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12:1 (大衛的<09001><01732><04210>,交與伶長<09001><05329>(8764)。調用<05921>第八<08067>。)耶和華<03068>啊,求你幫助<03467>(8685),因<03588>虔誠人<02623>斷絕了<01584>(8804);{<03588>}世人中間的<04480><01121><0120>忠信人<0539>(8803)沒有了<06461>(8804)
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764) upon Sheminith<08067>, A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Help<03467>(8685), LORD<03068>; for the godly man<02623> ceaseth<01584>(8804); for the faithful<0539>(8803) fail<06461>(8804) from among the children<01121> of men<0120>. {upon...: or, upon the eighth} {Help: or, Save}
12:2 人人<0376><0854>鄰舍<07453><01696>(8762)<07723>;他們說話<01696>(8762),是嘴唇<08193>油滑<02513>,心口不一<09002><03820><03820>
They speak<01696>(8762) vanity<07723> every one<0376> with his neighbour<07453>: with flattering<02513> lips<08193> and with a double<03820> heart<03820> do they speak<01696>(8762). {a double...: Heb. an heart and an heart}
The LORD<03068> shall cut off<03772>(8686) all flattering<02513> lips<08193>, and the tongue<03956> that speaketh<01696>(8764) proud<01419> things: {proud: Heb. great}
12:4 他們<0834>曾說<0559>(8804):我們必能以舌頭<09001><03956>得勝<01396>(8686);我們的嘴唇<08193>是我們自己的<0854>,誰<04310>能作我們的<09001><0113>呢?
Who have said<0559>(8804), With our tongue<03956> will we prevail<01396>(8686); our lips<08193> are our own: who is lord<0113> over us? {are...: Heb. are with us}
12:5 耶和華<03068><0559>(8799):因為困苦人<06041>的冤屈<04480><07701>和貧窮人<034>的歎息<04480><0603>,我現在<06258>要起來<06965>(8799),把他安置<07896>(8799)在他<09001>所切慕<06315>(8686)的穩妥之地<09002><03468>
For the oppression<07701> of the poor<06041>, for the sighing<0603> of the needy<034>, now will I arise<06965>(8799), saith<0559>(8799) the LORD<03068>; I will set<07896>(8799) him in safety<03468> from him that puffeth<06315>(8686) at him. {puffeth...: or, would ensnare him}
12:6 耶和華<03068>的言語<0565>是純淨<02889>的言語<0565>,如同銀子<03701>在泥<09001><0776>爐中<09002><05948>煉過<06884>(8803)<02212>(8794)七次<07659>
The words<0565> of the LORD<03068> are pure<02889> words<0565>: as silver<03701> tried<06884>(8803) in a furnace<05948> of earth<0776>, purified<02212>(8794) seven times<07659>.
12:7 耶和華<03068>啊,你<0859>必保護他們<08104>(8799);你必保佑他們<05341>(8799)永遠<09001><05769>脫離<04480><02098>世代的人<01755>
Thou shalt keep<08104>(8799) them, O LORD<03068>, thou shalt preserve<05341>(8799) them from this<02098> generation<01755> for ever<05769>. {them from: Heb. him, etc: that is, every one of them, etc}
12:8 下流人<02149>在世人中<09001><01121><0120>升高<09003><07311>(8800),就有惡人<07563>到處<05439>遊行<01980>(8691)
The wicked<07563> walk<01980>(8691) on every side<05439>, when the vilest<02149> men<01121><0120> are exalted<07311>(8800). {men: Heb. of the sons of the men}

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