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43  神<0430>啊,求你伸我的冤<08199>(8798),向不<03808>虔誠的<02623><04480><01471>為我辨<07378>(8798)<07379>;求你救我<06403>(8762)脫離詭詐<04820>不義<05766>的人<04480><0376>
Judge<08199>(8798) me, O God<0430>, and plead<07378>(8798) my cause<07379> against an ungodly<03808><02623> nation<01471>: O deliver<06403>(8762) me from the deceitful<04820> and unjust<05766> man<0376>. {ungodly: or, unmerciful} {the deceitful...: Heb. a man of deceit and iniquity}
2 因為<03588><0859>是賜我力量<04581>的 神<0430>,為何<09001><04100>丟棄我<02186>(8804)呢?我為何<09001><04100>因仇敵<0341>(8802)的欺壓<09002><03906>時常<01980>(8691)哀痛<06937>(8802)呢?
For thou art the God<0430> of my strength<04581>: why dost thou cast me off<02186>(8804)? why go<01980>(8691) I mourning<06937>(8802) because of the oppression<03906> of the enemy<0341>(8802)?
3 求你發出<07971>(8798)你的亮光<0216>和真實<0571>,好{<01992>}引導我<05148>(8686),帶我<0935>(8686)<0413>你的聖<06944><02022>,到<0413>你的居所<04908>
O send out<07971>(8798) thy light<0216> and thy truth<0571>: let them lead<05148>(8686) me; let them bring<0935>(8686) me unto thy holy<06944> hill<02022>, and to thy tabernacles<04908>.
4 我就走<0935>(8799)<0413> 神<0430>的祭壇<04196>,到<0413>我最喜樂<08057><01524>的 神<0410>那裡。 神啊<0430>,我的 神<0430>,我要彈琴<09002><03658>稱讚你<03034>(8686)
Then will I go<0935>(8799) unto the altar<04196> of God<0430>, unto God<0410> my exceeding<08057> joy<01524>: yea, upon the harp<03658> will I praise<03034>(8686) thee, O God<0430> my God<0430>. {my exceeding...: Heb. the gladness of my joy}
5 我的心<05315>哪,你為何<04100>憂悶<07817>(8709)?為何<04100>在我裡面<05921>煩躁<01993>(8799)?應當仰望<03176>(8685) 神<09001><0430>,因<03588>我還要<05750>稱讚他<03034>(8686)。他是我臉上<06440>的光榮(原文是幫助<03444>),是我的 神<0430>
Why art thou cast down<07817>(8709), O my soul<05315>? and why art thou disquieted<01993>(8799) within me? hope<03176>(8685) in God<0430>: for I shall yet praise<03034>(8686) him, who is the health<03444> of my countenance<06440>, and my God<0430>.

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