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2 約拿<03124>在魚<01710>腹中<04480><04578>禱告<06419>(8691){<0413>}耶和華<03068>─他的 神<0430>
Then Jonah<03124> prayed<06419>(8691) unto the LORD<03068> his God<0430> out of the fish's<01710> belly<04578>,
And said<0559>(8799), I cried<07121>(8804) by reason of mine affliction<06869> unto the LORD<03068>, and he heard<06030>(8799) me; out of the belly<0990> of hell<07585> cried<07768>(8765) I, and thou heardest<08085>(8804) my voice<06963>. {by...: or, out of mine affliction} {hell: or, the grave}
3 你將我投<07993>(8686)下深淵<04688>,就是海<03220>的深處<09002><03824>;大水<05104>環繞我<05437>(8779),你的波浪<04867>洪濤<01530><03605>漫過<05674>(8804)我身<05921>
For thou hadst cast<07993>(8686) me into the deep<04688>, in the midst<03824> of the seas<03220>; and the floods<05104> compassed<05437>(8779) me about: all thy billows<04867> and thy waves<01530> passed over<05674>(8804) me. {midst: Heb. heart}
Then I said<0559>(8804), I am cast out<01644>(8738) of thy sight<05869>; yet I will look<05027>(8687) again<03254>(8686) toward thy holy<06944> temple<01964>.
5 諸水<04325>環繞我<0661>(8804),幾乎淹沒我{<05704>}<05315>;深淵<08415>圍住我<05437>(8779);海草<05488>纏繞<02280>(8803)我的頭<09001><07218>
The waters<04325> compassed me about<0661>(8804), even to the soul<05315>: the depth<08415> closed me round about<05437>(8779), the weeds<05488> were wrapped about<02280>(8803) my head<07218>.
6 我下到<03381>(8804)<02022><09001><07095>,地<0776>的門<01280>將我永遠<09002><05769>關住<01157>。耶和華<03068>─我的 神<0430>啊,你卻將我的性命<02416>從坑中<04480><07845>救出來<05927>(8686)
I went down<03381>(8804) to the bottoms<07095> of the mountains<02022>; the earth<0776> with her bars<01280> was about me for ever<05769>: yet hast thou brought up<05927>(8686) my life<02416> from corruption<07845>, O LORD<03068> my God<0430>. {bottoms: Heb. cuttings off} {corruption: or, the pit}
7 我心<05315>在我裡面<05921>發昏<09002><05848>(8692)的時候,我就想念<02142>(8804){<0853>}耶和華<03068>。我的禱告<08605><0935>(8799)<0413>你的聖<06944>殿<01964>,達到你的面前<0413>
When my soul<05315> fainted<05848>(8692) within me I remembered<02142>(8804) the LORD<03068>: and my prayer<08605> came in<0935>(8799) unto thee, into thine holy<06944> temple<01964>.
8 那信奉<08104>(8764)虛無之神<01892><07723>的人,離棄<05800>(8799)憐愛<02617>他們的主;
They that observe<08104>(8764) lying<07723> vanities<01892> forsake<05800>(8799) their own mercy<02617>.
9 但我<0589>必用感謝<08426>的聲音<09002><06963>獻祭<02076>(8799)與你<09001>。我所<0834>許的願<05087>(8804),我必償還<07999>(8762)。救恩<03444>出於耶和華<09001><03068>
But I will sacrifice<02076>(8799) unto thee with the voice<06963> of thanksgiving<08426>; I will pay<07999>(8762) that that I have vowed<05087>(8804). Salvation<03444> is of the LORD<03068>.
10 耶和華<03068>吩咐<0559>(8799)<09001><01709>,魚就把<0853>約拿<03124><06958>(8686)<0413>旱地<03004>上。
And the LORD<03068> spake<0559>(8799) unto the fish<01709>, and it vomited out<06958>(8686) Jonah<03124> upon the dry<03004> land .

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