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18 與眾寡合的<06504>(8737),獨自尋求<01245>(8762)心願<09001><08378>,並惱恨<01566>(8691)一切<09002><03605>真智慧<08454>
Through desire<08378> a man, having separated<06504>(8737) himself, seeketh<01245>(8762) and intermeddleth<01566>(8691) with all wisdom<08454>. {Through...: or, He that separateth himself seeketh according to his desire, and intermeddleth in every business}
2 愚昧人<03684><03808>喜愛<02654>(8799)明哲<09002><08394>,只<03588><0518>喜愛顯露<09002><01540>(8692)心意<03820>
A fool<03684> hath no delight<02654>(8799) in understanding<08394>, but that his heart<03820> may discover<01540>(8692) itself.
3 惡人<07563><09002><0935>(8800),藐視<0937><01571><0935>(8804);羞恥<07036>到,辱罵<02781><05973>到。
When the wicked<07563> cometh<0935>(8800), then cometh<0935>(8804) also contempt<0937>, and with ignominy<07036> reproach<02781>.
The words<01697> of a man's<0376> mouth<06310> are as deep<06013> waters<04325>, and the wellspring<04726> of wisdom<02451> as a flowing<05042>(8802) brook<05158>.
5 瞻徇<05375>(8800)惡人<07563>的情面<06440>,偏斷<09001><05186>(8687)義人<06662>的案件<09002><04941>,都為不<03808><02896>
It is not good<02896> to accept<05375>(8800) the person<06440> of the wicked<07563>, to overthrow<05186>(8687) the righteous<06662> in judgment<04941>.
6 愚昧人<03684>張嘴<08193><0935>(8799)爭端<09002><07379>,開口<06310><07121>(8799)鞭打<09001><04112>
A fool's<03684> lips<08193> enter<0935>(8799) into contention<07379>, and his mouth<06310> calleth<07121>(8799) for strokes<04112>.
7 愚昧人<03684>的口<06310>自取<09001>敗壞<04288>;他的嘴<08193>是他生命<05315>的網羅<04170>
A fool's<03684> mouth<06310> is his destruction<04288>, and his lips<08193> are the snare<04170> of his soul<05315>.
8 傳舌人<05372>的言語<01697>如同美食<09003><03859>(8693),{<01992>}深入<03381>(8804)人的心<02315><0990>
The words<01697> of a talebearer<05372> are as wounds<03859>(8693), and they go down<03381>(8804) into the innermost parts<02315> of the belly<0990>. {talebearer: or, whisperer} {as wounds: or, like as when men are wounded} {most...: Heb. chambers}
9 {<01571>}做工<09002><04399>懈怠的<07503>(8693),與浪費<07843>(8688)<09001><01167><01931>弟兄<0251>
He also that is slothful<07503>(8693) in his work<04399> is brother<0251> to him that is a great<01167> waster<07843>(8688).
10 耶和華<03068>的名<08034>是堅固<05797><04026>;義人<06662>奔入<07323>(8799){<09002>}便得安穩<07682>(8738)
The name<08034> of the LORD<03068> is a strong<05797> tower<04026>: the righteous<06662> runneth<07323>(8799) into it, and is safe<07682>(8738). {safe: Heb. set aloft}
11 富足人<06223>的財物<01952>是他的堅<05797><07151>,在他心想<09002><04906>,猶如高<07682>(8737)<09003><02346>
The rich man's<06223> wealth<01952> is his strong<05797> city<07151>, and as an high<07682>(8737) wall<02346> in his own conceit<04906>.
12 敗壞<07667>之先<09001><06440>,人<0376><03820>驕傲<01361>(8799);尊榮<03519>以前<09001><06440>,必有謙卑<06038>
Before<06440> destruction<07667> the heart<03820> of man<0376> is haughty<01361>(8799), and before<06440> honour<03519> is humility<06038>.
13 未曾聽完<08085>(8799)<09002><02962>回答<07725>(8688){<01697>}的,便是<01931>他的<09001>愚昧<0200>和羞辱<03639>
He that answereth<07725>(8688) a matter<01697> before he heareth<08085>(8799) it , it is folly<0200> and shame<03639> unto him. {answereth...: Heb. returneth a word}
The spirit<07307> of a man<0376> will sustain<03557>(8770) his infirmity<04245>; but a wounded<05218> spirit<07307> who can bear<05375>(8799)?
15 聰明人<0995>(8737)的心<03820><07069>(8799)知識<01847>;智慧人<02450>的耳<0241><01245>(8762)知識<01847>
The heart<03820> of the prudent<0995>(8737) getteth<07069>(8799) knowledge<01847>; and the ear<0241> of the wise<02450> seeketh<01245>(8762) knowledge<01847>.
A man's<0120> gift<04976> maketh room<07337>(8686) for him, and bringeth<05148>(8686) him before<06440> great men<01419>.
He that is first<07223> in his own cause<07379> seemeth just<06662>; but his neighbour<07453> cometh<0935>(8804)(8675)<0935>(8799) and searcheth<02713>(8804) him.
18 掣籤<01486>能止息<07673>(8686)爭競<04079>,也能解散<06504>(8686){<0996>}強勝<06099>的人。
The lot<01486> causeth contentions<04079> to cease<07673>(8686), and parteth<06504>(8686) between the mighty<06099>.
19 弟兄<0251>結怨<06586>(8737),勸他和好,比取堅固<05797><04480><07151>還難;這樣的爭競<04079>(8675)<04066>如同堅寨<0759>的門閂<09003><01280>
A brother<0251> offended<06586>(8737) is harder to be won than a strong<05797> city<07151>: and their contentions<04079>(8675)<04066> are like the bars<01280> of a castle<0759>.
A man's<0376> belly<0990> shall be satisfied<07646>(8799) with the fruit<06529> of his mouth<06310>; and with the increase<08393> of his lips<08193> shall he be filled<07646>(8799).
Death<04194> and life<02416> are in the power<03027> of the tongue<03956>: and they that love<0157>(8802) it shall eat<0398>(8799) the fruit<06529> thereof.
22 得著<04672>(8804)賢妻<0802>的,是得著<04672>(8804)好處<02896>,也是蒙了<06329>(8686)耶和華<04480><03068>的恩惠<07522>
Whoso findeth<04672>(8804) a wife<0802> findeth<04672>(8804) a good<02896> thing , and obtaineth<06329>(8686) favour<07522> of the LORD<03068>.
23 貧窮人<07326>(8802)<01696>(8762)哀求<08469>的話;富足人<06223>用威嚇<05794>的話回答<06030>(8799)
The poor<07326>(8802) useth<01696>(8762) intreaties<08469>; but the rich<06223> answereth<06030>(8799) roughly<05794>.
24 濫交朋友<07453>的{<0376>},自取敗壞<09001><07489>(8710);但有<03426>一朋友<0157>(8802)比弟兄<04480><0251>更親密<01695>
A man<0376> that hath friends<07453> must shew himself friendly<07489>(8710): and there is<03426> a friend<0157>(8802) that sticketh closer<01695> than a brother<0251>.

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