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14:1(大衛的<09001><01732>詩,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)。)愚頑人<05036>心裡<09002><03820><0559>(8804):沒有<0369> 神<0430>。他們都是邪惡<07843>(8689),行了可憎惡<08581>(8689)的事<05949>;沒有<0369>一個人行<06213>(8802)<02896>[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] The fool<05036> hath said<0559>(8804) in his heart<03820>, There is no God<0430>. They are corrupt<07843>(8689), they have done abominable<08581>(8689) works<05949>, there is none that doeth<06213>(8802) good<02896>.註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
14:2耶和華<03068>從天上<04480><08064>垂看<08259>(8689){<05921>}世人<01121><0120>,要看<09001><07200>(8800)<03426>明白的<07919>(8688)沒有,有尋求<01875>(8802){<0853>} 神<0430>的沒有。The LORD<03068> looked down<08259>(8689) from heaven<08064> upon the children<01121> of men<0120>, to see<07200>(8800) if there<03426> were any that did understand<07919>(8688), and seek<01875>(8802) God<0430>.註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
14:3他們都<03605>偏離正路<05493>(8804),一同<03162>變為污穢<0444>(8738);並沒有<0369><06213>(8802)<02896>的,連<01571>一個<0259>也沒有<0369>They are all gone aside<05493>(8804), they are all together<03162> become filthy<0444>(8738): there is none that doeth<06213>(8802) good<02896>, no, not one<0259>. {filthy: Heb. stinking}註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
14:4<06466>(8802)<0205>的都<03605>沒有<03808>知識<03045>(8804)嗎?他們吞吃<0398>(8802)我的百姓<05971>,如同吃<0398>(8804)<03899>一樣,並不<03808>求告<07121>(8804)耶和華<03068>Have all the workers<06466>(8802) of iniquity<0205> no knowledge<03045>(8804)? who eat up<0398>(8802) my people<05971> as they eat<0398>(8804) bread<03899>, and call<07121>(8804) not upon the LORD<03068>.註釋 串珠 康來昌 字典 原文 典藏
14:5他們在那裡<08033>大大地害怕<06342>(8804)<06343>,因為<03588> 神<0430>在義人<06662>的族類<09002><01755>中。There were they in great<06343> fear<06342>(8804): for God<0430> is in the generation<01755> of the righteous<06662>. {were...: Heb. they feared a fear}註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
14:6你們叫困苦人<06041>的謀算<06098>變為羞辱<0954>(8686);然而<03588>耶和華<03068>是他的避難所<04268>Ye have shamed<0954>(8686) the counsel<06098> of the poor<06041>, because the LORD<03068> is his refuge<04268>.註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏
14:7但願<04310>以色列<03478>的救恩<03444>從錫安<04480><06726>而出<05414>(8799)。耶和華<03068>救回<09002><07725>(8800)他被擄<07622>的子民<05971>那時,雅各<03290>要快樂<01523>(8799),以色列<03478>要歡喜<08055>(8799)Oh that<05414>(8799) the salvation<03444> of Israel<03478> were come out of Zion<06726>! when the LORD<03068> bringeth back<07725>(8800) the captivity<07622> of his people<05971>, Jacob<03290> shall rejoice<01523>(8799), and Israel<03478> shall be glad<08055>(8799). {Oh...: Heb. Who will give}註釋 串珠 康來昌 原文 典藏

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