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3:1 凡事<09001><03605>都有定期<02165>,天<08064><08478><09001><03605><02656>都有定時<06256>
To every thing there is a season<02165>, and a time<06256> to every purpose<02656> under the heaven<08064>:
A time<06256> to be born<03205>(8800), and a time<06256> to die<04191>(8800); a time<06256> to plant<05193>(8800), and a time<06256> to pluck up<06131>(8800) that which is planted<05193>(8803); {to be...: Heb. to bear}
3:3 殺戮<09001><02026>(8800)有時<06256>,醫治<09001><07495>(8800)有時<06256>;拆毀<09001><06555>(8800)有時<06256>,建造<09001><01129>(8800)有時<06256>
A time<06256> to kill<02026>(8800), and a time<06256> to heal<07495>(8800); a time<06256> to break down<06555>(8800), and a time<06256> to build up<01129>(8800);
A time<06256> to weep<01058>(8800), and a time<06256> to laugh<07832>(8800); a time<06256> to mourn<05594>(8800), and a time<06256> to dance<07540>(8800);
3:5 拋擲<09001><07993>(8687)石頭<068>有時<06256>,堆聚<03664>(8800)石頭<068>有時<06256>;懷抱<09001><02263>(8800)有時<06256>,不<09001><07368>(8800)懷抱<04480><02263>(8763)有時<06256>
A time<06256> to cast away<07993>(8687) stones<068>, and a time<06256> to gather<03664><00> stones<068> together<03664>(8800); a time<06256> to embrace<02263>(8800), and a time<06256> to refrain<07368>(8800) from embracing<02263>(8763); {to refrain from: Heb. to be far from}
3:6 尋找<09001><01245>(8763)有時<06256>,失落<09001><06>(8763)有時<06256>;保守<09001><08104>(8800)有時<06256>,捨棄<09001><07993>(8687)有時<06256>
A time<06256> to get<01245>(8763), and a time<06256> to lose<06>(8763); a time<06256> to keep<08104>(8800), and a time<06256> to cast away<07993>(8687); {get: or, seek}
3:7 撕裂<09001><07167>(8800)有時<06256>,縫補<09001><08609>(8800)有時<06256>;靜默<09001><02814>(8800)有時<06256>,言語<09001><01696>(8763)有時<06256>
A time<06256> to rend<07167>(8800), and a time<06256> to sew<08609>(8800); a time<06256> to keep silence<02814>(8800), and a time<06256> to speak<01696>(8763);
3:8 喜愛<09001><0157>(8800)有時<06256>,恨惡<09001><08130>(8800)有時<06256>;爭戰<04421>有時<06256>,和好<07965>有時<06256>
A time<06256> to love<0157>(8800), and a time<06256> to hate<08130>(8800); a time<06256> of war<04421>, and a time<06256> of peace<07965>.
3:9 這樣看來,做事的人<06213>(8802)<09002><0834><01931>的勞碌<06001>上有甚麼<04100>益處<03504>呢?
What profit<03504> hath he that worketh<06213>(8802) in that wherein<0834> he laboureth<06001>?
3:10 我見<07200>(8804){<0853>}上帝<0430><05414>(8804)世人<09001><01121><0120>勞苦<06045>,{<0834>}使他們在其中<09002>受經練<09001><06031>(8800)
I have seen<07200>(8804) the travail<06045>, which God<0430> hath given<05414>(8804) to the sons<01121> of men<0120> to be exercised<06031>(8800) in it.
3:11 上帝<0430><06213>(8804){<0853>}萬物<03605>,各按其時<09002><06256>成為美好<03303>,又<01571><0853>永生(原文是永遠<05769>)安置<05414>(8804)在世人心裡<09002><03820>。然而<0834><04480><01097>{<0853>}上帝<0430>從始<04480><07218><05704><05490><0834><06213>(8804)<04639>,人<0120>不能<03808>參透<04672>(8799)
He hath made<06213>(8804) every thing beautiful<03303> in his time<06256>: also he hath set<05414>(8804) the world<05769> in their heart<03820>, so that<01097> no man<0120> can find out<04672>(8799) the work<04639> that God<0430> maketh<06213>(8804) from the beginning<07218> to the end<05490>.
3:12 我知道<03045>(8804)世人<09002>{<03588>},莫<0369><02896>{<03588>}如<0518>終身<09002><02416>喜樂<09001><08055>(8800)<09001><06213>(8800)<02896>
I know<03045>(8804) that there is no good<02896> in them, but for a man to rejoice<08055>(8800), and to do<06213>(8800) good<02896> in his life<02416>.
3:13 並且<01571>人人<03605><0120><07945><0398>(8799)<08354>(8804),在他一切<09002><03605>勞碌<05999>中享<07200>(8804)<02896>,這也是<01931>上帝<0430>的恩賜<04991>
And also that every man<0120> should eat<0398>(8799) and drink<08354>(8804), and enjoy<07200>(8804) the good<02896> of all his labour<05999>, it is the gift<04991> of God<0430>.
3:14 我知道<03045>(8804){<03588>}上帝<0430>一切<03605><0834><06213>(8799)的都必<01931><01961>永存<09001><05769>;無<0369>所增添<09001><03254>(8687){<05921>},無<0369>所減少<09001><01639>(8800){<04480>}。上帝<0430>這樣行<06213>(8804),是要人在他面前<04480><09001><06440>存敬畏<07945><03372>(8799)的心。
I know<03045>(8804) that, whatsoever God<0430> doeth<06213>(8799), it shall be for ever<05769>: nothing<0369> can be put<03254>(8687) to it, nor any thing taken<01639>(8800) from it: and God<0430> doeth<06213>(8804) it , that men should fear<03372>(8799) before<06440> him.
3:15 現今的事<04100><07945><01961>早先<03528>就有了<01931>,將來的事<0834><09001><01961>早已<03528>也有了<01961>,並且上帝<0430>使已過的事重新再來(或譯:並且上帝再尋回<01245>(8762){<0853>}已過的事<07291>(8737))。
That which hath been is now<03528>; and that which is to be hath already<03528> been; and God<0430> requireth<01245>(8762) that which is past<07291>(8737). {that which is past: Heb. that which is driven away}
3:16 我又<05750><07200>(8804)日光<08121>之下<08478>,在審判<04941>之處<04725>有{<08033>}奸惡<07562>,在公義<06664>之處<04725>也有{<08033>}奸惡<07562>
And moreover I saw<07200>(8804) under the sun<08121> the place<04725> of judgment<04941>, that wickedness<07562> was there; and the place<04725> of righteousness<06664>, that iniquity<07562> was there.
I said<0559>(8804) in mine heart<03820>, God<0430> shall judge<08199>(8799) the righteous<06662> and the wicked<07563>: for there is a time<06256> there for every purpose<02656> and for every work<04639>.
I said<0559>(8804) in mine heart<03820> concerning the estate<01700> of the sons<01121> of men<0120>, that God<0430> might manifest<01305>(8800) them, and that they might see<07200>(8800) that they<01992> themselves are beasts<0929>. {that God...: or, that they might clear God, and see, etc}
3:19 因為<03588>世人<01121><0120>遭遇的<04745>,獸<0929>也遭遇<04745>,所遭遇的<04745>都是一樣<0259>{<09001>}:這個<02088>怎樣死<09003><04194>,那個<02088>也怎樣<03651><04194>,氣息<07307><09001><03605>是一樣<0259>。人<0120>不能<0369><04195><04480><0929>,{<03588>}都<03605>是虛空<01892>
For that which befalleth<04745> the sons<01121> of men<0120> befalleth<04745> beasts<0929>; even one thing<0259> befalleth<04745> them: as the one dieth<04194>, so dieth<04194> the other<02088>; yea, they have all one<0259> breath<07307>; so that a man<0120> hath no preeminence<04195> above a beast<0929>: for all is vanity<01892>.
All go<01980>(8802) unto one<0259> place<04725>; all are of the dust<06083>, and all turn<07725><00> to dust<06083> again<07725>(8804).
Who knoweth<03045>(8802) the spirit<07307> of man<01121><0120> that goeth<05927>(8802) upward<04605>, and the spirit<07307> of the beast<0929> that goeth<03381>(8802) downward<04295> to the earth<0776>? {of man: Heb. of the sons of man} {goeth upward: Heb. is ascending, etc}
3:22 故此<03588>,我見<07200>(8804)<0120><0369><02896><04480><0834>在他經營的事上<09002><04639>喜樂<08055>(8799),因為<03588>這是<01931>他的分<02506>。{<03588>}他身後<0310><07945><01961><09002><04100><04310>能使他回來<0935>(8686)得見<09001><07200>(8800)呢?
Wherefore I perceive<07200>(8804) that there is nothing better<02896>, than that a man<0120> should rejoice<08055>(8799) in his own works<04639>; for that is his portion<02506>: for who shall bring<0935>(8686) him to see<07200>(8800) what shall be after<0310> him?

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