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8 書亞人<07747>比勒達<01085>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799)
Then answered<06030>(8799) Bildad<01085> the Shuhite<07747>, and said<0559>(8799),
2 這些話<0428>你要說<04448>(8762)<05704>幾時<0575>?口<06310>中的言語<0561>如狂<03524><07307>要到幾時呢?
How<0575> long<05704> wilt thou speak<04448>(8762) these things ? and how long shall the words<0561> of thy mouth<06310> be like a strong<03524> wind<07307>?
3  神<0410>豈能偏離<05791>(8762)公平<04941>?全能者<07706>豈能<0518>偏離<05791>(8762)公義<06664>
Doth God<0410> pervert<05791>(8762) judgment<04941>? or doth the Almighty<07706> pervert<05791>(8762) justice<06664>?
4 或者<0518>你的兒女<01121>得罪了<02398>(8804)<09001>;他使他們<07971>(8762)<09002><03027>報應<06588>
If thy children<01121> have sinned<02398>(8804) against him, and he have cast them away<07971>(8762) for<03027> their transgression<06588>; {for...: Heb. in the hand of their transgression}
5<0859><0518>殷勤地尋求<07836>(8762){<0413>} 神<0410>,向<0413>全能者<07706>懇求<02603>(8691)
If thou wouldest seek<07836><00> unto God<0410> betimes<07836>(8762), and make thy supplication<02603>(8691) to the Almighty<07706>;
If thou wert pure<02134> and upright<03477>; surely now he would awake<05782>(8686) for thee, and make the habitation<05116> of thy righteousness<06664> prosperous<07999>(8765).
7 {<01961>}你起初<07225>雖然微小<04705>,終久<0319>必甚<03966>發達<07685>(8799)
Though thy beginning<07225> was small<04705>, yet thy latter end<0319> should greatly<03966> increase<07685>(8799).
8 {<03588>}請<04994>你考問<07592>(8798)<07223>(8675)<07223><09001><01755>,追念<03559>(8786)他們的列祖<01>所查究<09001><02714>的。
For enquire<07592>(8798), I pray thee, of the former<07223>(8675)<07223> age<01755>, and prepare<03559>(8786) thyself to the search<02714> of their fathers<01>:
9 {<03588>}我們<0587>不過從昨日<08543>才有,一無<03808>所知<03045>(8799);{<03588>}我們在<05921>世的<0776>日子<03117>好像影兒<06738>
(For we are but of yesterday<08543>, and know<03045>(8799) nothing, because our days<03117> upon earth<0776> are a shadow<06738>:) {nothing: Heb. not}
10 他們<01992>豈不<03808>指教你<03384>(8686),告訴<0559>(8799)<09001>,從心<04480><03820>裡發出<03318>(8686)言語<04405>來呢?
Shall not they teach<03384>(8686) thee, and tell<0559>(8799) thee, and utter<03318>(8686) words<04405> out of their heart<03820>?
11 蒲草<01573>沒有<09002><03808><01207>豈能發長<01342>(8799)?蘆荻<0260>沒有<01097><04325>豈能生發<07685>(8799)
Can the rush<01573> grow up<01342>(8799) without mire<01207>? can<07685><00> the flag<0260> grow<07685>(8799) without<01097> water<04325>?
Whilst it is yet in his greenness<03>, and not cut down<06998>(8735), it withereth<03001>(8799) before<06440> any other herb<02682>.
13<03605>忘記<07911>(8802) 神<0410>的人,景況<0734>也是這樣<03651>;不虔敬人<02611>的指望<08615>要滅沒<06>(8799)
So are the paths<0734> of all that forget<07911>(8802) God<0410>; and the hypocrite's<02611> hope<08615> shall perish<06>(8799):
14 他所<0834>仰賴的<03689>必折斷<06990>(8799);他所倚靠<04009>的是蜘蛛<05908><01004>
Whose hope<03689> shall be cut off<06990>(8799), and whose trust<04009> shall be a spider's<05908> web<01004>. {web: Heb. house}
15 他要倚靠<08172>(8735){<05921>}房屋<01004>,房屋卻站立<05975>(8799)不住<03808>;他要抓住<02388>(8686)房屋<09002>,房屋卻不能<03808>存留<06965>(8799)
He shall lean<08172>(8735) upon his house<01004>, but it shall not stand<05975>(8799): he shall hold<02388>(8686) it fast, but it shall not endure<06965>(8799).
He is green<07373> before<06440> the sun<08121>, and his branch<03127> shooteth forth<03318>(8799) in his garden<01593>.
17 他的根<08328>盤繞<05440>(8792){<05921>}石堆<01530>,扎入<02372>(8799)<068><01004>
His roots<08328> are wrapped about<05440>(8792) the heap<01530>, and seeth<02372>(8799) the place<01004> of stones<068>.
18 他若<0518>從本地<04480><04725>被拔出<01104>(8762),那地就不認識<03584>(8765)<09002>,說:我沒有<03808>見過你<07200>(8804)
If he destroy<01104>(8762) him from his place<04725>, then it shall deny<03584>(8765) him, saying , I have not seen<07200>(8804) thee.
19 看哪<02005>,這就是<01931>他道<01870>中之樂<04885>;以後必另有人<0312>從地<04480><06083>而生<06779>(8799)
Behold, this is the joy<04885> of his way<01870>, and out of the earth<06083> shall others<0312> grow<06779>(8799).
20 {<02005>} 神<0410>必不<03808>丟棄<03988>(8799)完全人<08535>,也不<03808>扶助<02388>(8686){<09002>}{<03027>}邪惡人<07489>(8688)
Behold, God<0410> will not cast away<03988>(8799) a perfect<08535> man , neither will he help<02388>(8686)<03027> the evil doers<07489>(8688): {help...: Heb. take the ungodly by the hand} {come: Heb. shall not be}
21 他還要<05704>以喜笑<07814>充滿<04390>(8762)你的口<06310>,以歡呼<08643>充滿你的嘴<08193>
Till he fill<04390>(8762) thy mouth<06310> with laughing<07814>, and thy lips<08193> with rejoicing<08643>. {rejoicing: Heb. shouting for joy}
22 恨惡你的<08130>(8802)要披戴<03847>(8799)慚愧<01322>;惡人<07563>的帳棚<0168>必歸於無有<0369>
They that hate<08130>(8802) thee shall be clothed<03847>(8799) with shame<01322>; and the dwelling<0168> place of the wicked<07563> shall come to nought<0369>. {shall come...: Heb. shall not be}

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