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11:1 拿瑪人<05284>瑣法<06691>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799)
Then answered<06030>(8799) Zophar<06691> the Naamathite<05284>, and said<0559>(8799),
11:2 這許多的<07230>言語<01697>豈不<03808>該回答<06030>(8735)嗎?多嘴多舌<08193>的人<0376><0518>可稱為義<06663>(8799)嗎?
Should not the multitude<07230> of words<01697> be answered<06030>(8735)? and should a man<0376> full of talk<08193> be justified<06663>(8799)? {full...: Heb. of lips}
11:3 你誇大的話<0907>豈能使人<04962>不作聲<02790>(8686)嗎?你戲笑<03932>(8799)的時候豈沒有人<0369>叫你害羞<03637>(8688)嗎?
Should thy lies<0907> make<02790><00> men<04962> hold their peace<02790>(8686)? and when thou mockest<03932>(8799), shall no man make thee ashamed<03637>(8688)? {lies: or, devices}
11:4 你說<0559>(8799):我的道理<03948>純全<02134>;我在你眼前<09002><05869>{<01961>}潔淨<01249>
For thou hast said<0559>(8799), My doctrine<03948> is pure<02134>, and I am clean<01249> in thine eyes<05869>.
11:5 惟願<0199><04310>{<05414>}{(8799)} 神<0433>說話<01696>(8763);願他開<06605>(8799)<08193>攻擊你<05973>
But<0199> oh that<05414>(8799) God<0433> would speak<01696>(8763), and open<06605>(8799) his lips<08193> against thee;
11:6 並將智慧<02451>的奧祕<08587>指示<05046>(8686)<09001>;{<03588>}他有諸般的<03718>智識<09001><08454>。所以當知道<03045>(8798){<03588>} 神<0433>追討<05382>(8686)<09001>比你罪孽<04480><05771>該得的還少。
And that he would shew<05046>(8686) thee the secrets<08587> of wisdom<02451>, that they are double<03718> to that which is<08454>! Know<03045>(8798) therefore that God<0433> exacteth<05382>(8686) of thee less than thine iniquity<05771> deserveth .
11:7 你考察<02714>就能測透<04672>(8799) 神<0433>嗎?你豈能<0518>盡情<05704><08503>測透<04672>(8799)全能者<07706>嗎?
Canst thou by searching<02714> find out<04672>(8799) God<0433>? canst thou find<04672>(8799) out the Almighty<07706> unto perfection<08503>?
11:8 他的智慧高於<01363><08064>,你還能做<06466>(8799)甚麼<04100>?深<06013>於陰間<04480><07585>,你還能知道<03045>(8799)甚麼<04100>
It is as high<01363> as heaven<08064>; what canst thou do<06466>(8799)? deeper<06013> than hell<07585>; what canst thou know<03045>(8799)? {as high...: Heb. the heights of heaven}
11:9 其量<04055>比地<04480><0776><0752>,比<04480><03220><07342>
The measure<04055> thereof is longer<0752> than the earth<0776>, and broader<07342> than the sea<03220>.
11:10 他若<0518>經過<02498>(8799),將人拘禁<05462>(8686),招人受審<06950>(8686),誰<04310>能阻擋他<07725>(8686)呢?
If he cut off<02498>(8799), and shut up<05462>(8686), or gather together<06950>(8686), then who can hinder<07725>(8686) him? {cut...: or, make a change} {hinder...: Heb. turn him away?}
For he knoweth<03045>(8804) vain<07723> men<04962>: he seeth<07200>(8799) wickedness<0205> also; will he not then consider<0995>(8709) it ?
11:12 空虛的<05014>(8803)<0376>卻毫無知識<03823>(8735);人<0120><03205>(8735)在世好像野驢<06501>的駒子<05895>
For vain<05014>(8803) man<0376> would be wise<03823>(8735), though man<0120> be born<03205>(8735) like a wild ass's<06501> colt<05895>. {vain: Heb. empty}
If thou prepare<03559>(8689) thine heart<03820>, and stretch<06566>(8804) out thine hands<03709> toward him;
11:14 你手裡<09002><03027><0518>有罪孽<0205>,就當遠遠地除掉<07368>(8685),也不<0408>容非義<05766><07931>(8686)在你帳棚<09002><0168>之中。
If iniquity<0205> be in thine hand<03027>, put it far away<07368>(8685), and let not wickedness<05766> dwell<07931>(8686) in thy tabernacles<0168>.
11:15 {<03588>}那時<0227>,你必仰起<05375>(8799)<06440>來毫無斑點<04480><03971>;你也必<01961>堅固<03332>(8716),無<03808>所懼怕<03372>(8799)
For then shalt thou lift up<05375>(8799) thy face<06440> without spot<03971>; yea, thou shalt be stedfast<03332>(8716), and shalt not fear<03372>(8799):
Because thou shalt forget<07911>(8799) thy misery<05999>, and remember<02142>(8799) it as waters<04325> that pass away<05674>(8804):
11:17 你在世的日子<02465>要比正午<04480><06672>更明<06965>(8799),雖有黑暗<05774>(8799)<01961>像早晨<09003><01242>
And thine age<02465> shall be clearer<06965>(8799) than the noonday<06672>; thou shalt shine forth<05774>(8799), thou shalt be as the morning<01242>. {be clearer...: Heb. arise above}
11:18 你因<03588><03426>指望<08615>就必穩固<0982>(8804),也必四圍巡查<02658>(8804),坦然<09001><0983>安息<07901>(8799)
And thou shalt be secure<0982>(8804), because there is<03426> hope<08615>; yea, thou shalt dig<02658>(8804) about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest<07901>(8799) in safety<0983>.
11:19 你躺臥<07257>(8804),無人<0369>驚嚇<02729>(8688),且有許多人<07227>向你<06440>求恩<02470>(8765)
Also thou shalt lie down<07257>(8804), and none shall make thee afraid<02729>(8688); yea, many<07227> shall make suit<02470>(8765) unto thee<06440>. {make suit...: Heb. intreat thy face}
11:20 但惡人<07563>的眼目<05869>必要失明<03615>(8799)。他們<04480>無路可逃<06>(8804)<04498>;他們的指望<08615>就是氣<05315><04646>
But the eyes<05869> of the wicked<07563> shall fail<03615>(8799), and they shall not escape<06>(8804)<04498>, and their hope<08615> shall be as the giving up<04646> of the ghost<05315>. {they shall...: Heb. flight shall perish from them} {the giving...: or, a puff of breath}

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