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58:1 (大衛的<09001><01732>金詩<04387>,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)。調用休要毀壞<0516>(8686)。)世人<01121><0120>哪,你們默然不<0482><01696>(8762),真<0552>合公義<06664>嗎?施行審判<08199>(8799),豈按正直<04339>嗎?
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), Altaschith<0516>(8686), Michtam<04387> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Do ye indeed<0552> speak<01696>(8762) righteousness<06664>, O congregation<0482>? do ye judge<08199>(8799) uprightly<04339>, O ye sons<01121> of men<0120>? {Altaschith...: or, Destroy not} {Michtam: or, A golden Psalm}
58:2 不然<0637>!你們是心中<09002><03820><06466>(8799)<05766>;你們在地上<09002><0776>秤出<06424>(8762)你們手<03027>所行的強暴<02555>
Yea, in heart<03820> ye work<06466>(8799) wickedness<05766>; ye weigh<06424>(8762) the violence<02555> of your hands<03027> in the earth<0776>.
58:3 惡人<07563>一出母胎<04480><07358>就與 神疏遠<02114>(8804),一離母腹<04480><0990>便走錯路<08582>(8804),說<01696>(8802)謊話<03577>
The wicked<07563> are estranged<02114>(8804) from the womb<07358>: they go astray<08582>(8804) as soon as they be born<0990>, speaking<01696>(8802) lies<03577>. {as soon...: Heb. from the belly}
58:4 他們的<09001>毒氣<02534>好像<09003><01823><05175>的毒氣<02534>;他們好像<03644><0331>(8686)<0241>的聾<02795><06620>
Their poison<02534> is like<01823> the poison<02534> of a serpent<05175>: they are like the deaf<02795> adder<06620> that stoppeth<0331>(8686) her ear<0241>; {like the poison: Heb. according to the likeness, etc} {adder: or, asp}
58:5 {<0834>}不<03808><08085>(8799)行法術<03907>(8764)的聲音<09001><06963>,雖用極靈的<02449>(8794)咒語<02266>(8802)<02267>也是不聽。
Which will not hearken<08085>(8799) to the voice<06963> of charmers<03907>(8764), charming<02266>(8802)<02267> never so wisely<02449>(8794). {charming...: or, be the charmer never so cunning}
58:6  神<0430>啊,求你敲碎<02040>(8798)他們口中<09002><06310>的牙<08127>;耶和華<03068>啊,求你敲掉<05422>(8800)少壯獅子<03715>的大牙<04459>
Break<02040>(8798) their teeth<08127>, O God<0430>, in their mouth<06310>: break out<05422>(8800) the great teeth<04459> of the young lions<03715>, O LORD<03068>.
58:7 願他們消滅<03988>(8735),如<03644>急流的<01980>(8691)<04325>一般{<09001>};他們瞅準<01869>(8799)射箭<02671>的時候,願箭頭彷彿<03644>砍斷<04135>(8709)
Let them melt away<03988>(8735) as waters<04325> which run continually<01980>(8691): when he bendeth<01869>(8799) his bow to shoot his arrows<02671>, let them be as cut in pieces<04135>(8709).
58:8 願他們像<03644>蝸牛<07642>消化<08557>過去<01980>(8799),又像婦人<0802>墜落未<01077><02372>(8804)天日<08121>的胎<05309>
As a snail<07642> which melteth<08557>, let every one of them pass away<01980>(8799): like the untimely birth<05309> of a woman<0802>, that they may not see<02372>(8804) the sun<08121>.
58:9 你們用荊棘<0329>燒火,鍋<05518>還未<09002><02962><0995>(8799),他要用旋風把{<03644>}青的<02416>和{<03644>}燒著的<02740>一齊颳去<08175>(8799)
Before your pots<05518> can feel<0995>(8799) the thorns<0329>, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind<08175>(8799), both living<02416>, and in his wrath<02740>. {both...: Heb. as living as wrath}
58:10 {<03588>}義人<06662><02372>(8804)仇敵遭報<05359>就歡喜<08055>(8799),要在惡人<07563>的血中<09002><01818><07364>(8799)<06471>
The righteous<06662> shall rejoice<08055>(8799) when he seeth<02372>(8804) the vengeance<05359>: he shall wash<07364>(8799) his feet<06471> in the blood<01818> of the wicked<07563>.
58:11 因此,人<0120>必說<0559>(8799):義人<09001><06662>誠然<0389>有善報<06529>;在地上<09002><0776><0389><03426>施行判斷的<08199>(8802) 神<0430>
So that a man<0120> shall say<0559>(8799), Verily there is a reward<06529> for the righteous<06662>: verily he is<03426> a God<0430> that judgeth<08199>(8802) in the earth<0776>. {a reward...: Heb. fruit of the, etc}

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