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My soul<05315> is weary<05354>(8804) of my life<02416>; I will leave<05800>(8799) my complaint<07879> upon myself; I will speak<01696>(8762) in the bitterness<04751> of my soul<05315>. {weary...: or, cut off while I live}
I will say<0559>(8799) unto God<0433>, Do not condemn<07561>(8686) me; shew<03045>(8685) me wherefore thou contendest<07378>(8799) with me.
10:3 你手<03709>所造<03018>的,你又<03588>欺壓<06231>(8799),又<03588>藐視<03988>(8799),卻光照<03313>(8689){<05921>}惡人<07563>的計謀<06098>。這事你<09001>以為美<02896>嗎?
Is it good<02895>(8804) unto thee that thou shouldest oppress<06231>(8799), that thou shouldest despise<03988>(8799) the work<03018> of thine hands<03709>, and shine<03313>(8689) upon the counsel<06098> of the wicked<07563>? {work: Heb. labour}
10:4 你的<09001><05869>豈是肉<01320>眼?你查看<07200>(8799)<0518>像人<0582>查看<09003><07200>(8800)嗎?
Hast thou eyes<05869> of flesh<01320>? or seest<07200>(8799) thou as man<0582> seeth<07200>(8800)?
10:5 你的日子<03117>豈像人<0582>的日子<09003><03117>,你的年歲<08141><0518>像人<01397>的年歲<09003><03117>
Are thy days<03117> as the days<03117> of man<0582>? are thy years<08141> as man's<01397> days<03117>,
That thou enquirest<01245>(8762) after mine iniquity<05771>, and searchest<01875>(8799) after my sin<02403>?
10:7 其實,{<05921>}你知道<01847>{<03588>}我沒有<03808>罪惡<07561>(8799),並沒有<0369>能救我<05337>(8688)脫離你手<04480><03027>的。
Thou knowest<01847> that I am not wicked<07561>(8799); and there is none that can deliver<05337>(8688) out of thine hand<03027>. {Thou...: Heb. It is upon thy knowledge}
10:8 你的手<03027>創造我<06087>(8765),造就<06213>(8799){<03162>}我的四肢百體<05439>,你還要毀滅我<01104>(8762)
Thine hands<03027> have made<06087>(8765) me and fashioned<06213>(8799) me together<03162> round about<05439>; yet thou dost destroy<01104>(8762) me. {have...: Heb. took pains about me}
Remember<02142>(8798), I beseech thee, that thou hast made<06213>(8804) me as the clay<02563>; and wilt thou bring<07725><00> me into dust<06083> again<07725>(8686)?
10:10 你不是<03808>倒出我<05413>(8686)來好像奶<09003><02461>,使我凝結<07087>(8686)如同奶餅<09003><01385>嗎?
Hast thou not poured me out<05413>(8686) as milk<02461>, and curdled<07087>(8686) me like cheese<01385>?
10:11 你以皮<05785>和肉<01320>為衣給我穿上<03847>(8686),用骨<09002><06106>與筋<01517>把我全體聯絡<05526>(8787)
Thou hast clothed<03847>(8686) me with skin<05785> and flesh<01320>, and hast fenced<07753>(8787) me with bones<06106> and sinews<01517>. {fenced: Heb. hedged}
10:12 你將生命<02416>和慈愛<02617><06213>(8804)給我<05978>;你也眷顧<06486>保全<08104>(8804)我的心靈<07307>
Thou hast granted<06213>(8804) me life<02416> and favour<02617>, and thy visitation<06486> hath preserved<08104>(8804) my spirit<07307>.
10:13 然而,你待我的這些事<0428>早已藏<06845>(8804)在你心裡<09002><03824>;我知道<03045>(8804){<03588>}你<05973>久有此<02063>意。
And these things hast thou hid<06845>(8804) in thine heart<03824>: I know<03045>(8804) that this is with thee.
10:14 我若<0518>犯罪<02398>(8804),你就察看我<08104>(8804),並不<03808>赦免<05352>(8762)我的罪孽<04480><05771>
If I sin<02398>(8804), then thou markest<08104>(8804) me, and thou wilt not acquit<05352>(8762) me from mine iniquity<05771>.
10:15 我若<0518>行惡<07561>(8804),便有了禍<0480>{<09001>};我若為義<06663>(8804),也不<03808>敢抬<05375>(8799)<07218>,正是滿心<07649>羞愧<07036>,眼見<07202>(8798)(8676)<07200>(8798)我的苦情<06040>
If I be wicked<07561>(8804), woe<0480> unto me; and if I be righteous<06663>(8804), yet will I not lift up<05375>(8799) my head<07218>. I am full<07649> of confusion<07036>; therefore see<07202>(8798)(8676)<07200>(8798) thou mine affliction<06040>;
10:16 我若昂首自得<01342>(8799),你就追捕我<06679>(8799)如獅子<09003><07826>,又<07725>(8799)在我身上<09002>顯出奇能<06381>(8691)
For it increaseth<01342>(8799). Thou huntest<06679>(8799) me as a fierce lion<07826>: and again<07725>(8799) thou shewest thyself marvellous<06381>(8691) upon me.
10:17 你重立<02318>(8762)見證<05707>攻擊我<05048>,向我<05978>加增<07235>(8686)惱怒<03708>,如軍兵<06635>更換著<02487>攻擊我<05973>
Thou renewest<02318>(8762) thy witnesses<05707> against me, and increasest<07235>(8686) thine indignation<03708> upon me<05978>; changes<02487> and war<06635> are against me. {witnesses: that is, plagues}
10:18 你為何<09001><04100>使我出<03318>(8689)母胎<04480><07358>呢?不如我當時氣絕<01478>(8799),無<03808>人{<05869>}得見我<07200>(8799)
Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth<03318>(8689) out of the womb<07358>? Oh that I had given up the ghost<01478>(8799), and no eye<05869> had seen<07200>(8799) me!
10:19 這樣<01961>,就如<09003><0834><03808>有我<01961>一般,一出母胎<04480><0990>就被送<02986>(8714)入墳墓<09001><06913>
I should have been as though I had not been; I should have been carried<02986>(8714) from the womb<0990> to the grave<06913>.
10:20 我的日子<03117>不是<03808>甚少<04592>嗎?求你停<02308>(8798)(8675)<02308>(8799)手寬容<07896>(8798)(8675)<07896>(8799)<04480>,叫我在往<03212>(8799)而不<03808><07725>(8799)之先<09002><02962>─就是往<0413>黑暗<02822>和死蔭<06757>之地<0776>以先─可以稍得<04592>暢快<01082>(8686)
Are not my days<03117> few<04592>? cease<02308>(8798)(8675)<02308>(8799) then, and let me alone<07896>(8798)(8675)<07896>(8799), that I may take comfort<01082>(8686) a little<04592>,
10:21 【併於上節】
Before I go<03212>(8799) whence I shall not return<07725>(8799), even to the land<0776> of darkness<02822> and the shadow of death<06757>;
10:22 那地<0776>甚是<03644>幽暗<05890><0652>,是死蔭<06757>混沌<03808><05468>之地;那裡的光<03313>(8686)好像<03644>幽暗<0652>
A land<0776> of darkness<05890>, as darkness<0652> itself; and of the shadow of death<06757>, without any order<05468>, and where the light<03313>(8686) is as darkness<0652>.

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