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19:1約伯<0347>回答<06030>(8799)<0559>(8799)Then Job<0347> answered<06030>(8799) and said<0559>(8799),註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:2你們攪擾<03013>(8686)我的心<05315>,用言語<09002><04405>壓碎我<01792>(8762)要到<05704>幾時<0575>呢?How long will ye vex<03013>(8686) my soul<05315>, and break<01792>(8762) me in pieces with words<04405>?註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:3你們這<02088><06235><06471>羞辱我<03637>(8686);你們苦待<01970>(8686)<09001>也不<03808>以為恥<0954>(8799)These ten<06235> times<06471> have ye reproached<03637>(8686) me: ye are not ashamed<0954>(8799) that ye make yourselves strange<01970>(8686) to me. {make...: or, harden yourselves against me}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:4<0637><0551>我有錯<07686>(8804),這錯<04879>乃是在<03885>(8799)<0854>And be it indeed<0551> that I have erred<07686>(8804), mine error<04879> remaineth<03885>(8799) with myself.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:5你們果<0518><0551>要向我<05921>誇大<01431>(8686),以我的羞辱<02781>為證指責<03198>(8686)<05921>If indeed<0551> ye will magnify<01431>(8686) yourselves against me, and plead<03198>(8686) against me my reproach<02781>:註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:6就該<0645>知道<03045>(8798)<03588> 神<0433>傾覆我<05791>(8765),用網羅<04686>圍繞<05362>(8689)<05921>Know<03045>(8798) now<0645> that God<0433> hath overthrown<05791>(8765) me, and hath compassed<05362>(8689) me with his net<04686>.註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:7{<02005>}我因委曲<02555>呼叫<06817>(8799),卻不<03808>蒙應允<06030>(8735);我呼求<07768>(8762),卻不得<0369>公斷<04941>Behold, I cry out<06817>(8799) of wrong<02555>, but I am not heard<06030>(8735): I cry aloud<07768>(8762), but there is no judgment<04941>. {wrong: or, violence}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:8 神用籬笆攔住<01443>(8804)我的道路<0734>,使我不得<03808>經過<05674>(8799);又使<07760>(8799){<05921>}我的路徑<05410>黑暗<02822>He hath fenced up<01443>(8804) my way<0734> that I cannot pass<05674>(8799), and he hath set<07760>(8799) darkness<02822> in my paths<05410>.註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:9他剝去<06584>(8689){<04480>}{<05921>}我的榮光<03519>,摘去<05493>(8686)我頭上<07218>的冠冕<05850>He hath stripped<06584>(8689) me of my glory<03519>, and taken<05493>(8686) the crown<05850> from my head<07218>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:10他在四圍<05439>攻擊<05422>(8799)我,我便歸於死亡<03212>(8799),將我的指望<08615>如樹<09003><06086>拔出來<05265>(8686)He hath destroyed<05422>(8799) me on every side<05439>, and I am gone<03212>(8799): and mine hope<08615> hath he removed<05265>(8686) like a tree<06086>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:11他的忿怒<0639>向我<05921>發作<02734>(8686),以我<02803>(8799)為{<09001>}敵人<09003><06862>He hath also kindled<02734>(8686) his wrath<0639> against me, and he counteth<02803>(8799) me unto him as one of his enemies<06862>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:12他的軍旅<01416>一齊<03162>上來<0935>(8799),修築<05549>(8799)戰路<01870>攻擊我<05921>,在我帳棚<09001><0168>的四圍<05439>安營<02583>(8799)His troops<01416> come<0935>(8799) together<03162>, and raise up<05549>(8799) their way<01870> against me, and encamp<02583>(8799) round about<05439> my tabernacle<0168>.註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:13他把我的弟兄<0251><07368>(8689)<04480><05921>遠處,使我所認識的<03045>(8802)全然<0389>與我<04480>生疏<02114>(8804)He hath put<07368><00> my brethren<0251> far<07368>(8689) from me, and mine acquaintance<03045>(8802) are verily estranged<02114>(8804) from me.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:14我的親戚<07138>與我斷絕<02308>(8804);我的密友<03045>(8794)都忘記<07911>(8804)我。My kinsfolk<07138> have failed<02308>(8804), and my familiar friends<03045>(8794) have forgotten<07911>(8804) me.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:15在我家<01004>寄居<01481>(8802)的,和我的使女<0519>都以我為<02803>(8799)外人<09001><02114>(8801);我在他們眼中<09002><05869>看為<01961>外邦人<05237>They that dwell<01481>(8802) in mine house<01004>, and my maids<0519>, count<02803>(8799) me for a stranger<02114>(8801): I am an alien<05237> in their sight<05869>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:16我呼喚<07121>(8804)僕人<09001><05650>,雖用<01119><06310><02603>(8691)<09001>,他還是不<03808>回答<06030>(8799)I called<07121>(8804) my servant<05650>, and he gave me no answer<06030>(8799); I intreated<02603>(8691) him with<01119> my mouth<06310>.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:17我口的氣味<07307>,我妻子<09001><0802>厭惡<02114>(8804);我的懇求<02589>(8800),我同胞<09001><01121><0990>也憎嫌。My breath<07307> is strange<02114>(8804) to my wife<0802>, though I intreated<02589>(8800) for the children's<01121> sake of mine own body<0990>. {mine...: Heb. my belly}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:18連小孩子<05759><01571>藐視<03988>(8804)<09002>;我若起來<06965>(8799),他們都嘲笑<01696>(8762)<09002>Yea, young children<05759> despised<03988>(8804) me; I arose<06965>(8799), and they spake<01696>(8762) against me. {young...: or, the wicked}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:19我的密<05475><04962><03605>憎惡我<08581>(8765);我平日所<02088><0157>(8804)的人向我<09002>翻臉<02015>(8738)All my inward<05475> friends<04962> abhorred<08581>(8765) me: and they whom I loved<0157>(8804) are turned<02015>(8738) against me. {my...: Heb. the men of my secret}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:20我的皮<09002><05785><09002><01320>緊貼<01692>(8804)骨頭<06106>;我只剩牙<08127><09002><05785>逃脫了<04422>(8691)My bone<06106> cleaveth<01692>(8804) to my skin<05785> and to my flesh<01320>, and I am escaped<04422>(8691) with the skin<05785> of my teeth<08127>. {and to: or, as to}註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:21我朋友<07453>啊,{<0859>}可憐我<02603>(8798)!可憐我<02603>(8798)!因為<03588> 神<0433>的手<03027>攻擊<05060>(8804)<09002>Have pity<02603>(8798) upon me, have pity<02603>(8798) upon me, O ye my friends<07453>; for the hand<03027> of God<0433> hath touched<05060>(8804) me.註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:22你們為甚麼<09001><04100>彷彿<03644> 神<0410>逼迫我<07291>(8799),吃我的肉<04480><01320>還以為不<03808><07646>(8799)呢?Why do ye persecute<07291>(8799) me as God<0410>, and are not satisfied<07646>(8799) with my flesh<01320>?註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:23<04310><05414>(8799)我的言語<04405>現在<0645>寫上<03789>(8735),{<04310>}{<05414>}{(8799)}都記錄<02710>(8714)在書上<09002><05612>Oh that<05414>(8799) my words<04405> were now<0645> written<03789>(8735)! oh that<05414>(8799) they were printed<02710>(8714) in a book<05612>! {Oh...: Heb. Who will give, etc}註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:24用鐵<01270><09002><05842>鐫刻<02672>(8735),用鉛<05777>灌在磐石<09002><06697>上,直存到永遠<09001><05703>That they were graven<02672>(8735) with an iron<01270> pen<05842> and lead<05777> in the rock<06697> for ever<05703>!註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:25<0589>知道<03045>(8804)我的救贖主<01350>(8802)活著<02416>,末了<0314>必站立<06965>(8799)<05921>地上<06083>For I know<03045>(8804) that my redeemer<01350>(8802) liveth<02416>, and that he shall stand<06965>(8799) at the latter<0314> day upon the earth<06083>:註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:26我這<02063>皮肉<05785>滅絕<05362>(8765)之後<0310>,我必在肉體<04480><01320>之外得見<02372>(8799) 神<0433>And though after<0310> my skin<05785> worms destroy<05362>(8765) this body , yet in my flesh<01320> shall I see<02372>(8799) God<0433>: {And...: or, After I shall awake, though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh}註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏
19:27{<0834>}我<0589>自己<09001>要見<02372>(8799)他,親眼<05869>要看<07200>(8804)他,並不<03808>像外人<02114>(8801)。我的心腸<03629>在我裡面<09002><02436>消滅了<03615>(8804)Whom I shall see<02372>(8799) for myself, and mine eyes<05869> shall behold<07200>(8804), and not another<02114>(8801); though my reins<03629> be consumed<03615>(8804) within<02436> me. {another: Heb. a stranger} {though...: or, my reins within me are consumed with earnest desire (for that day)} {within...: Heb. in my bosom}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:28你們若<03588><0559>(8799):我們逼迫<07291>(8799)<09001>要何等<04100>地重呢?惹事<01697>的根<08328>乃在乎<04672>(8738)<09002>But ye should say<0559>(8799), Why persecute<07291>(8799) we him, seeing the root<08328> of the matter<01697> is found<04672>(8738) in me? {seeing...: or, and what root of matter is found in me?}註釋 串珠 原文 典藏
19:29你們<09001>就當懼怕<01481>(8798){<04480>}{<06440>}刀劍<02719>;因為<03588>忿怒<02534>惹動刀劍<02719>的刑罰<05771>,使<09001><04616>你們知道<03045>(8799)有報應(原文是審判<01779>(8675)<01779>)。Be ye afraid<01481>(8798) of the sword<02719>: for wrath<02534> bringeth the punishments<05771> of<06440> the sword<02719>, that ye may know<03045>(8799) there is a judgment<01779>(8675)<01779>.註釋 串珠 字典 原文 典藏

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