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141:1(大衛的<09001><01732><04210>。)耶和華<03068>啊,我曾求告你<07121>(8804),求你快快<02363>(8798)臨到我這裡<09001>!我求告<09002><07121>(8800)<09001>的時候,願你留心聽<0238>(8685)我的聲音<06963>[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] LORD<03068>, I cry<07121>(8804) unto thee: make haste<02363>(8798) unto me; give ear<0238>(8685) unto my voice<06963>, when I cry<07121>(8800) unto thee.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
141:2願我的禱告<08605>如香<07004>陳列<03559>(8735)在你面前<09001><06440>!願我舉<04864><03709>祈求,如獻晚<06153><04503>Let my prayer<08605> be set forth<03559>(8735) before<06440> thee as incense<07004>; and the lifting up<04864> of my hands<03709> as the evening<06153> sacrifice<04503>. {set...: Heb. directed}註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
141:3耶和華<03068>啊,求你禁止<07896>(8798)<08108>我的口<09001><06310>,把守<05341>(8798){<05921>}我的嘴<01817><08193>Set<07896>(8798) a watch<08108>, O LORD<03068>, before my mouth<06310>; keep<05341>(8798) the door<01817> of my lips<08193>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
141:4求你不叫<0408>我的心<03820>偏向<05186>(8686)邪惡<09001><01697><07451>,以致我和<0854><06466>(8802)<0205>的人<0376>同行<09001><05953>(8705)<09002><07562><05949>;也不叫<01077>我吃<03898>(8799)他們的美食<09002><04516>Incline<05186>(8686) not my heart<03820> to any evil<07451> thing<01697>, to practise<05953>(8705) wicked<07562> works<05949> with men<0376> that work<06466>(8802) iniquity<0205>: and let me not eat<03898>(8799) of their dainties<04516>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
141:5任憑義人<06662>擊打我<01986>(8799),這算為仁慈<02617>;任憑他責備我<03198>(8686),這算為頭上<07218>的膏油<08081>;我的頭<07218>不要<0408>躲閃<05106>(8686)。正在<03588>他們行惡的時候<09002><07451>,我仍要<05750>祈禱<08605>Let the righteous<06662> smite<01986>(8799) me; it shall be a kindness<02617>: and let him reprove<03198>(8686) me; it shall be an excellent<07218> oil<08081>, which shall not break<05106>(8686) my head<07218>: for yet my prayer<08605> also shall be in their calamities<07451>. {me; it shall be a...: or, me kindly, and reprove me; let not their precious oil break, etc}註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
141:6他們的審判官<08199>(8802)被扔<08058>(8738)<09002><03027>巖下<05553>;眾人要聽<08085>(8804)我的話<0561>,因為<03588>這話甘甜<05276>(8804)When their judges<08199>(8802) are overthrown<08058>(8738) in stony<05553> places<03027>, they shall hear<08085>(8804) my words<0561>; for they are sweet<05276>(8804).註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
141:7我們的骨頭<06106><06340>(8738)在墓<07585><09001><06310>,好像<03644>人耕田<06398>(8802)、刨<01234>(8802)<09002><0776>的土塊。Our bones<06106> are scattered<06340>(8738) at the grave's<07585> mouth<06310>, as when one cutteth<06398>(8802) and cleaveth<01234>(8802) wood upon the earth<0776>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
141:8<0136>─耶和華<03069>啊,{<03588>}我的眼目<05869>仰望你<0413>;我投靠<02620>(8804)<09002>,求你不要<0408>將我<05315><06168>(8762)得孤苦!But mine eyes<05869> are unto thee, O GOD<03069> the Lord<0136>: in thee is my trust<02620>(8804); leave<06168><00> not my soul<05315> destitute<06168>(8762). {leave...: Heb. make not my soul bare}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
141:9求你保護我<08104>(8798)脫離<04480><03027>惡人為我<09001><03369>(8804)的網羅<06341>和作<06466>(8802)<0205>之人的圈套<04170>Keep<08104>(8798) me from the snares<03027><06341> which they have laid<03369>(8804) for me, and the gins<04170> of the workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205>.註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
141:10願惡人<07563><05307>(8799)在自己的網裡<09002><04364>{<03162>},我卻<0595>得以<05704>逃脫<05674>(8799)Let the wicked<07563> fall<05307>(8799) into their own nets<04364>, whilst that I withal<03162> escape<05674>(8799). {escape: Heb. pass over}註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏

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