>
Oh<03863> that my people<05971> had hearkened<08085>(8802) unto me, and Israel<03478> had walked<01980>(8762) in my ways<01870>!
81:14 我便速速<09003><04592>治服<03665>(8686)他們的仇敵<0341>(8802),反<07725>(8686)<03027>攻擊<05921>他們的敵人<06862>
I should soon<04592> have subdued<03665>(8686) their enemies<0341>(8802), and turned<07725>(8686) my hand<03027> against their adversaries<06862>.
The haters<08130>(8764) of the LORD<03068> should have submitted<03584>(8762) themselves unto him: but their time<06256> should have endured for ever<05769>. {submitted...: or, yielded feigned obedience: Heb. lied}
81:16 他也必拿上好的<04480><02459>麥子<02406>給他們吃<0398>(8686),又拿從磐石出的<04480><06697>蜂蜜<01706>叫他們飽足<07646>(8686)
He should have fed<0398>(8686) them also with the finest<02459> of the wheat<02406>: and with honey<01706> out of the rock<06697> should I have satisfied<07646>(8686) thee. {finest...: Heb. fat of wheat}

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